"I dont know." I replied. "I would never know and understand."

"Why?" Ranboo asked. "Are you just being humble and you dont wanna think that Tommy likes you too?"

"N..No its just.." I answered. "Its.. confusing Ranboo."

"I know its confusing Y/N, things like this take time. You may have not realized it yet but maybe the feelings are starting to build up. Other people around you may have seen those feelings build up but not you. You just need to take time to realize it yourself. Dont rush it." He smiled at me. "Besides, we are always here for you and Tommy."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you Ranboo. Youre an amazing friend."

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

When he let go, we went out of my room and went downstairs. He said he was gonna get back to Tubbo's house and when I need him, he's one call away.

I sat down on the couch stared at the ceiling for a bit. My mom broke my trance when she spoke.

"Hun, Im gonna be out for a while alright? Im gonna be at the groceries with Tubbo's mom."

"Oh, okay. Take care mom and can you say hi to Tubbo's mom too?" I said as I stood up to open the door for her.

"Of course hun," she kissed my forehead before heading out of the door. "Keep the house safe alright?"

"Yes mom. Bye!"

"Bye." She greeted.

I closed the door and leaned on it for a while then Tommy called my name from upstairs. I immediately felt butterflies and I couldnt understand why.



"Can we have Tubbo and Ranboo here? I wanna hang out." He asked as he got down the stairs.

"I can ask them."


"Lemme just grab my phone from upstairs." I said as I walked past him to go to my room but then he grabbed my wrist.


"H-Huh?" I turned to him confused, I feel my face heat up just by the eye contact. "Anything wrong?"

"Maybe, we shouldnt have them over instead." He replied. "We could just stay at your balcony until its sunset again. It has a really nice view there."

I thought about it. It was a really good place to hang out and it may help me ease this feeling I cant settle down.

"Yeah." I nodded. "We could just hang out."

"Great!" He ran past me and grabbed my wrist. "Come on!"

I chuckled because of how adorable he is.

We got into my room and he ran immediately at the balcony and sat down. I closed my bedroom door and walked towards him. He tapped the floor beside him telling me to sit there. I sat there and when I did he leaned his head on my shoulder like the night before at the park.

The silence was nice, having each others company is comforting.

I leaned my head against his and just stared off in the distance.

It lasted for a few minutes until Tomy decided to talk and start a conversation.



"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked nervously.

"No, why?" I replied shaking my head no. "Did something happened?"

"Well," he sat down straight and looked at me. He was blushing.

I raised my eyebrow confused.

"You kissed me, you were trying to make me stay to cuddle with you." He said looking away. "I wouldnt budge so you kissed me to make me shut up."

My face started to heat up and then I remembered what I did. I wasnt thinking at that time.

"I..Im sorry Tommy." I replied, I couldnt help but cry somehow. "I didnt mean to do that. Im really sorr-"

I wasnt done speaking when he leaned in to kiss me. I was shocked but I didnt pull away. I fluttered my eyes close and leaned in.

"Its fine," he said as he pulled away, looking straight at my eyes. "I didnt mind."

"Well, that wasnt a romantic.. first kiss huh..?" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"It wasnt my first," he shrugged, looking back to stare at the distance, leaning back. "But it was the best."

He looked back at me, smiling and blushing.

I smiled back and leaned on his shoulder.

"Was it your first?" He asked.

I lost my smile and I didnt reply. I just stayed quiet.

"Y/N?" He asked now leaning down a little to look at my face.

"It wasnt my first." I flinched a little when I replied. "I had mine a little while back."

Im kinda happy and kinda sad that it was with Tommy but Im still confused about my feelings for him. Im afraid Ill be wrong like last time.

"Is there a problem?" He asked as he pulled me closer to him.

I looked up at him with sad eyes.

"Is something wrong?" He cupped my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "Youre not mad about it right?"

"W-What? N-No, I dont mind at all." I replied nodding my head 'no.'

"Whats wrong then? Tell me."

"Well," I replied.

(A/N: Short chapter, because next ones will be more like flashbacks next)
