Gasses pt. 2

Author's POV

Everyone had fallen asleep. Bricks face was pressed against the glass window of Blossom's room where he had been watching her like a stalker, BC and Butch fell asleep while sitting on Butch's lap from the floor, and Bubbles and Boomer fell asleep in the chairs.

"Are you sure they're asleep?" A girl with long blonde pigtails asks. She has on a blue crop top with nothing under (ew), short black shorts, and two dark blue bows tie up her pigtails.

"I'm positive," a girl with short spiked black hair, green eyes, and a black dress with spikes.

"Great lets do this. Remember what that red head said. No breathing it in," a girl with long red hair that has pink streamers in it, red eyes, and a pink dress with black tights says.

The girls put on masks and quickly creep past the sleeping Puffs and Ruffs. They smirk at each other and open the door with a click. The red head goes to blossom and removes her mask. Blossom takes a shaky breath and then continues to breath it in.

"Alright girls, we're done here," the red head says with a laugh. The girls leave the door open and turn to the sleeping ruffs and puffs.

"Bye bye Boomy," the blonde one says towards the blue ruff.

"See you Butchy," The black haired one says blowing a kiss to the sleeping green ruff.

"We'll save you Bricky," the pink one says and then the mysterious girls were gone.

Hello! Sorry I know it's short but I had to post what happened! Hope you like it so far. Yes I did go back and change the whole situation with Blaze and Blake. I think I like it better this way, don't you? Right well part three will be up soon. Bye!
