Chapter 3


Jake P.O.V

when I saw sunghoon I immediately wiped my tears

"Sunghoon what are you doing here?" i asked and smiled at him.

"so that's the reason why you left earlier because you talked to that jackson?" Sunghoon said

"What?" Jake said

In jake's mind "did he hear our conversation...?"

"who is jackson?"Sunghoon asked jake

"why do you need know?" Jake replied.

"Nothing I just want to know, if you don't want to say it.. it's okay"Sunghoon said and look at him

"My ex..."Jake said and rested his head on his knee, he could feel the tears forming in his eyes.

"Aishh Jake don't cry" Sunghoon said while patting his back

"I'm not crying silly." Jake lied to sunghoon.

"Im not crying hoon"he said weakly and his face looks like he's about to cry

"Oh no jakey don't cry, What makes you feel better?"Sunghoon asked jake to make him feel better.

"Why?" Jake responded

"do you want to eat ice cream? my treat" sunghoon said and smiled at jake

In Jake's mind "Why are you doing this to me sunghoon.."

"Are you sure?" Jake said and looked at sunghoon

"ofc i am, you know what jake? Let's skip class together" Sunghoon said and he stand up

"Yeah let's go who will say no to ice cream anyways, and school is boring so let's skip this class today." Jake said

"Here take my hand" and he offered Jake his hand

"Let's get out of here"

Jake smiled at him and held Sunghoon's hand.

Jungwon P.O.V

why did sunghoon take so long?

did something bad happen to him?

No jungwon. think positive..

But what if..

"HEY JUNGWON YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" sunno screamed right to his ears

'OWWW SUNNO! YOU DON'T HAVE TO SCREAM"jungwon screamed back to sunno

"I've been calling you for a while now, you're not responding, what's wrong with you?"Sunno said

Jungwon sigh and said "sunghoon and jake haven't come back yet. I'm starting to get nervous."

"they will come back soon, don't worry" sunno said and trying to make jungwon calm

"But what if they don't?"Jungwon looked at sunno.

"They will be ba-" sunno didn't finish what he said because suddenly jungwon's cellphone rang

"Sunno! It's sunghoon!" Jungwon said

"Answer the call and put it on speaker"sunno said

"Hey sunghoon where are you? Where's jake? you too are late"jungwon asked sunghoon through phone

"Don't worry jungwon I am with jake, He's doing fine" sunghoon said

Jungwon sigh in relief

"Oh my god that's good to hear i am so worried about you and jake"Jungwon said

"HAHAHA really? Don't worry were fine, and jungwon me and jake are skipping classes today because jake is too tired from school so... Can you tell the professor that we are both absent today because we have an emergency?"Sunghoon said

"Oh . Yeah sure sunghoon have fun with jake babyee im gonna hang up this now"Jungwon said

"Alright jungwon byee thank you"

And jungwon ended up the call.

"sunghoon must be having fun with jake right now huh?" Jungwon smirked.

"Lol i think sunghoon has a little bit crush on jake" Sunno said.

"HAHA yes i know that"Jungwoon said.

Jake P.O.V

Me and sunghoon are been walking for 15minutes! Oh my god my feet are already tired

"Sunghoon I'm tired from walking, let's rest first" I said

"oh you're tired? Come here I'll give you piggy back ride"Sunghoon said

In jake's mind "this guy must be joking what the hell"

"What? No I'm heavy, i might hurt your back" jake said

"I'm strong enough to carry you jake so trust me" sunghoon said

"Sunghoon are you sure?" Jake said with hesitation.

"Yeah so come on, don't worry i won't drop you" sunghood said and smiled at jake


Sunghoon bended his leg a little so that Jake could ride on his back

"seriously jake? why are you so light? Are you not eating well?"sunghoon asked jake and started walking

"Oh about that.... Well sometimes I don't eat because I lose my appetite"jake said

"What? But you look healthy"sunghoon said

"Really?"jake said

"Yes but your waist is so small i can grab in one hand"Sunghoon said

"Well HAHAHA i did it on purpose" Jake said while hugging sunghoon tightly.

"why? that's bad for your health" sunghoon said

"Oh look were here!"Jake said and jumped

"iiiiiccceeeee creaammmm"jake shouted and started running

"Hey hey hey You stop running wait for me be careful!"Sunghoon shouted and running to catch jake

"Come on! Run faster" jake shouted back and stoped to wait sunghoon.

"I told you to wait for me" sunghoon said while catching is breath

"I'm sorry let's go nowww!!" jake hold sunghoons hand and dragged sunghoon

Sunghoon looked at their hands holding.

What is this feeling? I felt butterflies in my stomach when he grabbed my hands.

"Jake I'll order go find a sit for us, what flavor do u want?" sunghoon said

"Cookies and cream!" jake said

"Got it, now go find a sit for us"


he is very energetic when it comes to ice cream, he seems to be okay now.

Jake P.O.V

I feel like I'm not feeling well, my head hurts....FUCK

i have dysautonomia. i will pass out immediately when i feel like i'm not feeling well

fight it jake you can't pass out one will help you here

sunghoon why is it taking so long? where are you?...

Sunghoon P.O.V

when i bought ice cream i went to the chair where jake was sitting. I saw him he was struggling.

What's happening?I quickly went to Jake and saw that he was pale.

"Hey hey hey jake im here what happened to you?"

"hoon.... my head hurts." Jake responded weakly

"Why what happened? Tell me" sunghoon asked jake while shaking him.

"Listen. I have dysautonomia. I'm going to pass out in no time, just think I'm just sleeping and I'll wake up too but it takes me a little longer. don't worry and don't panic. DO NOT PANIC." jake said.

"take me to a place where there are no people. let's rest there. don't leave me." jake said weakly

"Okay i got it"

"Hoon?" Jake called him

"Yes? Im here"sunghoon replied quickly.

"if I passed out. please..catch me stay beside me." Jake said

"I will, are you okay now?"sunghoon asked jake.

No respond.

"Jake? Im asking if you're okay."sunghoon asked again

No respond.

why is he just looking at the table? he's not answering my question.

I raised my hand a little. to catch him if he faints.


he passed out.

Jake's head is now in my arms.

I picked Jake up and went outside the DQ.

Sunghoon's P.O.V

When I got into our house, I immediately went straight to my room, ignoring the maid who greeted me.

I put jake on my big bed slowly and let him sleep soundly.

You'll be fine jakey...


