

I woke up to Tommy's voice trying to wake me up.


"Hey! You're awake!" Tommy said ecstatically.

"H-Hey? Uhh-" I said confused.

"You fell asleep on call with me if you're wondering." He replied.

Then I remembered that he fell asleep first.

"I did, didn't I? But guess who fell asleep first?" I said with a smirk, even if he can't see me, I know he can tell with the tone of my voice.

"Oh- fuck off" Tommy said angrily.

"Yeah, yeah, says the one who decided to call me then sleep." I said still with a smirk on my face.

"You can't blame me, you're fun to talk to."

"Sure, Tommyinnit." I replied. "I think I'll go now Tommy, wanna call again later?"

"Yeah of course! See ya later then Y/U/N." He replied to me sounding cocky while saying my name.

"I deserve that, alright see ya!"

"See ya!"

I hung up then laid there for a few seconds. Just laying down flat, smiling at my ceiling, I don't know why but I felt happy, probably because I made another memory with a friend.

Ranboo made me stop from staring at the ceiling when he made my phone buzz.

"Hello?" I answered.

"So? How's your sleep?" He said with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"What? It was.. okay? W-Why are you asking?" I asked confused.

"I just thought you may have fallen asleep better because you had the Tommyinnit in call to fall asleep with." He replied and I can tell he has a smirk on his face.

"Oh fuck off." I replied to Ranboo giving off an annoyed tone. "He won't leave me alone even if I told him to sleep already. Also, HOW DID YOU KNOW?!"

"Sources." Ranboo replied still having that smirk that I can hear.

"In other words, its Tubbo, isn't it?"

"Maybe" He replied teasing me.

I hung up on him and I laughed even though he can't hear me and I know he is laughing as well even if I can't hear him.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see my parents chilling on the couch watching tv. Its their usual routine on a Sunday afternoon. I didn't bother them because today is the only time they get to spend time for themselves. I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich for myself. After I made a sandwich, I went back up to my room and sat at my desk to eat the sandwich I made. It was not as good as how my mom will make it but its good enough to satisfy my hunger. I opened my pc to watch something while I eat. I saw that Ranboo was streaming so I decided to troll him a little in his chat. I waited for a while to find the perfect oppurtunity to troll him. The perfect oppurtunity then happened. He died by fall damage and then I spammed 'L' in his chat.

"Is this revenge for last night?" Ranboo asked after seeing my message.

"'Yes'? Alright." He replied then he laughed at me.

I joined the SMP and tried to find him depending on his stream. He was around snowchester so I waited there.

"Oh look! There she goes!" Ranboo said to his stream then laughs afterwards.

I typed in chat in minecraft after I heard him 'shut up'.

He laughed hysterically, I honestly don't know why either. I joined his vc to just hear what he is saying but I didnt unmute.

"Why are you on mute?" He asked.

I typed in chat 'I am eating, it would be rude to have my eating sounds in the background'.

"I mean I don't mind tho." He replied.

'Idc, i wanna eat in peace without anyone hearing me and judging how I eat'

"Alright, suit yourself"

I decided to eat while waiting for him in Snowchester. A little while later, while I was drinking water, Ranboo landed with his trident right in front of me like how he did when I first joined. It made me jump again, as usual, almost spitting the water out.

"Did I make you jump again?" He asked laughing, almost a dying laugh actually.

I unmuted and shouted "YES, YOU DICKHEAD!" He just laughed at me while wiping the water that did escape my mouth. "You almost made me spit my water, I hate you Ranboo!"

He kept on laughing, almost sounding like he was dying.

"Shut up." I said sternly.

While Ranboo was laughing, my mom came to my room checking up on me.

"Hun, are you okay?" She asked me with concern on her face and voice.

I muted and turned to her. "Yeah mom, Im alright" I replied smiling at her.

"Why did you shout? Who were you talking to?"

"Oh! I was talking to Ranboo, the friend I made, he kinda made me jump and scared me." I replied pointing to the screen where Ranboo was just standing thanking his subs and answering donos.

"Ohh, is that him?" My mom asked looking at my screen.

"Mhm! He is streaming right now." I replied.

"Can he hear us?"

"Nope, I muted"

"Have you eaten?"

"Yup, I didn't want to bother you and dad, you seem to be enjoying yourselves." I said with a reassuring smile on my face.

"Alright, Ill take your plate. If you need anything, come downstairs and ask me or your dad."

"Okay mom, thanks." I smiled.

She left my room and I turned to my pc and unmuted.

"You made my mom come to my room concerned why I screamed."

Ranboo broke into laughter again while saying 'Sorry'.

Ranboo took a while to calm down but I was just there in the background unimpressed.

We just chilled for a while, making fun of one another, teasing, bullying and such.

Then Tommy suddenly joined the game and chatted.

'Wanna join my vc instead Y/U/N? Ranboo seems to be annoying you. You should hang out with me, Im better'

I laughed at his antics again. I chatted to join in his antics for fun.

'Okay, he is just bullying me, be right there in a bit :)'

I purposely added the smiley at the end to, idk maybe tip off Ranboo and his viewers but it didn't work anyways. After that Tommy left the game.

"What do you mean bullying you, you wer-" I cut him off to say goodbye in the most annoying way possible.

"Alright see ya Ranboob." I said before leaving the call without hesitation.

With Ranboo's stream still on my second monitor, I saw that he went quiet, his screen went dark and acted like he was crying. I know how much he hated getting called that. I laughed at his reaction and dm'ed him on discord.

'Im sorry Ranboo, I didn't really mean that.'

He messaged me while he was still acting that he was crying.

'Its alright, its funny'

He responded, he stopped for a few seconds then messaged me again

'Have fun in call with Tommy'

'Shut up the boob.'

He didn't respond after that I assumed he left me on read. He continued to stream afterwards.

I looked at the voice channels to see in one of the channels, vc 2, was Tommy.

I dm'ed him first to make sure it was all good.

'Hey Tommy, were you waiting for me?'

He replied pretty quickly actually.

'Yeah I was, you comin'?'

'Mhm, mhm, Im coming gimme a sec'

I waited a little bit before I joined only to hear Tommy singing a song.
