
BC/ Kaoru POV

"Aww I can't believe you beat me!" Boomer complains. I want to laugh in his face, but I'm not that jerky- only Nitsuka was.

"Eh, I've done this a long time. So, what now?" I ask him as we walk out of the arcade.

"Um, Kaoru can I ask you something?" he says nervously. I look at him.

"Uh, depends what it is..." I say.

"Can I tell you and you'll promise to help me?" he asks, no, begs. I sigh, I could never deal with Bubbles and this was like an enhanced version of her.

"Fine! What do you need help with?" I sigh. He smiles triumphantly.

"I want to impress this girl, could you teach me how to skateboard?" he says eagerly. I look at him awkwardly. Isn't that the exact same thing Miyako asked me?

"Sure, but can I ask who this girl is?" I say, walking towards the skate park. He follows and looks at the ground, blushing.

"Promise you won't kill me?" he asks. Wait, is he telling me that he...?

"Spill it," I growl.

"M-Miyako!" he scream-whispers. I growl inwardly, but it's not like she doesn't like him.

"Alright, come on slowpoke," I grab a skateboard off the wall and toss it to him, then grab one for myself.

"Huh?" he catches the board clumsily- just like Miyako had. "You're still gonna help me?"

"I think you made it pretty clear to get me to agree before you told me," I say and give him a questioning look. I wasn't doing it for him, only for Miya.

"Oh...hehe. Yeah," He says nervously. Was I that intimidating?

"Alright let's start with this..." I show him a simple grab the board and turn. He replicates me quickly. "Good now this one..."

A hour later he had learned all the tricks to get Miya, and done them perfectly.

"Wow, are you sure you've never skateboarded before?" I pant. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Positive, but I did do a lot of rollerblading." Of course I forgot about those blasted RowdyRuff shoes.

" what now?" I ask, sitting on the ramp. The whole time we were the only people. He climbs up and joins me, I notice he's breathing really hard where I've already caught my breath. "Hey, you ok, Ikuto?" I put a hand on his arm and he flinches away.

"Relax I'm not going to bite," I assure him and he stands still. I roll up his sleeve and see many cuts and bruises on his arms. I remember the fight that we had the other day. "Hold on, let me get the first aid kit."

I skate down to the wall and grab a white box with a red plus sign. I bring it back up to him and have him roll up his pants and sleeves.

"So where'd you get these from?" I ask, while tending to a large red patch on his knee. He gasps and I see his fingers grip the ramp, maybe he wasn't so weak.

"Fell while trying to teach myself," he says through gritted teeth. Wow, that a good excuse, Butch would have stood there blubbering.

"Must've fallen a lot?" wasn't really a question but he answers anyway.

"Yeah, Miya means a lot to me." Ah Miya, wait till she hears about this. "Please don't tell her, not until after I ask her out? Please?" Never heard a RowdyRuff say please before...

"Yeah, sure," it came out before I realized, but I didn't regret it.

"Thanks," Boomer relaxed as I finished up his arms and legs. Now his face.

I lean over him and gently dab his cuts with the ointment. Finally when the last band-aid is on a can lean away from his piercing eyes.

"All good," I pat his arm gently and get up.

"Attention shoppers the mall will be closing in five minutes!" The announcer says.

"Come on, I'll take you home," Boomer offers. I give him a questioning look and he sighs. "You just taught me how to get your best friend, and healed me. Can I at least walk you home, I haven't done anything for you."

"Alright, fine," I sigh and we start from the mall.

"So you know, Kyo likes you." Boomer offers from next to me. In the cold night air even my short hair is being whipped in my face.

"Yeah, I realized," I say, moving some hair from my eyes. Surprisingly Boomer just laughs. "What's so funny?"

"I mean really likes you. All he tAlks about is you. It's cute yet crazy!" Boomer laughs again.

The rest of the way I think on what boomer said.

"He likes me? Really likes me. Ugh! Why should I care? But, I do, don't I?"

"Well goodnight, Kaoru," Boomer says, telling me that I've reached my door.

"Thanks Ikuto," I sigh and open it up. Then I stop. "Uh, Ikuto?"

"Yeah?" he says. I turn and look at him.

"Do you think we can do this again?" I ask surprised at my own words.

Ikuto looks surprised and then smiles. "Of course, Kaoru. Goodnight!" he smiles and runs off. I wave back and go in. I've never really had a guy-friend. To be honest it's not that bad.
