
Brick/Takashi POV

"Come on Momoko, where are you tasking me?" I complain. She turns back and flashes me a smile before continuing forward. I sigh and follow after her.

"Alright! Here we are!" she announces after another minute. I stop and breath a few deep heaves. I look up and stare in wonder. Between two willow trees was a lake that stretched out into a perfect circle. At the edge of the crystal lake was a dock. Momoko started out towards the dock and stared down at the water.

"A lake?" I ask, coming over to join her. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Not just a lake, a magic lake," she corrects.

"Magic? What makes it magic?" I didn't exactly believe her, but then again I could fly, who knew if it were magic. Momoko smiles again. She jumps off the dock, onto the grass, picks up a stick and comes back.

"It's said that if you poke the water then whoever you love will appear," Momoko says, closing her eyes and poking the water. When she opens them a flash of something-hope- glistens fora moment before disappointment takes over. She looks at me. "Wanna try?"

I gently take the stick from her and close my eyes. I lean the stick down to dip in the water and then open my eyes. For a minute I see nothing but myself, and then the water ripples and I see...Blossom?

"Blossom?" I say shocked. Momoko looks at me confused.

"Blossom?Whose Blossom?" She doesn't sound mad, more curious.

"She's a a friend, I guess," I shrug. I love Blossom? No, she's my enemy...right? I turn back to Momoko. "Thanks, but I think I'm gonna go back to class," I get up but she doesn't move.

"Are you coming?" I

ask. She shakes her head, no. I sigh, lean down and peck her cheek. She looks up at me shocked. "Bye Momoko."

I start to walk away and stop when I hear something. "Bye Takashi." I smile and walk back to class. Who cares what a lake tells me?
