
Blossom POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital bed. I sat up and looked around trying to remember how I got here.

"Ahh!" someone screamed from outside. I quickly jumped out of bed and raced into the hall to see BC holding Butch by his shirt with her hammer placed at his throat, boomer and bubbles arguing, and brick looking really confused.

"Hey!" I shout but no one stops. "Hey!!" I try again. Everyone ignores me again. "HEY!!" everyone stops and looks at me.

"Blossom?" Bubbles asks, sounding distressed.

"Welcome to the party, Pinky," Brick sighs and rubs his temples. For some reason when he calls me that I shiver.

"Does anyone know why we're-" I stop as excruciating pain courses through my body. "Agh!" I say and clutch my chest. When my hands pull away they're red with blood.

"Blossom!" BC shouts, dropping Butch and clutching my arm. Bubbles comes over on my other side as my legs give out.

"Are you ok?" Boomer asks, sounding worried.

"Does she look ok to you?" BC growls and places me on a chair.

"Buttercup, he's just trying to be nice!" Bubbles defends. After she says it she jumps up and claps her hand over her mouth, looking shocked. "I mean...duh! Of course she's not ok!"

"Bleeding over here," I gasp, getting there attention.

"Right. Take off your top," BC instructs. The boys look at me and I look up at BC with a scowl.

"Any other way we can do this? That doesn't require the need of stripping?" I growl, glaring at the boys. They turn away quickly and look around elsewhere.

"It's just like a bikini, Bloss. Plus you can beat them up later," BC says with a shrug.

"Fine," I growl and quickly tug off my top. "If any of you look over here you'll find my yo-yo up your butt!"

"Is there anything to look at?" Brick says, turning around anyway. I roll my eyes and he comes closer. "Wow that's a lot of blood."

"No sh** Sherlock!" BC growls.

"Buttercup!" Bubbles says.

"Whatever," BC growls and goes into the hospital room to get gauze.

"Hey, you're gonna be ok, Pinks," Brick says and pats my hand encouragingly. The second his hand touches mine my mind reels.


"A lake?" Brick asks.

"Not a lake. A magic lake!" I say back.

"Magic? How so?" he asks skeptically.

"It's said that if you poke it, your true love will appear," I respond. I reach down and poke the lake, closing my eyes. Hopefulness floods through me, but when I open my eyes and see only myself disappointment interrupts. Then I notice I'm wearing a hat in my reflection, odd. "Wanna try?"

He takes the stock and closes his eyes, poking the lake he opens them and after a moment looks shocked. "Blossom?" he gasps.

I feel shock go through me. "Who's blossom?" I cover.

He looks at me and sighs. "Just a...friend. Anyway thanks for showing me this, Momoko, but I'm gonna go back to lunch." He gets up and starts off but I stay put. "You coming?"

I shake my head and tuck my legs up to my chest. "Bye Momoko," he sighs.

"Goodbye Takashi," I sigh back.

END OF FLASHBACK (now was that so bad?)
"It was you?" I say shocked. Brick removes his hand and looks down at me uncertainly.

"Uh...what was me?" He says, blushing.

"Nothing..." I sigh and look at BC as she wraps gauze around my ribs.

"Thankfully it was mostly healed over. You just stressed it when you ran out here earlier. You'll be fine," BC assures me as she hands me a fresh pile of clothes. "There's a bathroom down the hall."

"Thanks," I sigh and walk down. I change into a black mini skirt and a pink t-shirt and pull my hair up into a ponytail.

"You look better," Bubbles commented when I came back. Brick looks up and eyes me curiously.

"I'm feeling better, too, but can someone tell me how we ended up here?" I ask, tugging on my skirt under Brick's gaze.

"I got that, hold on," Bubbles says and rubs into the hospital room. She comes back with a clipboard in her hand.

"Momoko Aktusumi. Age 16. 16"cut on her chest due to..." Bubbles stops as she stares at the paper.

"Due to what?" I ask.

"Wait!"boomer shouts suddenly. Everyone stops and looks at him. "You're name is Momoko?"

"Dude! Seriously?" Brick says, rolling his eyes. He turns back to Bubbles. "Why was she put in the hospital?"

"Cut on her due to car accident. Front bumper skimmed her. No family. Lives with relative," Bubbles finishes. Did she have to say the thing about the family?

"You don't have a family?" Butch asks, speaking for the first time.

"No...they died a few years back," I say quietly. Butch looks at me for a minute then down to the ground.

"Alright that explains why you three are here, but why are we here and why can't we remember anything?" Boomer asks.

"Uh hold on there's more," Bubbles says. "Brought to hospital by close friends; Miyako, Kaoru, Ikuto, Kyo, and boyfriend Takashi."

