Chapter 24

After we got out from school we saw a two black cars, jay and heeseung are standing besides it.

"Hey there Mi amor" Jay greeted jungwon and hugged him

(mi amor means my love)

"WHAT THE FU-" Niki was cut out because sunoo covered his mouth and pinch his shoulder

"cover that nasty mouth of yours nishimura." sunoo whispered to him and gave him a fake smile.

"Ayeee there jihun come to me buddy!" heeseung shouted and put the bags that he's been carrying.

"Go to your uncle heeseung, I wanna talk your mama" Sunghoon said and brushed jihun's hair using his fingers before he put his child down.

"Uncle heee!!" Jihun screamed and jump into hee

"Iyaahh, wow you're quite heavy jihun"

"You can put me down uncle hee"

"What? No i am strong enough to carry you, i can even throw you and catch you"

"like I'm flying?"


Jihun face immediately brighten up when he heard that

"Really? Really? Can you do that to me?" Jihun said and gave him cheeky smile

"Okay, I'll do it for you, so I'll be your favorite uncle, okay? I want to be your favorite" heeseung said while look him at the eyes, while jihun is nodding many times.

Sunghoon P.O.V

after i finished giving jihun to heeseung i immediately went to jake, a while ago i noticed that he was zoning out every minute LIKE EVERY MINUTE

"hey there beautiful, you seem deep in thought? Do you have a problem? you can tell me, you know that I will always listen"

I told him to make him feel better, I'm not used to seeing him like this, maybe I'm used to the jolly and hyper Jake??

"ha?" he replied shortly.

"Do you have a problem? You seem in really deep tought"

"No I don't have a problem, I'm still sleepy so that's why hehe"

He said, I know he's lying but I just let it go, I can tell by his actions.

"You know-"

I didn't continue on what I was going to say because I saw heeseung throw jihun in the air, THROWING HIM IN THE AIR AND CATCH HIM?!! EXCUSE ME? THAT'S VERY DANGEROUS, WHAT IF HEESEUNG DIDN'T CATCH HIM IN TIME?

"Yah! Lee heeseung if you didn't catch my son in time, i will seriously kill you!" sunghoon shouted.

"Hey! no need to be like that, look at jihun he must be having so much fun" Jake said.

"Yeah i know he's having fun, but that's really dangerous jake"

"Just trust heeseung i know he won't drop jihun, and he's not throwing jihun that high." jake spat and sunghoon didn't asnwer as he felt a little bit irritated.

"Heeseung! Stop that right now!" Sunghoon shouted and start walking towards heeseung.

"Shhhh can you stop shouting?? the other students will hear us, do you want us to get caught??" Jungwon interupted sunghoon and continue to put the bags on the back car "Sunoo-yah can you help me??" jungwon added .

Geez this man...doesn't he know what he's doing?

"have you lost it?? You know what you did was dangerous." sunghoon said and took jihun from heeseung's arms

"hey chill yes I know, but I have no intention of not catching your son and I didn't throw him that high, i was just playing with him" heeseung deffended.


"Ugh! These two are really noisy when they fight" Jungwon groaned and glared at them

"Yeah. Just get used to it, they're always fighting anyways." Jay said and combed his hair with his fingers.

"can you help me here?? because the bags are really big and heavy, you bought too many snacks for us. we won't be able to finish them all"

"Oh, that's for our foods stocks in our hone that medium bag is just our snacks, that big bag is our food stocks, i also bought your favorite foods"


"because that's what I'll give you whenever you're mad at me hehehe, because sometimes you're mad at me even if I don't do anything, so I bought all your favorite foods because I know that's the only thing that calms you down"

Jungwon stopped carrying the bags that he is holding and smiled at jay and patted his head.

"Wow! My baby knows me so well!"

Jay lowered his head and scratches his nape as he felt his face is getting hot

"I love you my bambii"

please someone rescue me. i feel like my heart is going to explode.

I couldn't help but smile at him brightly, and pulled him into a hug

"I love you more my kitty." I whispired to him


"Ew." Sunoo said with disgusted face while looking at jungwon and jay

"Why are you so grumpy today?" niki sighed


"Do you want to eat mint choco ice cream??" Niki said he knows how sunoo love mint choco

"You're not joking right?" Sunoo said while pouting.

And here's my weakness again.

"Ofcourse do you want to buy ice cream later?"

I said as i put a piece of sunoo's hair behind his ear.

"Yes pleaseee!!!"

"You're so cute my peach, Ah I'm so whipped"

Sunoo Stared at him with full of adorness in his eyes, can't help to smile because of niki's behavior

I don't want to let you go anymore. This boy is literally my everything.

"Here's mama sit next to him" Sunghoon said.

"Hello my baby boy, did your papa scold you for letting uncle hee throw you like that??"

"No he didn't scold me, he only scold uncle hee" Jihun said and hugged jake

"Well that's good because i will scold him too if he scold you, I'm always on your side my buddy"

"Mommy..." Jihun said in low voice letting know jake that he's already tired and sleepy.

"What did you say? Are you not comfortable calling me mama?"

"But I want to call you mommy, and i want to call him daddy" jihun said pointing at jake and sunghoon.

"I'm a little bit shocked but It's okay, If you're comfortable with that then do it"

"I'm tiiireddd, so sleep mommy...."

Jake put jihun into his lap facing him and put his head on his shoulder while patting his back, actually jake is not very good at kids he's just doing what his mom told him to, and here's sunghoon staring at them with a little bit of smile in his face.

"Mama's boy i see."

"Well It's not my fault hehe"

"I'm going to take a picture of you two, so stay still" Sunghoon said as he pulled his phone on his pocket.

"One, two, three"

They did a several times of picture and sunghoon showed them all to jake

"This one is cute, I'm going to frame it and put it on my room"

"you should" Jake said.

"Aigooo He fell asleep already? He must be tired"

"Wait hoon....He didn't eat lunch?"

"Don't worry he drink two boxes of juice and one biscuits few hours ago, i asked he's full and he said yes, so you don't need to worry"

"thank godness."

"you care a lot about him, huh"

"I want to be the best parent for him, I never take care of a child before so I'm a little nervous, I might make mistakes, because it's my first time to be a parent, I'll admit Yes, being a parent is not easy, but it's not that bad"

While jake is talking how jihun is so close to him, he couldn't help but smile and stare at him

What did i do to deserve you?.... You're making me fall inlove with you even more. I didn't regret my decision to take care child with you in this age.... You look like an angel when you're talking. If i hadn't met situation will be the same right? Well i guess God really knows my pain and struggle with life so he sent me "Sim jaeyun" and "sim jihun" I almost gave up my life back then but these two came into my life and changed everything.
