Party planners

Bubbles/ Miyoko POV

"So, what now?" I ask, watching Brick watch Momoko and Butch walk away.

"Hmm, oh yeah. Um how about the beach?" he says absently. I shrug, but I doubt he saw it.

At the beach

We were sitting under an umbrella table sipping on smoothies. I got a plain vanilla while he got a cherry.

"So you must really like Momoko, eh?" I decide to push, which I know is a risky move, but he just gives a smile and his distant look becomes one of interest.

"I guess you could say that she caught my attention," he admits with a shrug. I can't help but smile as well.

"Well, I know that she likes you. We already proved that with the lake..." I stop after that. I hadn't meant to bring it back up, but brick just nods.

"Can I ask you something?" he says after a minute of awkward silence. He looks over at me and his crimson eyes lock onto my sapphire ones.

"Of course," I say giving a weak smile. He leans back in his chair and takes a long sip of his smoothie before continuing.

"What's the chances of her saying yes if I asked her out?" he asks. Immediately '10/10' comes into my mind, but then I remember that he doesn't know who Momoko really is.

"Well...i don't know, I'm not Momoko," I say with a nervous laugh. He looks over at me curiously.

"No, but you are her friend. I can tell exactly what Ikuto and Kyo think," he insists.

"That's different, Momoko is hard to read, and I mean hard! I guess your chances are pretty good, seeming that your the only guy that has made her blush since second grade," I shrug, hoping he understands. He doesn't.

"Ok! Then I'll ask her out tomorrow! Where should I take her?" he asks. Aww, I can't not help him!

"She loves candy, and- oh, oh! I got it!" I shout happily and squeal. Brick laughs and smiles at me, I smile back.

"What's your plan, blue?" he says, I like the nickname.

