After my stream, we all just hung out in discord. We got to know more about each other. A few more hours after I hosted Ranboo, he ended his stream. After he ended, we all just talked on discord, and a little bit later, Niki had to go because she was becoming sleepy. It was already sunrise in the UK and Tubbo, still awake. Me, Tubbo and Ranboo just talked and we lose track of time. It was basically night for me, but morning to Tubbo. A little later, Tommy joined the call. He greeted us and he noticed I was new.

"Oh hey Y/U/N, youre new arent you?" He asked

"Mhm, how ya doing Tommy?" I answered.

"Im doing great! What have ya'll been talking about?" He asked.

Ranboo and Tubbo then proceeded to answer his question what we have been talking about.

"Tommy when are you gonna stream again?" I asked him

"This weekend probably." He answered taking a sip of his coke. "Why?"

"Just wondering when you'll be streaming again." I answered.


We continued out conversation until me and Ranboo had to sleep. I think Tubbo and Tommy went off of discord a few minutes after we left to sleep.

I woke up to the sun shining through my windows again.

"School day again" I sighed as I got off of my bed to go to the bathroom.

While doing my usual 'going to school' routine, I can't help but smile of all the memories I just made with my new friends in Dream SMP. The late night talks and the funny jokes we gave each other.

While remembering the lame jokes and memories we shared in such short amount of time, I didn't realize I was already walking down the stairs to sit at the dining table.

"You seem to be in a good mood." My dad saying making me snap to reality again.

"O-Oh yeah dad, Ive made many friends last night." I answered with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah I saw on your stream, you seem you enjoyed yourself." He said then taking a sip from his mug of coffee.

"Why wouldnt I be? I got invited to the group I have been idolizing ever since it started!" I said ecstatically

"Heh, Im glad your having fun with the career you chose. That is whats important" He said.

"Thanks dad" I said with a smile on my face.

The feeling of my mom and dad being really supportive of the career I chose is honestly the best feeling ever if you're going to ask me.

My mom then sat down at the dining table across from me and placed the breakfast she cooked. Its different than usual, my mom usually prepares buttered toast or anyting that has to do with bread, but this time, she prepared bacon and eggs.

"This is new" I said grabbing a plate for myself.

"Thought I might celebrate you joining that SMP" my mom answered smiling.

I chuckled. "Thanks mom, I really appreaciate it"

"No problem honey" she said with a calm smile on her face.

While eating, I received a notif on my phone. It was a message from Ranboo in discord.

Hey Y/N

Yeah whats up?

Are you gonna stream later today?

Nuh uh, just gonna grind and work on my house probably

Where are u gonna build ur house?

Idk, probably snowchester?

Cool cool, Ill help you later on my stream if thats okay with you?

Yeah! That would be great!

Alright see ya later then!

Aight aight see ya!

"Who's that?" My mom asked.

"Oh its Ranboo, a friend I made from the SMP" I answered as I put my phone away.

"Ohhh, okay, go eat now it'll get cold" my mom telling me to eat my food.

I gladly ate the food and of course, it was bomb.

I finished my food and then I went ahead and said goodbye to my parents. As I was walking to school, my phone vibrated meaning I got a notif. I took my phone out and saw that it was from Tommy.

Hello Y/U/N

Oh gosh stop, I can hear you saying that to me. You already know my name just call me it.

Alright, what ya up to?

Walking to school why?

Ahh, do you wanna vc while you go to school?

Yeah sure why not :D

After that, Tommy and I vc'ed and just talked about what we can do while on the SMP, people do know that Tommy hasn't met me yet, so we decided to do a little act while on stream.

"Alright what if you join on the server before I join this weekend to stream?" Tommy asked starting up the conversation about the act we are gonna do.

"Like Im just gonna chill with Ranboo while you are streaming in the SMP? Then you're gonna see my user on tab and then ask your chat 'Who is this?!' Is that what we are gonna do?" I asked.

"Did you just read my mind?" Tommy said jokingly.

I laughed. "Im a fan Tommy, I know how you do this kinds of stuff. You even did it with Ranboo."

"I suppose so," He replied. "So you in?"

"Hell yeah, Tommyinnit." I replied with emphasis on his name.

He laughed and I laughed.

We talked more after that I didn't realize I was at my school already.

"Alright Tommy, imma head out, Im at school. Talk to you later, yeah?" I said.

"Yeah, talk to you later. See ya" Tommy replied. I can hear him smiling, he seems excited of our plan.

"See ya Tommy." I replied with a smile on my face as I hung up.

I entered the school premises and a few students in the lower level rushed up to me saying they watched my stream and it was amazing that they get to see me hanging out with Ranboo and Tubbo. I thanked then for the support and some of them asked for my autograph too. I didn't mind tho, it was really cool to interact with fans. But besides the happiness of meeting fans, I can't wait to have more interaction with Tommy.
