Chapter 32

Jake was sitting on sunghoon's couch while watching some tv. Sunghoon and jihun were asleep upstairs so he have no one to talk, jake took out a long sigh and took out his phone


Hey guys take a look of this vid😭😭
*Sent a video*

girlie what...😦😦

dude u serious??
Why is he bullying jihun!!!😠😠😠

That bitchie person, still fighting with a child😦😦

Jihun cried earlier but he's okay now. My baby is so cute when he cries😭😭

I agree!

Guys do you have any plans?

No why??

No i don't

then let's go to the mall! My treat, only the three of us can go, because Jay and I had an argument. so we are ignoring each other, that fucking jay making my blood boil.

do you have money??

No, but I have Jay's credit card, I will spend his money, he really pissed me off earlier, My god. I'm running out of patience.

I'm down. What time?


Niki will not allow me
But im gonna sneak out

Me too😭
I will sneak out too

okay now hurry up guys

Okay! See u laterr

Bye! See you guys later
Let's just hope we won't get caught🤞


I immediately put down my cellphone and went upstairs. When I arrived at the door of Sunghoon's room, I slowly opened the door, and I saw the sleeping Sunghoon and Jihun.

I almost screamed because of their cuteness! Jihun lay on Sunghoon's chest, while Sunghoon hugged his small body.

and after staring at them for almost a minute, I went to Sunghoon's closet, and while I scanned his clothes, my eyes suddenly stopped at his green pastel hoodie and white jeans, I also took his green converse and went inside the bathroom


after I shower and get dressed, I go to the middle of the mirror and apply sunscreen and perfume, and look at the clothes I'm wearing God! I look pretty and handsome at the same time

I turned my back and went towards them, I crawled on the bed and looked at them while they were sleeping. I couldn't stop smiling, I took Sunghoon's cellphone and unlocked it, I took some pictures of them and when im done I put his cellphone on the bed

I caressed sunghoon's hair, and brushed some of his hair that was blocking his eyes, i placed a tiny kiss on his forehead and same goes to jihun

After giving them multiple kisses I slowly got out of bed and went out of the room



Guys where are you?
I'm alr here infront of the entrance

I'm here jungwon, where are you? I can't see you

The fuck I'm getting lost here

I'm here at the main entrance guys
Just come here, sunoo you stupid bitch just come here at the main entrance

Wait I'm coming!!


while I was walking to the main entrance, I saw Jungwon waving at me and I quickly ran to him

"Hi jungwon" I greeted him and hugged him "What? Where is Sunoo? He hasn't arrived here yet?"

"Look who's here?" Jungwon said and hit me with his elbow slightly "Girl? I've been waiting here for almost half an hour??"

"Hehe i got lost"

"You wouldn't get lost if you are using your brain" Jungwon whispered but loud enough to sunoo

"Hey I heard that! I got lost and some boys was talking to me asking for my number. I mean who wouldn't? Just look at me, I'm a godess" sunoo said and flip his non-existing hair

"Ew that is so digusting" jungwon said

"You're mean" sunoo replied and rolled his eyes

"Can you guys stop fighting already? Because I badly want to go in now, It's really hot in here"

"Yeah let's go!!"

We went inside the mall and talking where should we go first

"uhhh buy some clothes?" Sunoo suggested and look around "Aha!"


"Look overthere" sunoo pointed at the book store and looked at jungwon "Let's buy some books"

"Good idea sun, Let's go girlies"

We went in in the book store God it smells so nice.

While we are looking for some books, my eyes stopped at the white-caramel color book the title is "The day he said goodbye."

"Guys....look what i found." I said and lifted up the book "It's a sad ending....shall we read this?"

"Sad ending....?" the three of us stared at each other hesitating if we can finish this book. We all hate sad endings

"Okay I've made up my mind we are going to read this book" I said and putted the book on the basket

After an hour of looking my feet starting to hurt, we are looking for books for almost one hour.

"Guysss I'm hungry let get some food" sunoo said and pouted

"Sure. I think this is enough, We found so many books..It's kinda tiring, my feet is starting to hurt, you guys can go first I'll pay for this" Jungwon said, me and sunoo quickly followed what he said.

"Do you think niki will get mad at me if he finds out i sneaked out?" Sunoo asked

"I think so...I hope jihun is not looking for me"


"He's crying when he couldn't see me. He loves me more than his father" jake winked

"Mama's boy huh? It must be tiring to watch over a child for 24/7"

"Yeah it is but It's okay tough, Sunghoon is suck with kids. He's always teasing jihun"

"Yeah jihun is more mature than him. That fucking immature guy."

It didn't take too look for jungwon to arrive he handed me the bag that we was holding This is freaking heavy

"So let's go?"

"Let's gooooo!!!" we all screamed but immediately cover our mouth

"Guys let's sit here for a minute, I'm so tired already"

we sat on the bench near us, it's tiring to walk around all day. It's 5:30 for sure sunghoon is looking for me right now, let's just hope he won't be angry with me when I get home

"Did you guys enjoy it?" Jungwon asked

"Yes, won. Thank you for your treat, next time we'll come here again but we'll treat you" sunoo replied with a bright smile

"Yes! let's go here next time won."

we are happily talking about what we will do or buy the next time we come here not until....

"uh oh. I think we need to hide. this is bad" jungwon said while covering his face


"look at there. Our boyfriends are looking for us. Jihun is there too." Jungwon said while pointing out the three men who were standing while looking for someone and a child who was eating.

"shit." "fuck" "Fudge!" we all curse at the same time
