"Luke told me that you two got in an argument the day of your accident," Calum said as we walked down the busy streets of LA.

"Yeah, I told him I wanted to get an apartment of my own and he didn't take it very well," I explained.

"I think if you did get an apartment of your own, Luke would end up there with you all the time. That kid can't go more than 2 hours without having you around," Calum laughed.

"He literally asked me if he could hang out with us today, so I think you're right."

"He's so in love with you it's disgusting."

"He's so clingy. His favorite pastime is hugging me," I giggled.

"Ew, get this gross love away from me!"

"Don't even, I know you're happy that your best friends are happy."

"Yes, but I can be disgusted by love while being happy for you guys."

I laughed at Calum and we made our way into the cafe we had chosen for our lunch spot. It was Luke and I's favorite cafe, and the one we went to all the time. Calum had never been before so I offered to take him.

"So, how are you feeling? I'm sure you're super freaked out by everything," Calum asked after we sat down.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm kinda freaked out by getting in cars now, but I know it isn't realistic so I just deal with it," I answered.

"I'm sorry Aspen, that really sucks."

"I'm mostly just sorry that you guys had to meet my parents."

"Yeah, they were intense."

"Tell me about it."

Calum and I continued to talk during our lunch and after we were done we walked for a little bit on the streets of LA, both of us glad that we had this time alone, just the two of us. Calum was my best friend, and he really made sure that I was happy and taken care of. He also made it known that I was his best friend as well and it felt nice. I've never really had any close friends like Calum before. In my home town everyone hated me, and no one wanted to be my friend, so becoming a part of this group and having these people constantly showing their love and support was so overwhelming and I was so grateful for all four of them.

Calum dropped me off at Luke's once we were done hanging out, and Luke greeted me with a kiss to my forehead.

"How was your day with Cal," Luke asked as he led me to the couch.

"It was great, we spent the whole day talking shit about you," I teased and Luke poked my side in retaliation.

"We should watch a movie tonight," I suggested to Luke and he nodded his head in agreement.

I let Luke pick the movie while I made us some popcorn. I sat back down next to Luke with the bowl of fresh popcorn and he pulled me closer so that I was almost on his lap, but not quite. I rested my head on Luke's shoulder as he started the movie. These moments were my favorite, these private moments where Luke and I could just be ourselves and just be Luke and Aspen. There was no 5SOS fanbase, there was no Mark, there was no public relationship or media, it was just the two of us.

I loved my job and Luke's fans, but I also loved getting to have these moments where Luke and I didn't have to worry about our image and the media and paparazzi.

I pulled out my phone and put my face next to Luke's, snapping a photo of our cute moment.

"Where are you posting that?" Luke asked after I snapped the photo.

"Nowhere, this one's just for us," I smiled and sent the photo to Luke for him to have too.

    "Cute," Luke said before grabbing my hand with his free one as we continued to watch the movie on the screen in front of us.
