Chapter 1

Jake P.O.V

I woke up because my alarm was so loud I sat on my bed while yawning and I checked the time, My eyes widened when I saw the time.

"WHAT THE FUDGE?!! 6:45?!!! IT'S ALREADY 6:45?!"

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower

when I finished taking a shower, I quickly got dressed

In jake's mind "Oh no im gonna be late again dang it!"

when I finished getting dressed I immediately went downstairs.As I saw my mother preparing breakfast

"Oh there's my baby boy, come here and eat your breakfast" My mom said

"Oh no thanks mama I need to go because I will be late for school" I said.

"Oh sure honey, be careful on your way to school!" My mom shouted

"Yes mama Byeee!" I shouted back

Time skip 7:45

" oh no I'm 15 minutes late"

while I was running I suddenly bumped into a man

when I looked to see who it was, my eyes immediately widened.

In jake's mind "Woah... He's..He's Handsome!"

while the man just stared at him evilly.

"Don't you know how to say sorry?" Sunghoon said.

Jake was suddenly surprised by what Sunghoon said to him so he quickly bowed and say sorry

"Gosh he's scary" Jake tought

before Jake walked away from Sunghoon, Sunghoon grabbed Jake's arm and stared at him..

Jake couldn't move where he was standing and just stared into the man's eyes

"He's holding my arm... Is he angry?" jake tought

before sunghoon could speak to jake, jake removed his arm from sunghoon's hand

"I-Im sorry for what happened e-erlier i didn't mean to bump on you i swear im sorry" jake said as he start to panick

"panick attack? Not again."

Jake hands are starting to shake because he is afraid that Sunghoon might hurt him.

Sunghoon look at jake and said.

"don't worry I'm not angry and I won't hurt you either, i just want to ask your name."Sunghoon said.

Jake was to stunned to speak when he heard that.

"What?... My name? Why does he want to know?" those questions are making jake's head hurt.

"So what's your name?" Sunghoon said

"Sim Jaehyun but you can call me jake" Jake said.

"Hmmm so jake wanna come with me? you look cute" Sunghood asked jake

Jake looked at Sunghoon and said


Sunghoon was surprised by what Jake said to him

In sunghoon's mind "did he just...REJECTED ME?!"

"Then fine" Sunghoon said and rolled his eyes.

"Okay. Then I'll go first because I will be late for my class" Jake said and he started running again.

Time skip 8:15

Jake has arrived in their classroom. thankfully their professor is not there yet

Jake sat in his seat at the back, he was alone on his seat because no one wanted to sit next to him.

other people think he's weird, he has no friends and no one to talk to.

His classmates call him mr nobody

He is happy with the fact that no one will bother him.

Time skip 9:00

In jake's mind "why didn't the professor come to our class?"

He took a deep breath and put his head on his desk to sleep

It wasn't long before a man entered their room, he looked to see who it was.

In jake's mind "HOLY SHI- he is the guy I bumped into earlier, and he is also the one who asked me to go with him!"

Jake didn't realize that he was looking at the man for a long time.

sunghoon noticed that someone was looking at him and he saw who was looking at him and it was...

In sunghoon's mind "what the hell? Is that the guy who rejected me earlier?"

"just take a picture of me so you can look at me longer"Sunghoon said.

Jake Ignored him

"Jake right?" Sunghoon asked

Jake look at him and said

"Yes and you are?".

"Sunghoon. Im park sunghoon, Why? Are you interested in me?" Sunghoon said

"WHAT?! NOW WAY!" Jake almost shout.

"Okay jeez calm down" Sunghoon said.

"isn't anyone sitting here?" sunghoon said

"There's no one sitting besides me." jake's said and felt a little sad

"Can i sit here?" Sunghoon asked jake.

"are you sure you want to sit next to me?" Jake said.

Sunghoon let out a little chuckle and said.

"I won't ask you if I don't want to sit here." Sunghood said to jake

Jake felt his face getting hot so he took his eyes off Sunghoon.

when their professor arrived they quickly sat down in their seats and said goodmorning.

