Ppgz and Rrbz


"Why am I going shopping again?" I ask. Momoko and Miyako had grabbed me from my home, and took me to the clothes center in the mall.

"Because you need to look nice for the new students!" Miyako says happily. I groan and plop down on a bench.

"Come on, Kaoru! Can you at least pick one decent outfit!" Momoko pleads. I roll my eyes and walk over to a shelf. I pull down non-ripped jean shorts, and a green tank top with a row of sparkles at the end. I have a feeling it's the least girly thing here.

"Look, I like this one," I say showing them. Miyako opened her mouth to protest, but Momoko slaps her hand over it.

"Awesome Kaoru, here go buy it," she hands me some money and begins saying something I can't hear to Miyako. I just go to the clerk and buy the outfit. Now we can go home!

Butch's POV

I hate that monkey! Making us go to school with the stinky power puffs. I could punch something!

*Boomer walks in* Target sighted.

"I hate this monkey," I growl and punch Boomer in the arm. Boomer pulls back quickly with a yelp and glares at me.

"What's wrong with you?" He screams.

"Sorry bro, this monkeys got me rilled up!" I turn and grab my slightly blackened bagel from the broken toaster.

"Why? I mean besides the obvious stuff," Boomer asks.

"Don't you know? Those puffs are going to our school!" I make a disgusted face. Boomer's face lights up.

"We get to see the puffs? That's great! We haven't seen them in years!" Now I'm gonna punch him for real. I get my arm ready, but Brick grabs my elbow.

"He is right, Butch. We haven't seen the girls in a long time, they could have changed," He shrugs and drops my elbow. I look at him and then Boomer.

"And I thought you were the sensible one," I joke. Brick looks at me and smiles.

"I am, that's why I'm saying let's give them a chance." Couldn't beat that logic. "Now come on, or we're gonna be late."
