Desserts pt. 2

Brick/ Takashi POV

I can't believe I stick with Momoko. She literally just Brooke my heart and now I'm paired with her. This is horrible!

"What do you want to make?" She asks, startling me.

"Gosh. Woman! Don't sneak up on me!" I say aggravated. She returns it with a glare and folds her arms.

"I didn't sneak up on you, I was standing here for three minutes. You were too occupied staring at that wall," she rolls her eyes and grabs the book. She flips through a few pages and I watch her face light up and darken to different recipes. Finally she stops and points to one. It looked like pink doughnuts.

"That one?" I ask. She nods and gets t he ingredients from the fridge while I get it from the cabinet. We meet back at our table and stand side by side as we work. She finally mixes the frosting together and I put the dough into the oven. Now we have fifteen minutes of nothing.

She sits down and wipes her forehead. She looks up at me from under her hand and smiles, then remembering that I hated her she looked to the ground with her hands on her pants, leaving flour marks.

"Hey Momoko, what're you making?" A boy, I think Randy, asks Momoko. She looks down at the book and shrugs.

"Doesn't say what it's called, but their like doughnuts," she offers. Randy smiles.

"I bet they're good, anything you make is good, " he smiles and Momoko laughs nervously. I glare at him, but he ignores me.

"Randy! Oh hi, Bricky. Come on Randy, these won't make themselves," Princess says. I have to resist the urge to puke.

"Ya, and neither will you," Randy sighs. I would've laughed if I didn't hate him so much right now.

After they had gone Momoko turned and pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Why were you growling?" she asks. I stare back at her.

"I wasn't growling," I say. She rolls her eyes and imitates an odd sound coming from her throat. I laugh.

"That's what you sounded like! What's wrong?" she asks while laughing. I just shake my head and look over to Kaoru and Butch. They're laughing and enjoying their cake.

Beep beep beep! what was that?

"Uh, teacher my stomach hurtssssss!" Momoko insists. She was fine a minute ago...

"Sensei I've got drums pounding in my head!" Kaoru says.

"Sir I think I'm gonna be sick!" Miyako says clutching her stomach and holding her mouth.

"Oh my! Nurses office this instant!" Sensei commands and the girl run ou without a word. I look at my brothers but they avoid eye contact. What do they know?

Suddenly someone tapped on the door and Mojo came in with his costume on.

"I need Kyo, Takashi, and Ikuto," he says and soon we were walking out.
