"Do you love them?"


I woke up when I felt Tommy leave the bed then I heard Ranboo and Tubbo's voices. It was faint because Im still half asleep and my eyes hurt from crying.

I heard the balcony door close and I turned to look around. Tubbo was sitting behind me.

"Hello Y/N." He greeted me with a smile.

"H-Hi." I replied while trying to sit down. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I texted Tommy asking if we can come over here since you werent answering and we were bored." Tubbo explained, "and he told me that you were asleep because you were crying."

I then remembered what happened. "Yeah."

"Ranboo was worried and insisted that we go here." Tubbo continued.

"What are they talking out there?" I asked pointing at the balcony door.

"I dont know." Tubbo shrugged, "They said they were going to talk about something."

"Tubbo?" I turned to him.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Do you think Tommy likes me?" I asked looking at him straight in the eye.

"The only person that can answer that is Tommy." He shrugged. "But if you would ask me based on his movements, then yeah, he looks like he likes you. Not even like, I think he loves you."

I blushed based on what Tubbo said.

"Look, you dont need to worry." Tubbo placed a hand on my shoulder. "Knowing Tommy, he will never purposely let you down especially now he knows about what you went through."

"Y-Yeah." I agreed.

"But let me ask you Y/N." He turned to me.

"Hmm?" I asked.

Third person  POV

"Do you love them?" Ranboo asked.

"Do you like Tommy?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy and Y/N took a while to answer. They tried to sort their feelings out and took their time to think about what they actually feel.

"I do." Tommy replied

"I don't know." Y/N replied

Tommy POV

Ranboo smiled warmly after I answered his questions.

"Im glad you do." Ranboo replied as he looked in the distance. "I know they like you too. They need time to discover it theirself."

I nodded and we stared at the distance to take in the beauty of it.

"Wanna head in now?" Ranboo asked as he removed his arms on the railing and pkinted towards the door.

"Yeah." I agreed. "Lets go."


Tubbo hugged me after I gave him my answer.

"Dont worry." He assured me. "Take your time to discover it yourself."

"Thank you Tubbo." I hugged him back tightly.

Tommy and Ranboo came in from the balcony door and I let go of hugging Tubbo and turned to look at them.

I got off of my bed and ran to hug Tommy. Tommy catched me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"Good afternoon." Tommy greeted.

"Good afternoon." I replied.

"Are you okay now?" He asked.

"Now I am." I replied smiling.

He chuckled and we let go of hugging each other.

"OH YEAH! GUYS!" Tubbo shouted.

We turned to him with an eyebrow raised.

"Im planning a cooking stream, do you guys wanna join?" He asked.

"Hell yeah." I replied, "I havent streamed for a while. I miss it."

"Count me in too." Tommy added.

"YES!" Tubbo cheered. "THE SQUAD IS COMPLETE!"

We laughed. He immediately tweeted who was gonna join him in his cooking stream.

"When will it be?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." Ranboo replied.

"Oh." I replied. "Why didnt you tell me earlier?"

Tubbo just shrugged.

"Oh Tubbo." I sighed.

He just chuckled.

----------Next Day----------

"Y/N." Tommy whispered.


"Wake up."

"Why?" I groaned.

"We're supposed to be at Tubbo's house to do a cooking stream."

"Oh shit." I sat down and rubbed my eyes. "I forgot about that."

Tommy chuckled and I looked at him. He stopped and blushed. "Sorry."

I patted his head and ruffled his hair. "Its alright."


We walked to Tubbo's house normally the first few minutes. Then Tommy grabbed my hand and crossed it with his. I covered my face with my other sleeve and we continued to walk to Tubbo's house.

Ranboo opened the door and saw us holding hands and me still trying to hide my red face. He let us in and Tubbo was setting everything up for stream and when he saw us he greeted us.

A little bit later, we started the stream. Tubbo told everyone that we are all together that's why we havent been streaming for a while. Ranboo stayed behind the camera and I only appeared in camera for a few seconds time to time until Tommy pulled me from behind the camera to help him with what he is preparing.

Tubbo was making pizza. Tubbo was getting the ingredients he was missing and Tommy was kneading the dough. His hands were filled with flour and when he pulled me by my wrist I got annoyed.

"Dont touch me your hand is full of flour!" I shouted him.

"Help me and I wont have to pull you."

"Fine, just dont ruin my hoodie with flour." I followed him to where he was.

We were pretty far from the camera and the mic and Tubbo and Ranboo were loud enough that what ever me and Tommy will say cant be heard unless we shout.

"I thought you werent gonna come with me." Tommy spoke.

"Shut up. I dont want you to ruin my clothes with flour."

"Can I do this then?" He asked then placed flour on my cheek.

"Tommy!" I grunted. I got him back by wiping my whole hand full of flour on his face. "Take that."

"Oh we are on." Tommy then started the flour fight between us.

Ranboo noticed and told us to stop and asked who started it. I pointed at Tommy.

"Now Im messy." I said trying to wipe off any flour left on my clothes. He even put them on my hair.

I went behind the camera and Ranboo helped me with wiping off any flour left on my clothes.

Tommy and Tubbo continued to make the pizza while me and Ranboo are in charge of the donos and what the chat says. Tommy keeps looking at where we are sitting based on the preview. Chat was spamming ship names and I blushed, it was embarrassing. Ranboo noticed and he didnt tease me for the first time. I looked at him and mouthed 'what', he just shrugged and turned towards Tubbo and Tommy who was playing with flour again.

"You know that you two will clean that mess right?" I spoke sternly.

"Yeah, youll clean that." Ranboo added.

They stopped fighting and continued to do what they are supposed to do.

They showed the stream the uncooked look. The dough wasnt covering the whole pan but I guess we arent experts to know. The toppings looks fine and the only thing we are hoping for is that it tastes good because if not we wasted food and our parents will get mad.

Tubbo catched up with stream while Tommy cleaned the mess. He slipped on a patch of flour on the floor and thankfully he got to hold on to the counter.

"You okay Tommy?" I asked worry in my voice.

"Yeah, Im fine." He replied, "I just slipped."

"Thats why I told you guys to not play with flour."

"Sorry." Tommy and Tubbo replied.

I stood up to help Tommy clean, he looks helpless. While I was wiping the counters amd Tommy was sweeping the floor, I slipped and Tommy catched me. We both fell on tbe floor and we all just laughed. Tommy helped me up and asked if I was okay, I answered that I was.

When the pizza was cooked, Tubbo got it out of the oven and cutted it. I was hoping it would taste fairly good atleast. It does taste good considering it was Tommy and Tubbo's first time.

"This is good." Ranboo commented.

"Its supposed to be good because me and Tubbo made it." Tommy said proudly as he put his arm around Tubbo's neck.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

We ended the stream a little bit later.