"Uh who are 'Ikuto, Kyo, and Takashi'?" Boomer asks. Bubbles laughs and soon I am too, until my eyes land on Brick's name tag where I stare at.

"Look Blossom, I know I'm cute but there's no need to stare," Brick jokes. I look up to his face and scrunch my nose at him.

"I'm not looking at you, I'm looking at what's on you," I smirk at him. He looks down and when he sees the name tag he jumps back.

"W-who did you say her boyfriend was?" He asks nervously. I roll my eyes and Bubbles sighs.

"Takashi was his name...or should I say your name?" she bursts out laughing. Butch and Boomer look at Brick's name tag and start to laugh while Brick glares at everyone, but me.

"Right, as funny as that is I'm still confused!" I interrupt. Everyone stops and looks at me.

"Your not even fazed by the fact that you are dating a RowdyRuff?" BC scoffs.

"One; I'm not dating Brick, two; I remember it," I shrug.

"Wait! You remember it?" Bubbles said jumping up.

"Well a part of it..." I shrug again.

"What? Did you kiss? What was it?" Bubbles was jumping now. I gag and place my hand over my mouth to stop from puking.

"No I did not...what you said, I took him down to a lake," I say and remove my hand.

"Come on, would it be that bad to kiss me?" Brick says.

We all turn to him in sync. "Yes." He glares and makes a 'humph' sound.

"When did you remember?" BC asks. I blush as I think of Brick grabbing my hand.

"Uh, I just...remembered," I lie. BC raises an eyebrow, but Bubbles shrugs.

"It doesn't matter when she remembered! It just matters that she did! We could get our memories back and then we'd know who did it!"

"What do you mean who did it?" Boomer asks.

"Clearly we didn't just forget, someone sabotaged us," I say rolling my eyes.

"Should we look for clues?" Butch asks.

"What are you, Sherlock Holmes?" BC says with a snort.

"Actually he's right, if we can find anything that might help us remember we might know of someone who wants us gone," Bubbles agrees.

"Plus if we find something familiar it might jog our memories like it did for Blossom," Boomer adds.

"Good idea! So we should split up?" I ask.

"Yup! Me and Boomer will explore downstairs entry points, BC and Butch will go through all the halls around here, Blossom and Brick can check out the hospital rooms around here," Bubbles suggests.

"Why do I have to do hospital room stuff?" Brick asks.

"Because if Blossom starts to bleed again we need one of you boys to help her," BC answers.

"Why can't one of you stay and help her then?" Butch asks.

"Because we need at least one girl to watch you guys. You might try something stupid," BC says with a knowing smile.

"What? We wouldn't do anything stupid!" Boomer says, leaning on a desk and tipping over a base that breaks.

"Yes, why would you do anything stupid?" BC says rolling her eyes.

"That was a bad example," Boomer grumbles.

"Right. We'll meet back here in an hour. Good luck," Bubbles dismisses, grabbing Boomer's arm and starting off down the hall.

"Alright we're gonna start at the farthest hall and work our way from there. If you need us compact us! Get it? compact?" Butch says with a cheesy grin. BC face palms and grabs Butch.

"Come on corny," she says and walks away.

"So? What room should we start with?" Brick asks.

"I guess my room," I shrug and go into the room. I look around bug I don't see anything different.

"Hey Blossom?" Brick asks from across the room.

"Yes Brick?" I say, examining my bed.

"Did you remember that memory when I touched your hand earlier?" he asks. I stop and I feel his eyes watching me.

"Why do you care? It's like Bubbles said, doesn't matter how I remembered, just that I did," I respond. I hear his footsteps as he comes up behind me. I turn around and am shocked to be face to face with him.

I back up with a squeak of surprise and my hand touches a wall. He walks forward and places his hand on the wall next to my head, reaping me.

"It was wasn't it?" he asks again.

"Maybe? I don't know," I say turning my head away. He puts his hand under my chin and tilts my head towards him. My cheeks are burning now.

"What would happen if I did this then?" he says. He leans forward and suddenly his lips were touching mine. My heart skips a beat and he pulls away.

"See not so bad kissing me," he says with a smile. Suddenly something catches my attention and I stare at it.

"It's ok to talk, I didn't mean to leave you speechless," he says. I ignore him and push him away. I walk over and grab a red ribbon that was caught on the window.

I turn and show it to Brick. "I think we found our culprits."

"Oh yeah, those. So nothing with that kiss?" he says with a scowl. I ignore him and get out my compact. I call up BC and soon enough her face was on the screen.

"Yes?" she sounds slightly annoyed.

"Found them."
