Chapter 15

"How should I tell Jihun? I don't want to see him being sad hoon." Jake said and placed his palm on his forehead

"My head is already hurting..."

"jake i think we need to tell him everything because if we hide it from him for a long time it will hurt him even more you know that. so if you don't want to hurt him, tell him, he has to accept the truth" Sunghoon said and start to drive.

"what if he gets away from us when we tell him"

"then explain everything properly to him, and tell him that you will love him and treat him like your own son. so that the child doesn't have to worry, I am also concerned about Jihun" sunghoon said and looked at jake

"Do you think we can manage studying and taking care of jihun at the same time? Do you think we can do it?"

"we can handle it and I'll try my best to take care of him and give him some of my time so that he doesn't feel that I'm losing my attention for him, I don't know why i am so attached to jihun so much....Anyways let's stop on my house first" Jake said and looked at sleeping jihun at the back.

Jihun and sunghoon's eyes are excatly the same...but jihun has a long eye lashes but sunghoon has a short eye lashes.

"Why are we stopping on your house??" sunghoon asked.

"to get some clothes for me and I'll introduce jihun to my mom and tell her everything. Hoon while i am talking to my mom please buy some clothes for jihun and some toys. I'll give you my card." jake said and took out his card and give it to sunghoon.

"Jake i told you i have plently clothes on my house you don't need to bring your clothes." sunghoon said and take the card from jake.

"Yeah you have but your pants doesn't fit into me It's too big."

"Oh..It's that so? Then bring your clothes if you want to but you can still use mine, you look small in my clothes"

"don't you have a medium size of clothes in your house?"

"Nah all my shirt size is large because I'm tall, unlike you"

"excuse me? I'm also tall" jake looked at him.

"Yeah but you're not tall as me"

Jake rolled his eyes and sunghoon just laughed at him.

Time skip

when they got to Jake's house, Sunghoon immediately got out of the car and opened the door for Jake.

"I'll call you when we're done talking, and don't tell Jihun about what happened to his parents...let's tell him together later after dinner"

"Sure jake I will not tell him"

"Good and keep your eyes on him... Don't lose him hoon or i will come get you and torture you." jake said squinting his eyes on sunghoon.

"What kind of torture is that huh?" Sunghoon teased him and give him a smirk.

"hmm maybe I'll tie you and punch you in the face"

Sunghoon smile dissapeard on his face and look at jake

"fine...anyways we'll get going now"

"Sure have a safe ride and don't forget to buy jihun some pajama's"

Sunghoon nodded his head and approached jake and kissed jake's forehead.

Jake turned his face into a tomato quickly

Is he nuts? Why would he kiss me out of nowhere?!

"W-what's that for?" jake asked him while suttering.

"Why? Am i not allowed?" sunghoon asked.

"Ah no it's not like that I'm just not used to it"

"well you need to get used to it because I will always kiss your forehead"

Jake smiled at him and hit his shoulder.

"Yeah i get it now go before it gets dark"

"yeah i should go now bye jake"

"Bye hoon"

Jake watched sunghoon's car drove away and entered their house.

When i entered the house i saw my mom eating alone i stared at him until she notice me.

"jake!" his mom said and came into jake to hug him. "My sweet boy where are you all of the time? Are you sleeping in your friends house?" she said and broke the hug

"Yeah ma and i came here to talk to you"

"Sure, have a seat first and we will talk"

Jake followed his mom to sit.

when he sat down with them, his mom immediately asked him

"So jake what are we going to talk about?"

"Ma.." jake said and hold his mom's hand "I've met a child"

"Oh...and? What's wrong?"

"Me and sunghoon found him into the store and he approached us asking for help to find his parents"

"so me and sunghoon decided to help him and we came into the police station to ask for some help"

"Oh you did?? Well jake you did the right thing tough what's wrong with that?" his mom asked.

"we met him three days ago ma and earlier we went to the police station again because we were wondering why it's been 3 days and we still haven't received a call"

"Sunghoon made us stay in the car, then when he got back he told me that his parents are no longer here in Korea, so that means his parents went to another country and we haven't told the child about this."

"That's bad how can they leave their child?" his mom said and looked into him "What's the childs name?"

"Jihun. He's a boy and he's 6years old but he has a mature mindset."

"Oh my god 6years old? He's too young and his parnets leave him already? jake you know you should put him on adoption center"

"Ma about it...I'm not going to put him on adoption center" jake said and his mom looked at him with confused look.

"Huh? Then what are you gonna do about him?"

"I'll adopt that child ma. I am just so attached to him and he is such a warm kid and very respectful. And i don't want to leave him. If i send hin into the adoption center i know that i am going to regret it. And since no one is looking after jihun i decided to take him with me at school. he's gonna be Sim Jihun."

"Jake, you know that you are studying, right? You know how hard it is to take care of a child while studying, right? and 20 and she is 6, the other people might think that you have a child at the age of 14"

"i don't care about other people. And I'll ignore then I only care about jihun and sunghoon . Ma please let me do this."

His mother sighted and looked at him

"Okay but jake if you need something tell me because you're raising it alone"

jake suddenly remembered that sunghoon is courting him and so he tought that he will tell this to his mother

"Ma actually i am not alone..." jake said and his mom gave him a confused look.

"Do you still remember sunghoon?"

"Ah yes that handsome and tall guy what's up with him?"

"we will raise jihun together ma. and he's....he's courting me" jake said and his mom was shocked.

"omg since when jake?"

"Last night."

"Omg jake it's a jackpot you know that? Sunghoon is perfect you know that?"

"I know ma he's such gentleman and cute at the same time but he's always teasing me"

"you know jake? Tell sunghoon that he is sleeping at our house tonight"

"Not a bad idea. I'm actually thinking about that HAHAHHA"

Jake looked at his mama and say "Thank you for letting me do this ma. you're the best, i love you" and jake hugged her.

"You're welcome my boy and i love you too"

"she's the best mother in the whole world."

