"The UK."

Two words that keep replaying in my mind. I can't believe it. My family and I will live in the UK for my dad's work. Ill get the chance to meet Tubbo and Tommy in real life!

According to my parents, they have been arranging the stuff needed for us living in another country the whole week. They told my school that I will be dropping out and I probably wont be coming back. My dad's company took responsibilty to where we are gonna live in the UK. My dad asked me where we want to live, I told him that Ill ask my friends who lives in the UK so that we can live near them.

I messaged Tubbo on discord.

Hey Tubzo!

Hey! Whats up?

Would it be cool if we hop on vc?

Yeah sure gimme a few seconds, wait for me there

Sounds good!

I joined the vc and waited for Tubbo. After a few minutes, Tubbo joined.

"Hey Y/N!" Tubbo greeted.

"Heyyyy!!" I greeted him back. "So, uh, I got something to ask ya."

"Yeah?" Tubbo replied.

"Well, I don't have anything to ask, instead some GREAT news to tell you." I said with emphasis on 'great'.

"Oooh what is it?" Tubbo answered sounding really interested.

I explained to him what my parents have told me during dinner. He was so happy, and excited to see me in real life.

"WHAT, REALLY??" Tubbo said basically shouting.

"Yes!!" I replied. "My dad asked me where in the UK do we wanna live and I was wondering if you know where we can go?"

"You can always live in Brighton, its where I live and I know a few houses that are available." Tubbo replied.

"Wait really?! That's great!" I replied happily and almost jumping off of my chair. "Ill go tell my parents alright? Ill be right back!"

I took my headphones off right away amd ran downstairs.

"DAD!" I shouted. They were still on the dining table just arranging some stuff.

"Yes, kiddo?" My dad asked. "No need to shout."

I chuckled at his statement. "I know where we can live in the UK."

I explained what me and Tubbo have talked about and they requested if they could talk to Tubbo's parents for help. I asked Tubbo for their number so they could talk and Tubbo didn't hesitate giving it to me when he got the permission.

While our parents were talking downstairs, me and Tubbo were chilling in discord while he was preparing for an alt stream.

"Y/N?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah?" I replied as I stopped my chair from spinning around facing my pc. "What's up?"

"Have you told Tommy yet?" He asked. "What about Ranboo, does he know?"

"They both don't know yet," I said, "but we can tell Ranboo and then surprise Tommy when I get there, y'know?"

"That would be a great plan!" Tubbo excitedly answered.

"Yeah!" I answered with the same energy. "Ill go message Ranboo and ask him to join vc alright?"

"Sure, Ill set up the alt stream." He said as he deafened.

I replied with 'okay' out of reflexes even if he went deafened already. I messaged Ranboo afterwards, but he beat me to it.


What the heck

I was gonna message you.

I just called it.


You usually message me around this time.

Jeez, anyways, can you hop on vc with me and Tubbo? He wants you there.

Alright, imma just finish stuff then join

Aight, see ya.

When we finished talking, I waited for Tubbo to undeafen, he still isn't streaming so I dont know what he was doing.

Tubbo, undeafen you aint even live yet.

He undeafened afterwards then Ranboo joined. Perfect timimg.

"Hey guys" Ranboo greeted. "What's up?"

"We got some great news for ya big man." Tubbo said followed by an 'ow' because he accidentally hit his funny bone on his arm rest.

"Are you good Tubbo?" I asked worringly.

"Yeah, Im good. Anyways," Tubbo started.

We both explained the moving part and the surprise part. We planned that we add Ranboo in in the meet up since him and Tubbo will be meeting up soon.

"Well isnt that perfect aye?" I said. "The universe wants us to all see each other."

Ranboo lowered his mic and said "Or maybe you and To-" I didn't get to hear the rest of the sentence because his mic was really low.

"What?" I asked completely clueless.

I heard Tubbo face palm and Ranboo laughing histerically again.

"I don't get you two." I replied with an annoyed tone.

"Im gonna get ready to stream." Tubbo said breaking the short silence. "Ill deafen for a bit."

While Tubbo was away, me and Ranboo stayed silent for a bit. The only noise you can hear is me tapping my fingers against my table out of boredom.

"Hey." Ranboo said breaking the silence.

"Hey, sup?" I replied.

"When are you and your family gonna move to the UK?" He asked me.

"I dont know yet. They have been arranging the things needed this week." I replied. "They said that I can also just not show up at school anymore."

It somehow made Ranboo laughed.

"Well, when are you gonna go to the UK to meet Tubbo?" I asked him.

"2 weeks from now probably." He replied. "Still depends tho but thats when me and Tubbo are planning to meet up."

"Ahh, I see." I said standing up from my chair. "Ill go ask my parents. Ill be right back."

I went downstairs to ask them. They are still on the dining table with a few papers on it. I assume its some files from my dad's work.

"Hey dad?" I asked as I hop down the last two steps of the stairs.

"Yes?" He asked looking up to me.

"My friends are asking when are we moving." I said pointing my thumb up the stairs.

"Probably in a week or two." He replied. "Why?"

"My friends Tubbo and Ranboo were wondering when we are gonna move so we can set up a meet up."

"Ahh, tell them its probably in a week or two." My dad answered with a smile on his face.

"Okay! Thanks dad!" I said as I run back upstairs.

I got back into my room and sat down on my chair again. When I put on my headset again, I heard that Tubbo and Ranboo were talking.

"Oh she's back." Ranboo said.

"What?" I asked confused as I pull my chair closer to my desk.

Me and the two boys just fooled around as Tubbo streamed on his alt. They played CS:Go, played on some minecraft servers until Ranboo and I have to leave to sleep.