"Okay class good morning I have a box here, I want you to write on paper what happened to you with your past lovers or ex. if you don't have an ex, just write your problems on your paper, and if you're done writing on your paper, drop your paper here in our box" Their professor explained

Sunghoon stood up from where he was sitting and went to their teacher and said.

"professor, I want you to separate the paper that Jake will drop in the box, I want to read his problems" Sunghoon said and giving their professor a puppy eyes

"I got you kiddo now go back to your seat"

"Thank you professor" Sunghoon said

Time skip 9:10

"Okay now class times up put your papers here in our box." their professor said

when they put their papers in their box their professor said.

"okay who wants to go first?

"Me" the other girl said and went to the front

and she read what was written on the paper

"Okay very good who's next?"

"ME!" jungwon said and he go to the front

Jungwoon start to read.

"my problem is my parents putting too much pressure on me and I can't focus well in school."

"Who write this?"Jungwon asked

"Jungwon its anonymous we don't know who write that." the professor said to him

"aw dang it"Jungwon said and he pouted

"HAHAHHA now go back to your seat wonie"

"okay who's next?" their professor asked them

"Me" sunghoon stood up from where he was sitting and went to the front

jake watched sunghoon as he walked in front.

"my ex cheated on me 3 times. I gave him a lot of my time altough im very busy that time, and i gave him assurance and did everything for him. I thought he would change if I gave him another chance but.. maybe I was wrong"

Sunghoon felt a little pain and looked at Jake.

In jake's mind " oh no.. Did he know that it was mine? Why is he looking at me like that?"

Sunghoon's P.O.V

"I didn't know that happened to him. I feel sorry for him, isn't what his ex did to him a little too harsh?"Sunghoon said to jungwon

"yeah me too."Jungwon said and pouted

jungwon has an idea and he looks at sunghoon

"Hey sunghoon"

"Hm?" sunghoon respond

"let's invite jake to join us for lunch" jungwon said and he jumped a little

"woah jungwon that's a nice idea I also want to have lunch with him"sunghoon said.

"I also noticed that he has no friends and he doesn't talk to anyone because no one wants to talk to him" Jungwon said

"Yeah me too"sunghoon said

Time skip lunch time

"come on sunghoon come on jake is right there!" jungwon almost scream

"jungwon can you lower down your voice? he will hear us" Sunghoon said to jungwon

"Whatever you say sunghoon"

Sunghoon rolled his eyes

"oh there's jake let's get close to him before he leaves" Jungwon said while dragging sunghoon

"Jungwon calm down, calm down He hasn't left yet and one more thing, don't shout, there are many people looking at us" Sunghoon said to jungwoon

jungwon ignored it and approached jake.

"Jake!" Jungwon shouted

"Jungwon for fucks sake how many times do i need to tell to stop shouting" sunghoon said to him.

Jake looked in the direction where his name was being called.

In jake's mind "why are they calling me?".

And then jungwon runs stowards to jake

"Hi Jake, I was just wondering if you would like to join us for lunch? Sunghoon wants to have lunch with you"Jungwon said and laughed a little

The two boys were surprised by what Jungwon said.

"What? Jungwon why-"

jungwon didn't let sunghoon finish speaking and stepped on sunghoon's foot

"OUCH!" sunghoon screamed in pain.


"Jake come on sunghoon really want to have lunch with you, RIGHT SUNGHOON?" jungwon gave him a glare that it says "don't you dare to say no."

"A-ah yes i really want to have a lunch with you hahahaha" Sunghoon gave him a akward laugh

Jake only gave them a confused look.

"Please jakeyy" sunghoon begged and give him a puppy eyes

Jake felt a butterfly in his stomach when he heard that nickname.

"uh sure i loved to"

"Yes! Now come on let's go our other friends is waiting for us" jungwon said and dragged jake into the cafeteria

"Our friends....." jake whispered.


