Chapter 2

when they arrived at the cafeteria, jungwon immediately saw his friends and approached them.

"hey guys guess what? i got a new friend!!"jungwon said and jumped a little

"OMG HII! I AM KIM SUNNO!" he stood up and went to jake

In jake's mind "Wow he's energetic."

"Hi sunno i am sim jaehyun but you can call me jake for short" jake said to sunno

"Okay guys this is jake and jake this is my friends"jungwon said

"this one is niki the youngest in our group"

"Hi jake nice to meet you" niki said and wave at jake and gave him a smile

"this one is heeseung the oldest"

"Hi jake nice to meet you I hope we can be close" heeseung said

" And this is jay my boyfriend" jungwon said

Jay said hi and waved at him

"hi jay, hi heeseung" jake said and he's little shy

"come on guys let's order our food" heeseung said to them

"Jungwon love what do u want?"Jay asked jungwon

"hmm I'll have sushi " jungwon said

"Alright be right back"

Sunghoon noticed Jake just sitting on the side so he thought of approaching him.

"Hey jake" sunghoon called jake

And with that jake turned to him.

"Yes hoon?" jake said

"do you want to go buy food with me?"

"uhm sure I'm already hungry so let's go" jake accidentally said it in english

"Wow jake I didn't know that you have an accent when you speak English" Sunghoon said while walking with jake

"well yes i have an accent when i speak english because i used to live in australia i just moved here to korea" jake said to sunghoon

In sunghoon's mind "why do I feel like this? I am comfortable with him when I am with him.."

" Oh well that's nice"sunghoon said

"So jake what do you want to order? I'll pay" sunghoon asked jake

"What? No I'll pay"

"No jake Let me pay please" sunghoon gave him a puppy eyes

"Nah ah that puppy eyes won't work on me, i won't let you pay for my food! It's embarrassing" jake said

Jungwon P.O.V

I wondered why Jake and Sunghoon weren't there yet, I looked in the direction where I heard Sunghoon's voice.

I saw the two of them talking like they were fighting and I saw sunghoon's face... HE'S POUTING!!!

"Hey hey hey guys look!" they all looked at jungwon

"what is it jungwon" sunno said

"look at the two, they seem close and look at sunghoon he's pouting!!!" jungwon almost scream

"Go take a picture of them!!!" Sunno said

Jungwon suddenly took out his cell phone and took a picture of the two.

"What?! Where are they? I can't see them" heeseung said

"bro, you really need to get your eyes checked up" niki said.

"i agree with niki they're just close to us , and you can't see them yet" Jay said and heeseung just rolled his eyes

"Guys shut up they're coming" sunno said.

when sunghoon and jake were going to their friends they noticed that they were talking about something.

"hi guys what are you talking about?"s sunghoon asked

"Oh its about you and ja-"

heeseung didn't finish what he was going to say because they all suddenly covered his mouth.

"It's about me and who?"sunghoon asked again

In jake's mind "Are they talking about us?"

"oh hahaha it's nothing" Jungwon gave a nervous laugh

"Yeah sunghoon It's nothing now you two sit down" Sunno said

After a few minutes they're all talking but Jake's phone suddenly rang.

all their attention went to jake's phone.

"Jake? it looks like someone is calling you, you should answer it." niki said to jake.

Jake looked at his phone to see who was calling, he was surprised when he saw who was calling him. His ex is calling him.

"oh no, I don't know who called, maybe he called the wrong number"Jake said

Sunghoon knew that he was lying, his eyes looked teary like he was about to cry.

"Jake are you sure?" Sunghoon asked jake.

"Ofc hoon i am" jake said..

In sunghoon's mind "I know that you were lying jake. I can see it through your face."

"hey guys? I'll excuse myself. I have to go to the bathroom but I'll be back I won't be long." jake said

"Oh. Okay jake go on"jungwon said

And jake just smiled at him and walked away.

"Uhh...that's weird" jay said.

"Yeah it is" Heeseung said

"I knew something was up."Jungwon said and he looked at sunghoon

"Hey sunghoon"jungwon called him


"You should go follow him but don't let him see you following him" jungwon said.

And they all agreed with jungwon

"Okay okay fine I'll follow him" sunghoon said

"Bro hurry up!" niki said.

sunghoon stood up from his seat and started running

Few minutes later..

sunghoon saw jake walking and his direction was to the rooftop not the bathroom.

Sunghoon slowly followed Jake so he wouldn't get caught.

Jake P.O.V

stupid tears won't stop falling, why did he call me? for all the things he has done to me? then he will call me like nothing happened between the us?.

His phone rang again..

Should i answer it?

What should i do?

I don't know what to do..

Shall I avoid the call?.

His hands started shaking again.

He just looked at his cellphone that was ringing.

until he felt tears forming in his eyes..

Sunghoon P.O.V

is he crying? He came a little closer to look at it carefully.

and he was surprised by what he saw..

He's crying..

he saw jake walk to the rooftop so he just followed him

Jake P.O.V

Okay. this is my last decision, I will answer his call.

"What do you want?" he said with a cold tone.

"Jake I'm sorry" his ex said trough the phone.

"For what jackson? You hurt me too much, please don't disturb me anymore, I am doing fine without you." jake said and his tears started to fall again.

"jake please let me explain to you, just one more chance please one more." His ex said

"you have told me that several times. I gave you a few chances to fix yourself but what did you do? You wasted the chances I gave you, no matter how many chances I give you, I know you won't change." Jake said while crying

"jakey please I tried to stop myself but my anger really prevailed, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Let me go jackson. I am done with you."jake said and hang up the call.

when I Already hung up the call, my legs got weaker, I sat on the floor and cried

Sunghoon's P.O.V

Did I hear it right?

who's jackson? why is he crying so hard?

Should i approach him?......

Yes i should.

I cried so much that I didn't realize that Sunghoon had sat down next to me

"Jake You know that's how love really is, you really have to be careful not to get hurt, it's like playing with fire. if you are not careful you will get hurt" Sunghoon said to jake

Jake raised his head and was surprised to see who spoke.



