I woke up to the Pilot speaking through the speakers.

"We will be landing shortly." The pilot said repeatedly while the flight attendants were waking up some of the passengers to make them aware.

I stretched from my seat to let some blood flow. I sat down staring straight for a few seconds, zoning out, just hugging my bee. I snapped back to reality to look out the window. It was the UK. It was beautiful. Mesmerized was an understatement on how I looked staring out the window. My eyes were glued to it.

After a few minutes, we landed. People have gotten up from their seats. I sat there on my seat not wanting to interfere while my parents took out our handbags and backpacks. I ruffled my hair and put my hood up. My mom called my name and I looked up. She gestured for us to go. I grabbed my bag and my bee and went to where we can exit.

When we got in the airport, we sat down for a bit in the arrival area while my dad waited for our luggages. We had to wait for Tubbo's parents to show us to our new house. It was apparently only a few houses apart which was great. I messaged Tubbo and Ranboo to let them know.

I has arrived :]

I attached a picture of the huge window next to us with the airplane outside. I also attached a selfie with only my eyes and the rest of my head holding up a peace sign with the sleeve of my hoodie up to my palm.



not you Ranboo :)

Aw :(


I smiled at my phone at how they responded, I was definitely excited to see them. Im gonna see Tubbo today and Ranboo next week. It was 2 pm in the UK already. I changed my phone's settings to get used to it.

A fan came up to me that was also in the same plane as me. She asked for an autograph and a photo. Thankfully she respected my privacy and didn't ask what I was doing in the UK.

My phone buzzed again and looked that it was Tommy.

Oh shit. I thought.

I was nervous because I might not be able to answer Tommy right away. I tried my luck tho and luck was on my side this time.

Hey Y/N, what ya up to?

Hey Tommy, nothing much, what about you?

Im bored. Can we catch up in a call?

Oh no. I cant call him. This was the first time Ill have to decline his call invitation.

I cant answer right now Tommy, Im kinda busy :(

I felt bad, when me and Tommy call, I know he really wants company and right now I cant give him that.

Oh its alright, I mean we can text right?

Yeah! We can definitely text!

My mom called me to get my attention and we went down to where the food stalls were and we ate some food. I chose to eat some pasta. I was texting Tubbo and Ranboo, and Tommy at the same time.

Tubbo was just making fun of Ranboo that I got to meet Tubbo first before him. While Tommy and I were talking about random stuff, getting to know more about each other. It was a nice feeling and I get to know more about the soft Tommy.

A little bit later, Tubbo called me.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up.

"WE ARE HERE AT THE AIRPORT!" Tubbo shouted that I had to put my phone away from my ear. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

My mom looked at me as he heard Tubbo scream through my phone. She gave a 'Is anything wrong?' look. I nodded and mouthed 'Everything is alright'.

"Tubbo," I said in the calmest way I can. "Please don't shout. Theres no reason to do so."

When I said Tubbo's name, my mom had the 'Ohh' reaction and she understood who it was. She smiled on how excited Tubbo was.

"Okay, Im sorry, where are you guys at?" He asked, much calmer now. "My mom said to call you."

"We are at this pasta place." I replied.

"Ahh, okay!" He said as I heard a car door shut from his side. "We're coming."

"Alright." I replied, smiling.

I was about to hang up when Tubbo told me not to. I turned to my parents and told them they're close and probably entering the airport already.

I still have my phone, infront of my face with my elbow on the table and my chin resting my my palm, scrolling through twitter mindlessly, checking fan arts and fan edits.

I could see in my peripheral vision that my mom smiled. I didn't pay much attention to her, I thought she was smiling at my dad.

A few seconds later, arms wrapped around me. It made me jump and when I did, he giggled.

"Tubbo?" I held his arms that were wrapped around me and I turned my head to look at him.

"HI!" He replied kinda muffled because of my hoodie.

I titled my head over to where his head was and our parents greeted each other. Tubbo sat down on the chair next to me. I asked where his sisters were, he said they stayed at home.

"Oh my God, youre real." Tubbo exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Did you think I was a robot?" I chuckled and then he joined in.

I showed him to Tubbee and he immediately stole them and put him is his arms.

"Wanna bully Ranboo?" I asked him with a smirk on my face.

"YES!" He shouted, not that loud but he still shouted. "Lets do it!"

We took a photo and sent it in our discord server.

Ranboob where ya at?
*attached photo*

Im not coming if you keep calling me that.

I deleted the message afterwards but kept the photo and then I messaged 'Sorry' after. Tubbo just laughed at me still hugging Tubbee.

We catched up more and we talked what we could do when we get home. Most of my stuff weren't in the UK yet according to my dad, it will take a few days before we get most of our stuff to our new house. Meaning I wont be able to stream or play minecraft.

A few minutes later, we all catched up and we went to Tubbo's family's car. Thankfully we all fit in it. The fathers are at the front, the moms in the middle, and the two noisy teenagers at the back and some luggages too. It was cramped at where we were but I didn't mind, Tubbo didn't mind either.

The drive home was fairly far, but it was okay, I got to talk to Tubbo and make fun of Ranboo. Me and Tubbo kept on sending pictures to make fun of him. I eventually stopped when Tubbo fell asleep, with Tubbee. The last photo was Tubbo sleeping hugging Tubbee leaning on my shoulder. I sent it to Ranboo and I captioned it as 'The bee has no escape.'

While we were on the way home, I realized I just suddenly didn't message Tommy after Tubbo called me.

Shit. I thought to myself.

I looked at his most recent message.

Y/N are you still there?

Shoot, I suddenly didn't answer.

Tommy, Im sorry. I just had to do something.
I hope you didnt worry too much.

It took Tommy a while to answer and it made me anxious. I don't like letting people down and I hate the feeling of guilt. I have been moving a lot anxiously trying to cope with it. I moved too much that I woke Tubbo up.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked looking up at me. "You seem uncomfortable. I can just lean on the window instead."

"N-No, no. Its fine." I replied turning to him smiling. "I was just worried because I left Tommy on read all of a sudden when you called earlier at the airport."

"Oh." Tubbo said looking down, hugging Tubbee tightly.

"I-Is something wrong Tubbo?" I asked him worringly. I might have done something wrong. "D-Did I do something wrong Im sorry-"

"N-No." He answered, his voice cracking. "I didn't mean to make you and Tommy like that."

He turned to me with sad looks on his eyes. I hugged him. I always hugged my friends when they felt sad. No matter if it was the first time, I wanted to make them feel better.

"You did, nothing wrong." I assured Tubbo while I run my fingers through his hair trying to comfort him. "I got carried away. When we meet up with Tommy, Im sure he will understand. Dont worry."

We just stayed there while I hug him. Comforting him the best I can. A little bit later, I realized he fell asleep. I sighed. I made him lay back down on my shoulder and I leaned my head to his. As if it was perfect timing, Tommy messaged me back.

Its alright :D
I just played some bedwars and grinded on the SMP a bit.

Phew. He wasnt mad. I would be worried if he was mad. I would be worried for myself and for Tubbo. He seems to worry more about my relationship with Tommy when its not more than best friends. But I cant blame him, if both his best friends did get into an argument, it would be awkward to hang out with both of them.

I texted back Tommy saying that I was tired and I wanna sleep and he asked if it was okay to call after, and I said that I will try.
