
-A few years later-

No one's POV

"Blossom! Brick! How good to see you!" Bubbles says happily, answering the door with one hand while the other holds her daughter, Bamboo.

"Aunt Bubbles!" Two identical looking children race up and hug Bubbles thin legs.

"Aww! Hi Blaze, Bright! You've gotten so big! Boomer come here!" Bubbles insists. Boomer appears and looks down at his neice and nephew with love.

"Hey guys!" He bends down, opening his arms to the young children as they run into them lovingly. Blossom and Brick look at each other and Brick grabs Blossom's hand.

"Are they here?" BC asks, coming in with Butch carrying the young Butterfly.

"Aunt BC, Uncle Butch!" Bright calls, running over to them. Bright had every aspect of his father, but without the hat and he acted more like his mother.

"Hey BF!" Blaze says giving Butterfly a hug. Blaze looked like her mother, except for the bandana on her head and her dad's personality.

"Aww. You two have gotten so big!" Butch says, swooping up his niece.

"Dad I'm just as big as her," Butterfly says after being squished in a hug. She had her mother's personality with her dad's eyes and shoulder length thin black hair.

"Of course you are, Princess," Butch placed a kiss on the toddlers forehead and let the cousins down to play.

"Can I go too, mommy?" Bamboo asks eagerly, squirming in her mothers arms. Her cousins waited at Bubbles' legs, looking up at her with big eyes. Bubbles laughs and sets down Bamboo who races after her cousins. Bright instantly runs after her.

Bamboo had Boomer's hair color, and Bubbles' eyes. Her long hair was always braided and she sometimes wore a blue clip in it.

Boomer came over and wrapped an arm around Bubbles as the parents watched their children play tag. Blaze and Butterfly were fast like they're fathers, Bamboo was clumsy, but strong like her mother and father, while Bright took strategies like his mother.

"I think we're looking at our new heroes," Brick says watching as Blaze dodges all of Bright's attack without a sweat.

"Of course they are, they're ours," Blossom says. Brick smiles and the parents turn around, going back inside.

THE END. For now...

Hey! Whew! That is done! I'm creating a second book about their kids! Yay! Well I hoped you liked it. If you have any ideas for the next book tell me! Thank you guys for leaving so many nice comments! I did all of this on my iPod and now my thumb needs to rest. Luv you all! The next book is called 'The superheroes kids
~Emily ;)
