
Blossom's POV

"Twins?" Bubbles gasps, astonished. I was just as surprised when the doctor had told me there were two little people; a boy and a girl, in my stomach.

"Unbelievable," BC shakes her head but she has a smile on her face. "I'm gonna be an aunt."

"Oh thats amazing! But..." Bubbles stops and rubs her hands nervously.

"What Bubs?" I ask nervously.

"Have you, um, told the father?" She says, not wanting to say his name aloud. My breath sticks in my throat. I hadn't even thought about that...what would Brick think? I mean i don't even know if we knew before we lost our memories!

"Oh Bubbles!" I panic and she wraps me in her arms.

"Knock, knock!" Boomer says, pushing open the door. My breath is sucked in again and i give a weak smile. Three boys come in, all familiar, yet far.

"How are you?" Brick asks, coming over to me. I shake involuntarily and give a nervous laugh.

"Me? Oh i'm fine, just side affects of the gas. Nothing big," I rub my head hoping he'd believe it. Butch gives me a look that screams 'you're explaining this later' and Boomer raises an eyebrow, but Brick just smiles.

"That's good. You had me worried," He bops my nose playfully and i give another nervous laugh. Lets just hope he's too worried to notice all these signs.

"Ms. Momoko, i have your-" The doctor came in holding a tape, but BC cut in by grabbing it.

"Oh the medical records! Thank you so much, doctor. We'll be fine from here," She insists with a big smile.

"Oh! I see, yes well I'll see you back in a few weeks, Momoko," she nods and leaves.

"Why?" Brick asks, the worry coming back in.

"A follow up, to make sure all the gas is gone," Bubbles covers.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom," I excuse myself and get up shakily.

"Let me help you," Butch says, grabbing my arm. He doesn't let me get a word of protest out before he's led me down the hall. "Spill it."

"I'm pregnant," It comes out before i realized it and i avoid eye contact.

"Really? Blossom that's great! Boy or girl?" He asks eagerly. I look up at him confused, tears in my eyes.

"Great? Butch! What will Brick think?" I nearly scream. Butch hushes my by wrapping a protective arm over me.

"Brick loves you no matter what. If this is the problem, then Brick will live through it, now tell me i'm having a nephew," He says eagerly. I give a light laugh.

"What if i told you, you were having both?" I ask. His eyes widen and his smile grows.

"Twins? Well someone was busy," He teases poking my belly. I slap his hand away and glare. "Alright this is long enough. Let's go back."

He helps me back to the room and i feel my heart thundering in my chest.

"Brick..." I say, sitting down. He looks over at me with those beautiful red eyes. I see out of the corner of my eye Butch wrap his arm around BC, Boomer around Bubbles as they back me up. I take a deep breath and continue. "What if i told you, you had a daughter and a son?"
