Chapter 4

Jake P.O.V


I woke up because it was cold, I slowly got up from my bed.

I yawned and removed the blanket from my feet.

"hmmm why is my bed so soft....wait THIS IS NOT MY ROOM?! where am i whose room is this?" Jake said in shocked

"this room is big, did someone kidnap me?.....but I wouldn't be put in this such a beautiful room if I was kidnapped. Plus my wallet and my phone was not taken." Jake said while peeking at the window

I was surprised when suddenly someone spoke behind me, I looked to see who spoke and I saw sunghoon..

"how come did this guy become so handsome?" Jake tought

"oh you're awake, how's your sleep?"Sunghoon asked

"It's good...your bed is so soft and big so it was nice"Jake said

"I'm glad to hear that"Sunghoon said

"How long did i sleep hoon?" Jake asked sunghoon

"Hmm 10hours or 12?"Sunghoon said

"WHAT? 12HOURS?!why didn't you wake me up?"Jake responded quickly

"Huh??why?"Sunghoon asked

"so I can go home and you can rest properly in your room?"Jake said

"No silly why should i wake you up? You need rest i know your tired so I'll let you sleep as u can, i checked on you every hour to see if you're okay, i was so worried when you passed out in DQ"Sunghoon said

"Oh that's so sweet hoon thank you for looking after me, i don't know what to do if I'm not with you"Jake said with smile

"no problem, so do you want to take a shower before eating?"Sunghoon asked jake

"Yeah but... I don't have any extra clothes"Jake said

"no problem you can use my clothes, I have a lot of clothes there"Sunghoon said while pointing on his closet

"go to the bathroom, I will put the clothes you will wear and your towel on the bed" sunghoon said while finding some clothes for jake

"Oh thanks sunghoon" jake said and showed sunghoon his gummy smile.

"after you finish taking a bath, go downstairs to eat, I prepared some foods for us"Sunghoon said and he smiled back

"Keep smiling jake, that smile suits you so well" Sunghoon whispered.

"oh okay then I'll take a shower" Jake said and entered the bathroom


when I finished taking a shower, I immediately wear the clothes that Sunghoon had prepared for me.

"dude seriously? Sunghoon's clothes are too big for me, the end of the clothes are in my tights, this hoodie looks like a dress to me" jake said

"nevermind, i still look cute tough, ackkk i already love wearing sunghoon clothes!!! Ahhhh so comfy" Jake said while talking to him self

"hmmm do i need to dry my hair?...Nah too lazy for that, Alright im going down now."

when I came out of Sunghoon's room, I was amazed at how beautiful their house was.

In jake's mind."WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?, their house is so big, I don't even know that Sunghoon is rich as hell"

"bruh his house is so cool! but...I'm kinda nervous about their stairs that are made of glass what if it breaks?" Jake tought.

Sunghoon P.O.V

I wonder why Jake took so long to come down

when i was about to go to my room, i saw jake stunned while looking at the stairs

"Is he afraid of our stairs because they are made of glass?" sunghoon tought

"hey jakey, what are you thinking? come down here, don't worry it won't break" i said

and jake quickly came down to me "see? I told you it can't be broken"

"Sunghoon, your house is beautiful, are you the only one living here?" jake asked sunghoon

"no, I live with my parents, they are on vacation so..I'm the only one living here" sunghoon responded

"oh i see"

"Hey jake?" sunghoon called jake

"yes"Jake responded quickly

"why aren't you wearing the shorts I gave you?" sunghoon asked

"the shorts are too big for me, so I thought not to wear them and your hoodie is also too big for me, look at the end of your hoodie, it's already in my thighs" jake said

"oh my god he is so freakin cute! I wanna put him on my pocket" sunghoon tought while smiling.

"You didn't dry your hair?" sunghoon said and sat down.

"Nope im too lazy to do it"jake said while grabbing some chopsticks for him and sunghoon

"Why? You might get cold"sunghoon said while looking at jake's beauty.

(Yeah i know sunghoon is falling for jake HAHAHAH)

"No i won't, i promise" Jake said.

"okay now eat up" sunghoon said

while the two are already eating jake suddenly spoke.

"Oh no hoonie, what happened to our ice cream?" Jake asked while pouting.

In Sunghoon's head"Jesus! He is so fucking cute i can't take in anymore."

"oh yeah our i cream, i left it on DQ because you fainted so i have to time to get that i cream, but don't worry I'll treat you ice cream tommorow okay? Now eat up"Sunghoon said

"Okay..."jake said

Time skip 12:00

"jake are you sure you're going home? don't go home it's already 12:00 its dangerous. Just sleep in my room tonight" sunghoon said

"are you sure you want to sleep next to me?" jake asked sunghoon

"Yes, why?" sunghoon asked jake

"uhm nothing, just let me call my mom to say that I can't go home" jake said while grabbing his phone

"Okay" sunghoon said

i dialed my mom's number to call her and waited a few minutes for her to answer the call.

"hi jake where are you now?"

"hi mama, I'm here today at my friend's house, I'm going to sleep here because it's late and there's no bus to take so..can I stay at my friend's house tonight?"Jake said

"oh sure love, call me if you need something okay?" jake's mom said

"Okay mama don't worry, i love you mama" jake said

"i love you too my sweet boy good night have a nice sleep" Jake mom said

"Yeah mama good night bye!" jake said and hang up the call"

"So let's go upstairs and sleep?" sunghoon said while yawning

"Yeah let's go"jake said

Time skip

when we already entered the room I immediately lay down on my bed because I was so sleepy

"Hey hoon are going to sleep now?" Jake said

"Yeah...I am so sleepy." i replied in sleepy voice, i heard jake laughting a little and said.

"Alright then, goodnight hoonie"

"Good night jake..."


