chapter 33

Holy mother of jesus this bad..

"let's go this way!" jungwon whispered-yelled "Sunoo you dumbass cover your face!"

We all covered our face with bags so the three boys won't recognize us. We started walking fast as when they starting to approach us. I'm so dead.

"Hey. By any chance are you jake?" we all stopped as we heard a very familliar voice. It was sunghoon's.

Fuck. No no, i am so dead.

I clenched my fist and shook my head, but i am not facing him.I can't do that

"Can you turn around? Because you really look like him" His voice was getting serious. He's mad

I nudged sunoo using my elbow signaling him to turn around but he keep refusing. This kid..

I turned around and smiled at him brightly as if nothing happened. Well i had no choice.

"Hiii babyyy, I missed youu" I said and kissed his check and hugged him. yeah jake that's right just go with the flow

"Don't baby me" sunghoon said and faced jake giving him a death glare

"hehe I'm sorry please don't be mad"

"Let's talk about this at later." he pulled me out and picked up jihun, i turned my back and saw my friends waving at me and i did the same

"Are you mad?" I asked him but  slowly put Jihun in his baby seat. "Get in." he coldly said and he made his way on the passenger seat

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" he asked me. "You're asleep. I don't want to disturb your sleep."

"Then why didn't you woke me up?. Do you know how nervous I was when I found out you weren't at home? I almost went crazy looking for you, Jake. You were having fun at the mall while I panicked because I didn't know where to find you? Even Your son Jake was worried about you too. He was crying because he didn't see you when he woke up, he was looking for you too."

"But Jungwon is asking to go with him. I can't say no to him, he and Jay had a fight so he made us go to the mall. He needed someone to comfort him. He's also your friend Sunghoon" I defended

"Why are you making it seem like it's my fault?" He said and he clenched his fist "I'm not making it seem like It's your fault Sunghoon. I'm just saying, Don't start this fight." and this time my voice is a bit loud, I'm getting irritated.

"Wow, you're the one who's really has the gut to yell, you're the one who started this fight jake." he said with a louder voice. I can feel that Jihun is getting scared because of our loud voices.

"I'm not really yelling! I was just-" I didn't finish what I was going to say when he yelled at me. "FOR FUCK SAKE JAKE! I feel like you're making me feel that it is my fault! Godammit" he shouted and hit the steering wheel.

"Sunghoon please calm down, the child is in front of us. You don't need to-"

"SHUT IT!" He didn't let me continue what I was going to say and he continue to drive. I didn't expect him to yell at me, this is the first time he got angry with me. I'm so stupid. why did i sneak out when I knew he would be angry with me? I wiped away the tears with my sweater and started shaking. I don't want to be yelled at. I get more and more nervous.

Sunghoon P.O.V

honestly i felt really guilty for what i did to him. I can't bear to see her cry anymore, it also hurts me to see her cry. but I'm the reason why he's crying. I don't even know why I yelled at him, It's not a big deal tough but why am i reacting like this? I really need to fix my anger issues.

when we got to the house, jake immediately got out and took jihun from the back. He didn't even turn to me. Is he sulking at me? Probably.

we went inside the house and locked the door, we are still ignoring each other but I will talk to him later.

"Here. Watch over Jihun for a moment. I'll just close my eyes for a few hours, wake me up if you're tired of watching over him" he said weakly and gave jihun to me, still not looking at me, not even a single glance.

"Why is mommy like that? Did you two fight?" my son asked me

"mhm. just a little fight, but don't worry mommy is alright" I patted Jihun's head and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and sat on the table

hmmm i think he's sleeping right now, but did he cry to sleep? probably I mean he's just spending time with his friends, there's nothing wrong with that. i should apologize to him right now.

"Jihun baby, come here" he turned his head to me and started running towards me "Look I'll go to your mommy first so we can talk, I need you to behave here, I'll leave my phone to you so you can play something, I just need to talk to your mommy. Behave here okay? I'll come and get you when we're done."

"But daddy I'm scared" jihun said and tightened his grip on my clothes

"You silly boy. You have your nannies go play with them if you want. and if you are not satisfied go get neo. And if anything happens or scare you just run to the room okay? the door is always unlocked."

"Noo don't leave, can I come with you?"

"You can't buddy. I'll buy you a motorbike after this. Sounds nice?"

"Isn't that too expensive??"

"hah! I can even buy you a Mercedes Benz right now if you want." my son's eyes widened when he heard what I said which caused me to laugh. "The word expensive didn't exist for me when it came to you baby. I'll buy you anything you want but be a good boy to us okay?... I need to go now"

" won't be too long right?"

"Yes baby, just give me a few minutes and I'll be back here." and after that he slowly let go of my clothes and I gave him a tiny kiss on his forehead and went upstairs

when I was in front of my room I slowly knocked "Jake?" no response. "Ali? are you okay?" No response again. I twisted the door knob and it was open. I slowly opened the door revealing the crying Jake he's still awake?

. I slowly walked towards him and lay down on the bed. I wrapped my arm around his waist, he flinched a little but he didn't stop me."Ali? I'm sorry for the behavior I showed earlier, I didn't mean to shout at you."

"Ali.. I am sorry again for what I did. I let my anger to carried me away, I'm just afraid that something bad might happen to you. You know if something bad happens to you, I will blame my self forever. I can't afford to lose and jihun are all I have, if i lost you two I don't think I will last long in this world...Please don't leave me, I can lose everything but not you and jihun." I stopped talking as I felt my tears rolling down my cheeks. I tightened my hug to him and pulled his body closer to me. just by thinking that jake and jihun are not by my side it makes me cry and hurt even more. I really don't know what I would do without them

jake held my hand and turned his face to me. I can't face him, I don't want him to see me cry

"You look like a kid when you cry hehe, your face is a mess" he laughed and brushes my hair off my face "I'm also sorry because I didn't inform you, don't worry too much ali. Me and jihun won't leave you, We love so much" he smiled at me and giggles a little. oh how much i love when he giggles. he's just so beautiful.

"I love you my sunghoonie" "

I love you more Ali."

I just looked at him in his eyes, we are too busy by looking at each other's eyes, we don't realize that our faces are slowly getting closer to each other, I didn't think about anything else when his lips touched mine. God it's so soft I almost don't want him to broke the kiss, this is the best feeling ever. all my worries are gone. all i can feel is happiness and love. we separated from each other as we were running out of oxygen, he stared at my eyes again and smiled brightly as if he saw an angel.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"you are just so handsome."
