It didn't take long for the photos of me and Luke to be plastered everywhere. It felt like I was front and center of every news article and it was overwhelming.

None of them even knew my name. I was dubbed "mystery girl" by the media and the 5 seconds of Summer fan base.

After a couple of days I decided to look into Luke's band and discovered that they're more popular than he led on. I went down a Twitter rabbit hole for a few hours so I could read what their fans were saying about me and Luke.

I also took it upon myself to listen to some of their music and I must admit I liked the band.

Mark seemed to be pleased by everything too. A lot of the media was running with me being a new girlfriend and it seemed to be drowning out the playboy image Luke had.

A few days later Luke and I met up again. This time instead of going to the coffee shop he met me for lunch during my break.

We sat in a salad restaurant together, Luke deciding he was going to pay for the both of us this time.

"So do your bandmates know that this is like a fake pr thing or do they think it's real?" I asked between bites of my salad.

"They know, I literally tell them everything," he responded.

"How cute."

Luke rolled his eyes at me and continued to eat his lunch. I smiled at my own joke and continued eating my lunch as well. We sat in silence for a few minutes, just eating our lunch, before one of us spoke up again.

"Aspen," Luke started as he put his fork down.

I looked up at him and hummed in response.

"I thought you had a boyfriend?" He asked hesitantly.

"I do..." I trailed off.

"I feel like this is going to cause problems somewhere."

"He knows what's going on. We just have to be careful about going out in public and stuff so that the paps don't catch me with someone else," I explained.


The truth was I knew that no matter what my boyfriend, Jake, would be jealous. It didn't matter how much I told him this was a pr stunt, he would be jealous of Luke no matter what. And I also knew that Jake wouldn't voice this to me, he'd just start getting angry.

Of course as soon as the offer came up I told Jake about it to warn him that this was something that was going to happen. He told me he was cool with it, but when he came home that night he was already drunk and angry.

So Luke was right, our arrangement was going to cause problems somewhere, but there's nothing I could do about it if I wanted to keep my job. I just had to make sure that Jake didn't ruin the pr stunt out of jealousy.
