Chapter 23

while I was driving, I was comforting and talking to Jake, he still hasn't stopped crying, I was talking to him in a soft tone, his hand was shaking a lot. he's still panicking

"Were on our way okay? just calm down, everything is going to be fine" I said as my voice are starting to shake a little.

He couldn't speak a word due of pain. no words are coming out all i can hear is his loud sobs.

I turned my head to see jihun, he looks worried about jake, and u turned my head again on the road.

"Don't worry baby, mama is fine, you can sleep If you want I'll take care of him okay?"

"I don't wanna...I wanna sit with mama..." Jihun said as he whinned and pouting.

"I'm so sorry to say this sweetheart, but you can't."

i felt guilty when i said that to jihun, i know he just wants to sit with his mother but i can't allow that.

I turned my head to see jake, i saw him covering his eyes with his palm and whispering something to himself.


I felt so sorry for him, my tears seem to fall every time I see him in that situation...but I prefer to stop it I gotta be strong for Jake I don't want him to worry more.

"Just wait love, don't worry."

Time skip.

when we arrived at the hospital, jake came out immediately, and took jihun from behind.

this is also what I like most about him, no matter how difficult his situation is, he never leaves jihun behind.

He is very independent, I can already that I am so lucky to have him by his

I went to him and put my hand on his back, his eyes are so red and puffy for crying, he's still trying his best not to cry because there are some people are staring at him.

"Don't worry hm? Just always remember that me and jihun are always here, were going trough this together, do you understand me?" I told him so that I could calm him down even a little and I felt relived when he smiled a little at me

I can see the little tears that forming into his eyes his nose are getting red too.

"I- i don't feel well." jake said out of nowhere and stopped walking.

I turned my head into him and he put jihun in the ground slowly.

He's face are already pale

Don't tell me...

"jake are you sleepy?" I asked and he just nod, i put my hands on his shoulder to support him

"Jihun come to papa I'll carry you okay?"

After i got jihun into my arms and i immediately put jake into the nearest bench that we see.

I put jihun into my lap and tell him to behave well, while jake just pacing out whith uneasy breathing

dysautonomia. He's gonna pass out soon.

I put my one hand infront of him ready to catch him when he's really going to pass out.




I gasped in shock as i heard someone is calling me.


"I've been yelling at you for million times! I said It's time to go! It's already time" jungwon said and pull me out of my chair.

"so It's just a dream?" i whispered to my self

"It's just what??"

"N-nothing, where's sunghoon and jihun?"

"Oh they're over there they're playing with jihun since you fall asleep" jungwon pointed at sunoo's chair who's tickling jihun, sunghoon is in the back laughting at jihun


"are you okay? Do you have a problem or did you and sunghoon fight??" jungwon asked.

"Ah no we are not fighting It's just I'm still sleepy so that's why" I said and laughed a little

"Were skipping our class."

"WHAT?!" I screamed and causing the others to look at me, and i immediately cover my mouth with my hands.

"All of us are skipping class heesung and jay are coming with us we already talked about skipping our class just this once, because we are too tired i think we deserve to rest and have fun! We already have good grades jake, and don't worry about our teacher i have a reason" Jungwon said and winked at me

"Now go get your child and your BOYFRIEND"

"He's not my boyfriend...maybe soon?" I said and laughed a little and continue to walk towards to sunghoon

"Look who's here buddy" Sunghoon said and tapped jihun's shoulder causing the little boy to turn his head.


When he see me he immediately ran into me and showed me his gummy smile

Ah...looking at him right now making all my worries gone, his smile is too addicting.

"How's my baby boy?" I asked him and brushed his hair back using my fingers and kissed his cheek.

"Super great! Papa and i played a lot"

"Oh really? Did you have fun? You must be tired"

"Can we play? With my trucks?" Jihun asked out of nowhere and gave me cheeky smile.

"Sure but let's play later, we are going somewhere fun is that okay??"

After that jihun gave me a high- five and hugged me

Oh my sweet boy...

"So how's your sleep?" sunghoon asked.

"Uhm....It's fine" I lied the dream is so wierd all i can remember is I am crying to hard and we went into the hospital, why tough? Why hospital?

"You're sweating a lot earlier, are you fine? You're not sick right?" sunghoon asked and put his back of his hand on my forehead

"chill I'm not sick it's just too hot earlier so that's why"

"Aye we gotta go now, hee and jay are waiting for us outside" Jungwon said and they follow it immediately.

"I'm gonna carry jihun, go get my bag" I told sunghoon and went out.

"Were going to skip class today, are you nervous because it's your first time?"

"kinda but It's just once so It's fine, where are we going anyways?"

"Somewhere fun"

"somewhere fun huh, just make sure that i will like that "Somewhere fun" "

Sunghoon smiled and put his hand around my shoulders.

"You sleep long enough I'm sure you're going to be super energetic"


Hey guys I'm sorry
For very long update:(
I've been so busy these days
Because of schools, and i barely
Have time to write this story
But don't worry i will try my
Very best to update ASAP.
I hope ya'll doing fine and
don't forget your homeworks!

