(A/N: Cringey and Cheesy fluff chapter)

I woke up to Tommy carrying me towards the car. It was dark already and there were only a few people around. Tommy noticed I was awake when I looked around.

"Oh hey." Tommy greeted looking down. "Got some nice rest?"

"Y-Yeah." I looked around looking for the others. "What time is it and where are the others?"

"It 8 pm. Theyre trying to wake Tubbo up." He replied, "Wilbur and Phil is in their cars waiting for us."

"Can you put me down?" I asked. "I can walk and I dont wanna make it harder for you."

"Nope." Tommy replied smirking. "If I wont put you down, you wont be able to do anything."

I grunted and just stayed there.

"Dont be shy." Tommy spoke and I looked up at him. "You can put your arms around my neck. I dont mind."

I glared at Tommy.

"What?" Tommy asked. "I thought you dont wanna make it harder for me?"

I put my arms around his neck and he smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

"Youre lighter now." Tommy smirked.

"Fuck you." I said angrily. Tommy just laughed and then we came up to Wilbur's car.

"Look's like the love birds are here." Wilbur greeted as he hop out of the car.

Me and Tommy glared at him. I tapped his shoulder to put me down but he didnt.

"Put me down." I spoke when he doesnt want to.

"No." He looked down at me and I corssed my arms.

Wilbur opened the car door and settled me down on the seat.

"Finally." I sighed.

"Jeez, looks like you didnt have a good rest." Tommy replied then closed the car door.

I turned over to look at the other side to hide my face because I can feel my face wanting to blush so much. It was embarrassing that Wilbur saw us like that. I just covered my face and tried to brush it off.

A little bit later, someone opened the door and told me to move over. I looked behind me and it was Tommy.

"What?" I asked. "Arent you supposed to come with... Phil?"

"Yeah but Phil doesnt want me on the front seat and Tubbo doesnt wanna wake up so Ranboo has to carry him back to Phil's car." Tommy replied. "So, Im coming along here."

"Its probably Ranboo's choice to ride in Phil's car instead of here to make you and me together." I whispered.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing." I answered as I moved over to the other side of the car.

We left and the ride was pretty quiet until I asked Tommy how is he gonna get home.

"Well," he replied looking over at Wilbur in the rear mirror.

"Tommy is gonna stay at your house." Wilbur answered.

"MY HOUSE?!" I shouted. "WHAT?!"

I asked them more questions about it. Apparently, Phil and Tommy's parents talked about Tommy staying with Tubbo for a while but Ranboo was staying there instead so they went with the last resort, to stay with me. Phil has my parents' number for the purpose of today's meet up and he asked if it was alright to have Tommy stay for the week. They agreed.

We arrived at Tubbo's house first and waited for the others. A little bit later, they arrived. Phil had to carry Tubbo to his room because he was in deep sleep. Ranboo walked up to me while Tommy grabbed his stuff from Phil's car.

"So?" Ranboo started. "What happened?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"Didnt Tommy carry you to the car?" Ranboo smirked.

"He did." I said sternly. "And I know you purposely went to Phil's car just so that me and Tommy can stay together in the same car."

"How do you know?" Ranboo asked.

"I know you." I crossed my arms. "You would do anything to make me stick to Tommy. Somehow."

He hummed in agreement and then Tommy called my name.

"Hey Y/N!" Tommy shouted.

I turned to look at him and then he shouted 'Lets go'.

"Well, I gotta go now Ranboo." I turned to him. "I have to show Tommy where he is gonna stay."

"Alright," Ranboo shrugged. "Have fun with your boyfriend."

I grunted and walked away.

Wilbur accompanied me and Tommy home even though it is not needed because our house was near Tubbo's but Wilbur insisted.

We got to my house and my parents came up to the front door and they got to meet Wilbur. My dad knew Tommy already because of streams I had with him and my mom knew him because of Tubbo. They welcomed him into our home and I showed him to the room he was gonna stay in. There was an extra pc in it because it was the old one I use but it still works fine.

It was pretty late, it was already 10 pm and I was really tired. I got ready for bed and I just want the day to be over. It was getting really embarrassing for me and Tommy.

When I was about to enter my room, Tommy got out of his and got my attention.

"Hey Y/N?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"Do.." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you wanna hang out? Like less awkward moments. This day has been very awkward, I want it to be good and not awkward."

"Yeah." I blushed and I appreciate his invitation. "I would love that."

Tommy's POV
(A/N: woop woop change of POV that isnt an extra portion for the first time)

When they agreed I got really excited. This was the time we will get to hang out, just the two of us. No Wilbur, no Ranboo, no Tubbo and no one else to tease us.

They invited me to their room because there was a tv in there and we can watch a movie.

They chose the movie 'Up' knowing it was my favorite.

"You know my favorite, aye?" I looked them with an eyebrow raised.

They hummed in agreement and I sat on the bed. While they prepared the movie, I got to look around at their room, it doesnt have much decoration but it still looks organized and beautiful.

"You have a cool room." I spoke while looking around their room.

"Yeah." They replied. "Glad you thought so too."

They told me that the movie was about to start. They sat on their gaming chair while I sat on the bed. I invited them to sit down next to me then I saw them blush.

"Is.. Is something wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"N..No." They replied. "I just.."

"Dont you wanna sit next to me?" I asked them tilting my head a little.

"I.. I do but.." they rubbed the back of their neck and I could see a light tint of red on their cheeks.

"Come on," I gestured for them to come over while I sat down on the floor. "No one is gonna tease us this time. Just best friends hanging out right?"

"Y..Yeah" they replied. "We're just best friends."

They sat down next to me and I put my arm around them and we watched the movie. As always, I cried on the sad scene, I cant help it.

A few minutes later, I felt them lean closer to me. I looked over and realized they fell asleep. I looked at he time and it was 1 am already.

I looked at them and saw that they were in deep sleep. They have been really tired and I was getting tired too. I gently placed their head against the wall and I stood up to turned off the tv. I came back to where they were sitting and carried them like how I carried them earlier in the park. I placed them on their bed and tucked them in. I instinctively kissed yheir forehead but I didnt paid much attention to it. I was too tired and I want to let them sleep.

I was about to leave when they spoke,

"Stay." They spoke trying to sit down.

I turned to look at them and they were rubbing their eyes.

"I cant." I shrugged. "I have to go sleep."

They were trying to stand up to get next up to me.

"Y/N." I sighed. "You have to go back to sleep."

"Ill go back to sleep when you stay." They replied. I realized they were still half asleep.

I sighed.

"I cant sleep here wi-" I was gonna put them back to sleep when they pulled me close and kissed me.

I was shocked of what they just did. I kissed them back instinctively. I didnt know why but I just leaned back in. They pulled away and spoke,

"Just shut up and stay with me here."

"Fine." I replied, "I guess I have no choice."

They were tired, I wanted them to sleep so I stayed in their room. They pulled me back to their bed and I sat down at the end of it but they told me to lay down next to them. I blushed.

"I-I cant do that." I replied nervously.

"Please?" They looked at me straight in the eyes.

I sighed and agreed. I laid down next to them and they hugged me and dozed off immediately. I stared at the roof a little bit more and I fell asleep.

(A/N: Cringey and Cheesy fluff chapter over)
