Chapter 19

Time skip

when we finished taking a shower, I quickly dried Jihun's hair, and I did the same to mine and I immediately took the clothes I had prepared for Jihun.

I put his clothes and shorts on him, and I made his hair a messy slicked back, since it's long enough to make it a messy slicked back.

When I'm done taking care of jihun's stlyes I made him looked at the mirror, his eyes went big when he see's his new hairstyle.

"were done love, now do you think you looked like papa?" i asked him and he nodded.

"Yes! So amazingg!" he said with excitement and jake chuckled slightly when he heard his little cute laugh.

"Stay here love, i need to get dressed first"

Jake went to his closet to choose what to wear, he put his hand on his chin while choosing what to wear...his eyes immediately stopped from looking when he saw a pastel blue hoodie and a light blue pants.


jake took the clothes he was going to wear and started to fix himself.

when he finished he immediately went to jihun and saw him playing on his cellphone.

"Hey love that's enough we're going down now" jake said making jihun to stop using cellphone and before he went down he double checked his bag if 6

what he needed to bring was complete.

Jihun's jacket, earphones, power back, jihun's toy car, charger, Extra shirt, mini fan.

"Complete, let's go" jake grabbed jihun's wrist and went down stairs.

when they were going down, jake heard sunghoon saying "Yes were good auntie" were they talking about something?

Looks like they're talking about some serious things what could it be?.... nevermind

"What are you two talking about?" jake said while jihun is struggling on his shoe lace.

"Noth-" Sunghoon eyes went big when he saw jihun's colthes, he looked at his clothes and his eyes went back on jihun

"Wow...we have the same clothes, oh my god! Come here buddy" Sunghoon said and stand up as jihun ran to him, and sunghoon lifted him up.

"You did this love?" Sunghoon asked jake.

"Yeah I did that since you two is kinda similar, Do you like it?"

"nah i love it" sunghoon responded quickly.

Jake smiled at him feeling relieved

"Awww jihun is so handsome! did you eat already? come eat with me" Jake's mom said.

"go ahead love" sunghoon said and put jihun right next to jake's mom.

sunghoon approached jake who is busy scrolling at his cellphone.

"What are u doing?"

"Nothing just scrolling, Why don't you go and eat with them? Are you not hungry?"

"I'm not hungry love, what about you? did u eat already?"

"Yeah i didn't wake you up because you're still sleeping, you'll probably will be clingy to me" jake said and rolled his eyes.

"what time did you wake up?"

"4 i guess? i didn't sleep well because It's too hot I'm sweating all night"

"What do you mean hot? It's so cold last night"

Jake glared at him and said

"why? are you the one that jihun hugs every time he sleeps, huh? are you? Plus he still has a blanket with him, you think it's not hot? I'm just putting up with it so your son can sleep well"

"Then he will stay next to me when he sleeps for just one night, so he can sleep well too hehe"

"What? No way I'd rather not sleep than let jihun sleep next to you, No. Never"

"Hey that's very rude! well atleast I'm i can sleep well"

"Atleast I'm the one he always looks for every time he wakes up"

they stopped fighting when they heard Anne speak.

"Can you two stop fighting? Jihun is done eating, Ya'll better leave now It's 6:45 or you two will be late for your class."

"oh right I'm sorry.....Jihun come here we need to leave"

jake lifted up jihun and brushed his hair with his fingers.

"Ma were leaving, Bye!"

They all said goodbye to her and started to walk.

"Are you nervous?" sunghoon asked jake.

"A little but It's okay"

"Are you sure? tell me when something goes wrong okay??"

"Nothing bad will happen don't worry"

Sunghoon nodded and looked at jake

he may be hearing hurtful words for having a child in such a young age choose to ignore it, he just thinks about jihun all the time he's so soft when it becomes into jihun I mean all parents are so soft when It comes to thier kids but I feel different in Jake. they're not biological but he's treating jihun like his own kid.

I know jakw is handsome and cute at the same time but i fell because of his kind and soft personality.

When sunghoon got inside of the car he start the engine while jake is putting a seatbelt for jihun.

"Okay all done let's go" Jake said after he entered the passenger seat.

Sunghoon put his seatbelt same goes to jake and started to drive.

"Anyway what did my mom said to you? I heard you two are talkimy earlier" jake asked him.

When jake asked him sunghoon immediately remembered what he and ms anne talked about


when I finished getting dressed I immediately went downstairs and went to the kitchen to find something to eat I saw ms anne making coffee so i decided to greet her a good morning.

"Good morning auntie" sunghoon greeted her.

"oh you're awake good morning too hoon, come here and eat sweetie" ms anne said and offered him a seat.

"You know, you're very handsome sunghoon"

"Thank you, auntie" sunghoon gave her a bright smile and same goes to her.

"So you're courting jake?" she asked.


"did he said yes to you?"

"uhmm he hasn't answered me yet, he said I just need to give him some time, but it's fine I can wait no matter how long"

"let me tell you something sweet heart" Anne said and took sunghoon's hand and sunghoon turned his head to her.

"if you two ever fight no matter how serious it is, promise me that you will never yell at him."

"May i ask why?"

"because he will cry immediately if you yell at him, he's very a soft hearted person and he's very sensitive he doesn't like being yelled at"

Sunghoon was a little bit shocked when he heard that.

"Promise i won't yell at him, I may be have a short temper, but I will never yell at him, you can trust me"

"Please take care of my jake."

"I will."

end of flash back.

"Nothing,she just said that I need to take care of you because you're such a clumsy person" Sunhoon let out a small laugh when he see jake is glaring at him.

"Yes im a clumsy person but i can take care of myself Duh!" jake said and rolled his eyes.

"You're so cute, when you're angry"

"shut up"Jake said and opened his phone and went on messenger.

Sunoo is a bitch😝😝😝

Guys if you have a problem on me
Just come to me and have a fight.

U wanna have a fight with me?


These two....


Bro is been offline for 5days😂😂

Yeah because he's busy with @Simjakey

It's not my problem that he loves me
More than you guys😜

I feel betrayed @Snghnpark

Plus he's busy spending his time with his son sooo...

Okay guys jake is serious.

I tought you're just joking...

Were taking him with us so Ya'll gonna see him later

I tell that child is cute how old is he?

6year old but he's more mature than you guys

What's his name?


I can't wait to see him LOL.

Jake closed his phone and turned his head on sunghoon was focusing on the road.

seriously i can stare at his face all day.

