Chapter 14

"this is so good jake, What's this?" sunghoon asked while eating.

"I agree with mr hoon"

"It's Chicken parmigiana. My mom teached me how to cook this when were still living in australia"

I looked at jihun while he was eating not until I remembered that he hasn't seen his parents yet, so I decided to talk to sunghoon first to clear everything up.


"Hmm?" Sunghoon replied quickly and looked at me.

"Can we talk after this? just the two of us?"

"Uh sure"

Jake noded his head and turned to jihun who's still struggling to cut his chicken.

"Hoon, help jihun to cut his chicken" jake laughed slightly.

"hmm, I'll teach you how to cut the chicken properly, trust me, I'm an expert at that," said Sunghoon as he wiggled his two eyebrows.

"be careful sunghoon make sure jihun doesn't get hurt with a knife" Jake warned him.

Time skip.

When they finished eating jake approached jihun.

"jihun-ah Mr. hoon and I will talk first, stay here on the sofa, play with neo and if you need anything, just come into that room" jake said while pointing the door in the front

"You will comeback right?"

"Ofcourse jihun were just gonna talk okay?"


Jake patted jihun's head and enter the room.

"Jake" sunghoon immediately stand up when he saw jake. "What are we going to talk about?"

"Hoon I'm worried, it's been two days and the police haven't heard anything about Jihun's parents."

"Oh yeah..maybe soon they will tell where jihun's parents are, we just have to be patient"

"But hoon we have school tomorrow.. no one will watch over jihun, mom can't watch over jihun either because she needs to work"

"damn i completly forgot that we have a class tomorrow...and i don't know what to do" Sunghoon said while biting his nails.

"Let's go to the police station first to ask if they have seen Jihun's parents"

Jake holds sunghoon's arm dragging him out of the room and told him to get dressed.

"Jihun you need to dress up we are going somewhere"

Jihun just nod his head and followed jake.

"Jihun promise me that no matter what happens to your parents, you have to accept" jake said.

"What happened??"

"I don't know jihun just no matter what happens you need to accept it, aren't you already 8 years old? you have to be brave like me, because do you know when I was 8 years old no matter what happened to me I didn't cry, because I chose to be strong and they always bought me ice cream and toys because they said I was strong" jake said while trying to distract jihun from thinking negative things.

"Really?!" jihun said and he looks so amazed.

"Yes do you want to be like me?"

"Yes! I love toys and ice cream"

"so be strong jihun, I'll promise that I will buy you ice cream and toys"

Jake was scared because there were possibilities that something bad had happened to Jihun's parents...

What am i thinking? Think positive jake no bad things will happen

Jake tought and he hit his head to to remove his bad tought.

"Are you okay? Why are you hitting your head?"

Jake turned his head quickly.

"Yes I'm fine by the way you look nice"

"Thank you, but uhmm jihun doesn't have a clothes. What are we gonna do?"

"Oh that's doesn't matter I'll cover him with a jacket since It's kinda cold outside."

"Okay then let's go?" jake noded and following sunghoon with jihun on his arms.

when they were at the car sunghoon was smiling because jihun is talking nonstop.

"Mr jake look! A truck!" Jihun pointed the truck.

"Wow It's a big yellow truck, It's kinda look like bumble bee right?"

"Yes! So amazing" Jihun giggled.

"Jihun-ah please tell me if you're hungry, you don't need to be shy okay??"

"I'm still full, and i promise to tell you whenever i felt hungry mr" Jihun said and jake ruffled his hair.

When we arrived in the police station i told jake to stay inside the car with jihun since it's raining and i bought them food before i leave them.

"Jihun" Jake called him.

"are you bored?"

"Yes because i didn't bring my toys with me"

Jake took out his phone and unlocked it and handed it on jihun

"Here jihun you can watch some cartoons in my phone"

Jihun took the phone and he thanked.

He's such a warm kid and so respectful this is why i like this kid so much.

Jihun is still young...if anything happen bad to his parents he will be alone, and i don't want to send jihun on adoption center. he's young but he has a mature mindset.

if I send jihun to the adoption center, he might think that no one loves him, this kid needs a parents love. I don't want him to experience the feeling of not having a family. He's too young to feel that pain.

While jake is pacing out he knock out his tought because sunghoon is knocking on the window.

Jake open the door and sunghoon got in when he see's sunghoon he can tell that sunghoon is sad.

"Hoon what's wrong?" jake asked feeling a bit nervous.

"Jake.." sunghoon looked at the back and see's jihun sleeping.

"What hoon? What did they say?"

"They said..jihun parents is not here on korea...and they might dumped jihun."

Jake frooze when he heard what sunghoon told him, he still processing what was happening in his mind.

How can they leave their kids like that? What kind of parents are they?

Jake felt anger. He couldn't belive on what he heard.

"What? they leave this kid like that? How can they leave it i mean jihun is still young how would he react if he knows about it?"

"I know jake i don't know how to say this to him... And what should we do? Jihun doesn't have a parents now he's all alone. im worried" sunghoon said.

Sunghoon's right how should we tell jihun about this? Should i...should i adopt him? I can't leave him like that I'm too attached to jihun now.

What should i do?.......raising a kid alone is not easy and I'm still studying.

Jake is pacing out and trying to make to pick the right decision.

"Should we send him into adoption center??" sunghoon said.

"No. I'll....I'll take jihun.. I will adopt hin" Jake said with a serious tone.

"Jake what about school? raising a kid is not easy plus you're still a student who will watch over jihun??"

"he's coming with me in school, he's going to pretend that he is my son."

"Jake he's 6 years old and you're 20 they will think that you have a son in age of 14"

(Author: yes i changed thier age's)

"I don't care about them. I'll take jihun no matter what. If you don't want to help me to raise him then don't if you want to help, then help. i'm not forcing you." jake said and looked at the window.

"I'm going to help."

Jake turned his head to see sunghoon.

"Are you sure?"

"I am jake. Were going to raise him alright?" Sunghoon said and hugged jake.

"Heh. Such a good hugger."

