The next day, I woke up to Tubbo spamming me with calls.

I picked up with my morning voice.

"Hello?" I answered kinda annoyed.

"Did I woke you up?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes." I replied. "What do you need Tubbo?"

"Im streaming and I want company." Tubbo said making me open my eyes.

"Jeez." I replied as I sat up. "I gotta go to the bathroom, hold on."

"Alright, Ill wait for you here." Tubbo said as I put down my phone to go to the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I went downstairs and put some bread on the toaster and I brewed tea while I wait.

My parents aren't awake yet then I realized what time it was. It was 5 freaking am.

The toast finished and I grabbed my toast and tea up to my room.

I picked up my phone from my bed and put it on speaker.

"Tubbo." I said sternly.

"Oh hey, youre back!" Tubbo said excitedly.

"Why did you wake me up at 5 am." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Wait! Is it really 5 am for you?" Tubbo said followed by his laugh.

"YES!" I shouted at my phone but not that loud that will make parents abruptly wake up and be mad me.

"Im sorry!" Tubbo said still laughing.

I opened my pc to see what he was up to in his stream. He was playing on the SMP. I decided to join in the SMP too while I eat my toast and drink my tea.

I spawned in my house where I last left. The people on the server was Phil, Tubbo and of course Foolish.

"Dang does Foolish even leave the server?" I said as I checked the player list.

"I don't think he even sleeps." Tubbo replied.

"I'll stick to that statement." I replied. "Ill switch to discord Tubbo brb."

I hung up on call from my phone and switched to discord on my pc.

"Back." I said as I joined back in the call.

I did nothing much on the server. I was just cleaning up the server because I was in the mood to build or place blocks.

A little bit later, Tommy texted me and it made my phone and my pc made a discord sound.

'Hey, you're up early' is what he messaged me.

I picked up my phone and texted him back,

Yeah Tubbo woke me up.

What was his reasoning?

Hell knows what. He woke me up at 5 am.

He said he wanted company.


Wanna come hang?

Yeah sure. You comin on the server?

Yeah Ill come on the server in a bit.

Okay okay see ya in a bit.

"I think Tommy is coming in a bit." I said as I settled my phone on my desk.

"Oh cool," Tubbo replied sounding like he has a smile on his face. I look at his screen and he does.

"What's the smile for?" I asked still tired.

"Can't I be happy?" Tubbo answered back.

"You don't go smiley like that when Ranboo joins our call." I said sternly.

"Im just excited!" Tubbo replied all excited. I saw him looking at his second monitor on his left where his discord is opened smiling.

"Just shut up Tubbo." I said sounding annoying but with a smile on my face.

Tommy joined a little bit later. He was the same like how he was when he was feeling down. I didn't ask about it, maybe he just needs help from us, his friends, to cheer up.

A few hours later he was still the same. He then decided to leave the call saying goodbye to us. I decided to follow after him and try to talk.

"Tubbo, Im gonna go now too. Got some stuff to do." I told Tubbo after Tommy left. I assume that he knows what I will be doing is something related to my family moving but its not that.

"Alright, catch up with you later." Tubbo replied.

"Bye, Tubs!"


I exited the vc and went ahead to dm Tommy.

Hey Tommy Toms

Dont call me that

Ill call you what I want

Whats wrong? You have been acting like that for the past two hours.

I mean, nothing is wrong.

I demand that we get into a call right now.

I mean if thats okay with you.

Sure, thats totally okay with me but would it be alright if I get you phone number instead? Im gonna turn off my pc and walk around outside.

Alright, here

I gave him my phone number then he immediately texted me.

Unknown Number
Hey this is Tommy

Hey, this is Y/N :)

I saved his phone number in my contacts and named it 'Tommay'

We good to call?

Yep, Ill go change to walk outside too. Ive been inside my room for so long.

Gotcha, ill wait for you. Call me when you ready

I changed into a sweater and sweatpants. Even if it was already around 8 am, it was still fairly cold. When I finished changing, I called Tommy, he answered immediately.

"Hey" Tommy greeted and I can hear him smile.

"Hey," I answered back. "You seemed happy all of a sudden, aye?"

"Well, I get to talk to my best friend." Tommy replied still with the same happy tone.

I blushed a little, we have been friends for a while now and this was the first time he called me his best friend.

"Thanks," I replied smiling. "Are you outside already?"

"Well, putting on my shoes, Im by the door already." He replied.

I walked down the stairs and told my parents Im heading out for a walk. They told me to take care and went out the door.

"So, what ya wanna talk about?" I asked as I closed the front door and looked up at the sky. It was still cool outside and the sun rays doesn't burn my skin that much.

"Well, I don't know." Tommy said. "Maybe tell me about the lore for your character? You said you have been writing about it."

"Ohh yeah, I have been writing about it." I replied.

We continued to talk about the lore for my character while I walked towards a nearby park and sat on an available bench and watched some kids and some dogs playing. I took a photo and posted it on my Instagram to give some content, it has been dry for a month now.


Tubbo POV

After I streamed, I messaged Ranboo.


Yes Tubbo?

Y/N left me for Tommy in stream today :(


Let them have fun on their own

Ill let them hang out if you hang out with me

We hang out normally already

To be fair, you are missing sometimes. I woke up Y/N today at 5 am, I didn't expect them to answer but they stayed in call.

Let the poor person sleep next time Tubbo.

Its not my fault, they answered :)

Jeez Tubbo
