When I was around 14, I had feelings for this guy from my school.
I liked him a lot and it lasted for atleast 6 months and almost all my friends knew about it.

One day, he just showed interest in me. Like his actions were showing that he has interest in me. I didnt believe it at first when my friends told me but then he went up to me and told me that he does like me and I told him I like him too.

We got to know more about each other and we started dating a few weeks after and our parents supported us. It was a nice feeling to have someone love you but I was wrong about him.

He was manipulative though, he makes me do his homework and do things for his own good. He even skips classes and asks me what the lesson was about. He doesnt hurt me but he threathens me that if I ever say something or break up with him, he will not hesitate to hurt me so I was afraid to do anything and just followed what he want.

When it was our first month together, we hung out at my old house's rooftop, I set up everything for us. There was some amazing food my mom prepared. I was scared at first that he might not show up but he did.

We stared at the sunset, it was a pink sunset. It was beautiful. We were staring at the sunset and then he held my chin to make me look at him and he took my first kiss. In front of the sunset at our first monthsary.

The next day, he just didnt paid attention to me anymore, even at school. I was confused, I didnt do anything wrong. I tried to talk to him but he avoided me. It lasted for a few days and I never got an answer from him directly. Im heartbroken from what he has done but I still cant help to think if I did do something wrong and it was my fault and not him.

My confidence deteriorated and I became more self conscious until my friend told me that she heard his friend group. He lost on a bet between their friendship and he never really loved me. He will just take my first kiss and dump me like nothing happened. He threathened to hurt me when I leave him or speak up because he was scared to lose their bet with his friends. I thought he was nice and kind like I first knew him, but he was a jerk deep inside.

I was crushed, heartbroken. I ran home and told my mom everything and that I want to stay at home. My mom homeschooled me for the rest of the year and transferred me the next school year.

While Im being homeschooled, thats where I found interest in streaming. It was my happiness thats why my parents are really supportive of me doing it. They supported me all the way. When my ex found out that I became a famous streamer, he wanted me back. Of course, I was still hurt from what happened, I ignored him.

"Thats, why." I replied.

"Is that why when we went to that park you were staring at the pink sunset?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"What an asshole." Tommy said with calm anger in his tone.

"Yeah he is." I replied as tears started to fall down.

"Hey hey hey." Tommy cupped my face and made me look at him and he smiled, "Its okay."

I hugged him and I cried in his arms. He hugged me tight and made circle like motions on my back to comfort me.

I fell asleep a little bit later because I was tired from crying.

Tommy POV

We just hugged on their balcony until I felt their breathing calm down meaning they fell asleep.

I sighed and I carefully carried them to their bed. I placed them carefully and I laid down next to them. I still rubbed circles on their back to let them know that I am still beside them.

I felt bad for them, they went through that trauma and that pain. It was their first love and that jerk took their first kiss and acted like it was nothing. Im getting angry for how Y/N told their story. Now I understood why they can never admit their feelings, theyre afraid of me doing the same, but I would never. Theyre too precious to even feel that kind of pain and torture. While they try to discover their feelings, I will give my best to show them that I love them dearly.

My phone in my pocket made a ding sound and I checked what it is. It was Tubbo asking me if they can come over. They were bored and just finished streaming. I cant decline them, even if I did, this isnt my house and they are walking distance so they can come anytime.

Well. Y/N is asleep.

Did she just fell asleep?

Yeah, she was crying.

What? Why?
We are coming over. Wait for us there.

Tubbo you dont need to.

He didnt read my last message and then I heard a knock from the front door. I could hear them call from the front door through Y/N's balcony.

I dialed Tubbo's number let him know I cant open the door. They came in and headed to Y/N's room and saw her hugging me by my waist and my arm under her head.

I saw Tubbo get excited and I told him to shut up.

"What happened?" Ranboo asked.

"They remembered their past boyfriend." I replied. "It scarred them so much that even a memory of it makes them cry."

"Poor Y/N." Tubbo said as he sat down on the end of the bed.

"Hey Tommy wanna have a chat?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah sure but how about Y/N?" I asked.

"I can take care of her." Tubbo volunteered.

I smiled and slowly moved away from their touch. They tried to make me stay but they eventually let me go. Tubbo sat down beside them and ran his fingers through their hair playing with it.

Ranboo told me to go to the balcony to talk. I followed him there and closed the blacony door.

"So?" I started. "Whats up?"

"Tommy, do you like them?" Ranboo asked as he rested him arms on the railing.

I asked myself, do I really like them? I mean, I kissed them twice now and we cuddled to sleep last night.

"You have to be sure Tommy." Ranboo spoke again breaking me out of my short trance. "You saw how their ex treated them. They lost trust in admitting their feelings to anyone again."

"I know." I replied, "I want to make them happy and I want to prove to them that I wont be like that jerk."

"Tommy, Ill ask you again." Ranboo continued, "Do you love them?"
