(A/N: cheesy fluff chapter)

We finished eating and Wilbur paid for everything. I put my hands in my pockets, lowered my head and walked out next to Ranboo.

"How was the date?" Ranboo asked. When I looked at him he was smirking.
"What? It wasnt a date."

"Yes it was." He shrugged. "Two people, eating alone."

I glared at him.

"Plus," he walked infront of me and looked at me walking backwards, "you shared a milkshake like a couple."

"Its because of Wil!" I shouted at Ranboo.

He shrugged and faced forward walking up to Tubbo.

"He teased you too?" Tommy asked from behind me making me jump. "Oh right youre jumpy, Im sorry."

"I-Its fine." I replied. "Yeah, he is teasing me too. Did Wilbur teased you?"

He hummed in agreement and nodded.

We walked side by side until we reached a nearby park. Tubbo ran immediately scaring the birds away. I chuckled. Ranboo followed after him telling him not to do that. Theyre such a chaotic duo but not as chaotic as Tubbo and Tommy. Niki, Wil, and Phil sat down on a bench just watching over the minors.

I was just gonna stay and stand there watching Tubbo and Ranboo run around playing until Tommy pulled my hand out of my pockets and ran towards to where Tubbo and Ranboo was. I was surprised and I almost fell forward. I heard Wil shout at Tommy to not do that then he laughed afterwards.

"Tommy!" I shouted at him. "Be careful."

"Dont you wanna run around?" Tommy turned to me and asked, "We are gamers, we dont get to go run at a park that much."

I chuckled and I agreed with him.

"Fine," I sighed.


"HELL YEAH!" Tubbo replied running towards us with his hands in the air.

"Tag youre it." Tommy slightly pushed me.

"Oh youre on."

We played for a few minutes only, Tubbo and Tommy got tired easily. They laid on the grass and stared at the sky. Me and Ranboo looked over them and laughed at how easy it was to tire them out. We later on sat next to them. I was next to Tommy because Ranboo took the spot next to Tubbo.

I heard Niki shout my name and when I looked at her she waved a blanket that we can use so we don't have to lay down on the ground directly. I stood up and ran to Niki. I grabbed the blanket and she asked what happened. I told her that Tommy and Tubbo were tired already.

I ran back to where they were and told them to stand up. Tubbo and Tommy doesnt wanna stand up so we have to pull them up. Of course, I pulled Tommy up and Ranboo pulled Tubbo up.

"Jeez, youre light." I joked.

"Whatever." Tommy huffed.

I put down the blanket nicely and the four of us barely fit in it. The three boys laid down while I just sat down. It was also the sunset so it was not that hot anymore and the street lights are opening one by one. The sunset was a beautiful mixture of pink and orange.

It was pleasing to look at, relaxing and calm. I was staring up at it while my legs are pressed up to my chest. I sighed then smiled because of how happy I was today despite the embarassing moments at the restaurant. Theyre probably just teasing us because it was our first time seeing each other.

I was just staring at the sky when Tommy held my shoulder and when I looked at him he had his index finger up to his mouth and mouthing 'shh'. I looked at Tubbo and Ranboo and saw that they were sleeping peacefully. I smiled at them. Apparently, they are more tired than they actually look and dozed off immediately.

I was about to stand up and go to where the adults were sitting but Tommy pulled me back down.

"Stay." He whispered.

"What? Why?" I asked him. "Im gonna tell Wil and the others."

"Just let them sleep." Tommy said. "We can just stay here. They look comfortable anyways."

"But its cold." I tried to reason with him but he wont budge and just told me to shush and stay.

We sat there in silence watching the sky turn dark blue then black filled with stars. My neck was starting to hurt from looking up. I tried massaging it and rubbing it to atleast help ease the pain.

"You shouldve laid down." Tommy spoke. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Your neck wouldnt have hurt like that if you just laid down."

"We couldnt fit." I replied and continued massaging my neck.

"Well, we couldve just cramped together." Tommy answered, "I mean, I dont mind."

I didnt look at him because my face heated up and Im afraid Tommy will see it.

"Well, it would be awkward for you and Tubbo to be cramped in the middle." I replied slightly hugging my legs more to keep it warm. I was starting to feel cold as the night got closer.

"You feel cold?" Tommy said as he sat down.

"Nah, Im good." I replied smiling then a cool breeze blew past us. My polo wasnt keeping me cool enough.

"Here." Tommy took his hoodie off and offered it to me. "I dont want to see you freezing. Wil will probably be mad at me too for not being a gentleman."

"Y-You dont need to Tommy, youll feel cold." I pushed back the hoodie back to him.

"I'd rather die freezing than seeing you freeze yourself." Tommy offered his hoodie again.

I blushed at what he said and looked at him. He was looking at me straight in the eye, he was sincere and he meant what he said, if it was even possible, I blushed even more.

"Ill give you my polo so we will be equal." I said taking my polo off and gave it to him. "Dont you dare deny it or I wont take your hoodie."

"Fine." Tommy chuckled and we exchanged.

It was definitely better than the polo I was wearing. I looked at Tommy and he seems to be doing alright. The polo was perfect for him too.

"Something wrong?" Tommy asked then looked at my polo that he was wearing now. "Does it not look good?"

"N-No." I replied and I rested my arms on my knees and then my head on my arms. "Wouldnt you feel cold at all?"

"Im used to the UK's weather." He replied. "Ill be fine."

"Okay then." I answered. "Arent you gonna lay back down?"

"Nah." Tommy answered laying back and stares at the sky. "If youre not gonna lay down, Im not gonna either. I want to keep you company."

We just sat there feeling the relaxing silence and company of each other.

We lasted a few more hours just sitting down staring up the sky. Tommy was very quiet but I just assumed he didnt wanna break the nice silence between us. Well thats what I thought, until I felt something on my shoulder, it wasnt something, it was someone and that someone was Tommy. He fell asleep on my shoulder.

I sighed and leaned my head on his. I told him he shouldve just laid down instead of just sitting down. He couldve been sleeping on a better position than hunched over leaning on my shoulder.

"Tommy?" I whispered and shook him lightly. "Why dont you lay down?"

He murmured something I couldnt understand.

"Tommy??" I ran my fingers through his hair. "Tommy lay down."

"No." He said half-asleep. "I dont want to."

"Tommy, you already have a bad posture." I replied sternly. "Dont make it worse."

"I dont care." He replied then he hugged my arm. "As long as I am with you."

"Fine." I sighed. "I guess, Ill have to make you then."

I held his head firmly then slowly laid down. He followed my actions obediently and when we are laying down, he hugged me tighter but not too tight that it hurt me. I chuckled and lead my head against his. I looked up at the sky and happily watched as the clouds passed by and the sky turned dark. I dozed off next to my friends a little bit after.
