School finished way quicker than expected. As the final bell rang, I tried ny best to get home as quick as possible. I ran through crowds just so that I can get home early and start my stream on the Dream SMP.

I got home pretty early, my parents weren't home because they are on their work. I dashed through the door, straight to my room and changed my clothes to something more comfy, an oversized hoodie and sweatpants.

(A/N: you can use any outfit you like, if you have a different sense of style :D)

Im really excited to how this was gonna turn out. Ranboo was gonna tour me around according to him, since Dream is in prison. Me and Ranboo have talked in the span of two weeks since I joined the Dream SMP discord and we get to know a lot about each other.

I turned on my pc and I set everything up. I checked up on Ranboo who was apparently streaming already just waiting for me. I messaged him on discord saying Im about to stream. I opened my twitch to have his stream on the background while I get ready. He changed his screen to the black screen with the 'If you see this,' text on it with his emote. He was saying to chat that he has something for all of them and he is just waiting for me to join the server. I set up my streamlabs and got the starting soon screen to play. I titled my stream 'AWESOME SUPRISE ON STREAM TODAY', then I pressed the 'Go Live' button. I waited for my viewers to go up and while I was doing that, I was messaging Ranboo that Ill be ready in a bit. I joined the SMP then Ranboo answered my dm and said

"Oke, Ill come to spawn"

I started talking to my chat before I remove the 'Starting Soon' screen.

(A/N: you can use uour own dialogue)

"Whats up chat?! How are y'all doing today? I have an amazing surprise to all of you because.."

I removed the 'Starting Soon' screen to show me on the spawn area of the Dream SMP.

"Im on the Dream SMP!!" I basically shouted on my mic but I was pretty far to not hurt my viewers' ears.

The chat was so quick and the only messages I could see was


and more messages close to that, I chuckled and blushed a little because of my chat because of how supportive they are.

I talked to my chat a little until Ranboo showed up at spawn with his trident. He landed right infront of me and he nodded. I nodded. I went to discord and joined his vc.

"Hello!" He greeted.

"Hi Ranboo!" I greeted back

"So, uh, welcome to the SMP!"

"Thank you!" I chuckled at how he was kinda nervous based on his tone.

I pressed tab and I saw that Foolish, Tubbo, Ranboo and Me were the only ones on the server.

Ranboo made a joke of how awkward we were on stream but not off stream and it made me laugh. He proceeded to take me to the ruins of the community house as the first part of the tour.

"Jeez, do y'all hate the community house? It lost two lives already" I joked.

Ranboo laughed and said, "Probably they don't, they just can't help blowing it up" looking at me and back up at the ruins of it.

He asked me where to go next and I said I wanna go to Snowchester. He knows I am a fan of Dream SMP so he didn't bother touring me around the main area.

We arrived at snowchester and seeing the gigantic mansion.

"Damn, this mansion is big." I said looking at it.

"Yeah, it is." He replied. "Tubbo went over board in explaining it to Foolish I think."

I couldnt help but laugh, he joined me chuckling afterwards too. While we were laughing, Tubbo joined our vc.

"Whats happening? Are you alright? Are you guys alright?" Tubbo asks.

We were still laughing, not at the mansion, we kept laughing at each other. We probably sounded like idiots but then Tubbo chuckled a little to join us then a little later we stopped.

Ranboo was about to laugh again and then I said,

"NO, STOP! I cant laugh anymore please!" I begged while trying to retrieve my breath.

"What happened?" Tubbo asked now that we calmed down.

"Cuz I saw the mansion and I said 'Wow, this is big' then Ranboo said 'you went over board explaining it to Foolish'" I said with laughs in between and a wheeze at the end.

"What's funny about it?" He asked.

"We laughed at each other's laughs." Ranboo replied.

"Yall are idiots." Tubbo scoffed.

Tubbo laughed afterwards aswell now understanding what happened. Ranboo was retriving his breath and I was just sighing thinking of what just happened.

We continued with the tour until we reached Kinoko Kingdom. The mushroom that Foolish built was so beautiful. I love how aesthetically pleasing they all look together.

While we were touring the Kinoko Kingdom, Niki joined.

We said 'Hi' in chat and then she joined our vc.

"Hi Y/U/N!" She greeted when she joined.

"Hi Niki!" I answered back.

She was in her underground city and then she went up to the surface on Kinoko Kingdom. She was watching my stream and when we were in Kinoko, she joined to tour me on the Underground City she built. She gave me stuff to start of too. She's really nice and caring.

We just hang out for a few more hours until I have to end my stream. I deafened on discord and said goodbye to my chat.

"Chat! That will be all for today, I hope y'all enjoyed the stream today!"

I thanked the subs and donos before ending and hosting Ranboo because I had too many viewers to raid.

"Oh wow, we have too many viewers to raid, thats a first" I laughed.

I hosted Ranboo then proceeded to join their vc again to just hang out.

(A/N: I changed one part, wasnt sure why i wrote that part thinking it was funny at like 3 am. I saw someone say it was a joke that was meant to be inappropriate but it rlly wasnt my intention. I changed it since it made me uncomfortable and I couldnt rlly understand how or why it was an inappropriate joke. I also didnt wanna add something in this story that was somehow inappropriate and break any of the ccs in this story's boundaries so i changed it :)

Im not mad to the person that said it was inappropriate, im glad they said that cuz i didnt know that is what it meant or what it is related to

Again, sorry for anyone who cringed at that joke, and to anyone who thought it was inappropriate. It was never my intention :( have a good day!)
