Gases pt. 1

Brick/Takashi POV

"The gas is in place," Blake says. Blaze looks over to me with large eyes. "Ready to go, Blaze?"

"Uh, hold on. Brick can I talk to you?" she says. I get up and nod, maybe she'll tell me something important.

She walks down the hall and stops.

"I know how you feel," she sighs.

"So you say," I return. She turns and looks at me full on.

"Brick I am you. I almost lost Blake once, too. It might not look like it, but he means the world to me. I wouldn't be alive without him, and he without me. I just want you to know your not alone," she had tears coming into her eyes and she wipes them away.

"Hey, it's ok," I say and wrap an arm around her. She takes a deep breath and the tears disappear.

"Take care of her. You can reach me from your compact if you need to," she sighs and walks back.

"Bye! Thank you so much!" Bubbles says waving. Blaze looks at Blake and wraps her hand tightly in his.

"Bye!" she smiles. Blake looks shocked and then smiles too. With a buzz and a flash they disappear.

"What did she tell you?" Butch asks, coming over.

"How to contact her," I lie easily.

"Why'd she need to talk to you in private then?" he counters.

"She's me, she has her reasons," I return. Butch stares and then shrugs.

"Fair enough."

"So who's gonna stay here?" Boomer asks.

"I'm not leaving this spot," BC says, crossing her arms and sitting in a chair.

"I stay where my girl goes," Butch says wrapping his arm around BC. BC looks up at him, scowling, but doesn't move away.

"I can't go home..." Bubbles says looking down.

"Oh my gosh...Bubbles..." BC says coming over. She wraps bubbles in her arms and bubbles gives a sob.

"I can't believe she's gone," Bubbles sobs. Me and Butch exchange looks and boomer pulls us off to the side.

"Her grandma died. Her mom called earlier to tell her the funerals on Wednesday," he sighs.

"Sorry bro," I say, patting his shoulder. Boomer shrugs and goes back over to wrap his arm around bubbles.

"I guess we're all staying then," Butch sighs.

"Who says I'm staying," I joke. Everyone turns to me and glares. "Kidding, I'm kidding!" I put my hands up in surrender.

"Just don't do anything Blossom would slap you for," BC warns with a shake of her finger.

"Wouldn't dream of that," I reply sarcastically. BC scowls but doesn't return a comment. It's a momentary win.
