Garden house secrets

Boomer/ Ikuto POV

Wow I can't believe my ears. It must have been horrible for her. And I can't believe what Butch said.

"Baka!" Brick shouts at him, slapping him and running out after Momoko.

"I can't believe she heard all that..." Kaoru says in a haze. Suddenly she snaps out of it and turns quickly to Butch. "This is all your fault! She was doing so well and you ruined it!"

"I said I didn't know!" He shouts back.

"ENOUGH!" Miya screams. Kaoru and Butch stop instantly. "Butch it didn't matter if you knew or not! Momoko is your friend, you should trust in your friends! And Kaoru, I know you were trying to stand up for Momoko, but she didn't want them to know!" She's never wrong.

"...You're right, Miya, I should go apologize," Butch says looking at the floor shamefully.

"You will, eventually. Right now Takashi and Momoko are talking let's leave it at that," she announces. The greens nod in understanding.

"Good job," I whisper quietly to her after the lunch bell rings. She looks at me and tears start to swell in her eyes.

"H-hey it's ok!" I wrap my arm around her soothingly. "It's gonna be ok, Bubbles." Uh-oh.

"W-what did you call m-me?" Miyako stammers, moving away from me and running her red eyes.

"I-I didn't say anything!" I say nervously glancing at the clock. She looks at me and cocks her head.

Are you sure? For a minute it sounded like you called me-" she starts but I interrupt.

"I said I didn't say anything!" I shout. Miyako stops and hurt courses through her baby blue eyes. "Miyako i didn't-"

She slaps me, hard. "Your just as bad as your brother! I hate you!" she screams and runs away, not bothering to hide her tears. She runs past Kaoru and when she sees her, steam is coming from her face.

Butch gives me the 'uh-oh' look and tries to step in front of Kaoru, but she pushes him out of the way and starts towards me. Predator and prey.

"First the green Baka and now the blue one? At least the red one had enough sense to not try and hurt Momoko!" she shouts angrily, cracking her knuckles menacingly. I am terrified.

"Kaoru he didn't mean it! He's just stressed!" Butch pleads, grabbing onto her arm. Wow, I didn't know he cared about me so much as to risk his own death. Who am I kidding? He ain't risking it, he's living it- and that'll only last so long.

"Get off, Kyo!" she growls and shakes him off. He takes a new approach at hanging onto her leg. She stares down at him, shocked, and then tries to shake him off. "Off!" she commands.

"Run...Boom...!" Butch screeches as he gets swung around by Kaoru. I was so stunned I forgot to try to get away. But my feet were one step ahead of me and soon enough I was at a garden house.

"Anyone in here?" I call out. Silence answers me until I hear a soft sniffle. "Hello? Someone in here?"

"Go...away...!" the person sniffles angrily. The voice is too high to be a guys, but also too high to be Momoko's. Only one person's voice was that high...Miyako.

I follow the voice around a corner and see Miyako sitting there, holding a broken shard of a flower part. My mind instantly reeled and I grabbed it from her. She looks up at me shocked.

"Miyako, you cannot hurt yourself because of what I said!" I say, more worried then angry. Confusion enters her face until her eyes land on the shard and she gives a weak laugh. "What's so funny?"

" thought I was going to hurt myself? Ikuto, no offence, but that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I accidentally broke the pot and I was just cleaning it up," Miyako explains with a stronger, more full-heartedly, giggle. I stare down at her shocked.

"Oh...sorry," I say sheepishly and place the shard on the table. "Look Miya, Im sorry, I didn't mean to snap and-" she cuts me off quickly with her finger. It's warm against my lips.

"Come here please, Ikuto," she instructs, standing. I walk over to her confused and the second I get there she grabs my collar, pulls me close, and places her lips firmly on mine. It's like a million little fireworks just set off and I don't want it to end, but eventually she pulls back and smiles at me.

"All is forgiven."
