"Aspen," I heard Luke whisper, I kept my eyes closed and refused to wake up.

    "Aspen, we have to get up, we have a meeting with Mark in like two hours."

    "Let's just reschedule, I want to stay here all day," I whispered back.

    "Unfortunately we have to go to the meeting, love."

"Fine," I whined and let Luke pull me up with him as he sat up in the bed.

Luke brushed some hair out of my face before giving me a soft kiss. We didn't stay in bed for much longer, though, and eventually forced ourselves to get ready for the meeting. This was going to be an interesting meeting for sure, because Mark didn't know that Luke and I had actually started dating, or any thing that had happened between us recently.

Once we were ready and it was time to go, we both got into Luke's car and he drove us to the office.

I was nervous, and it definitely had to do with the fact that Luke and I had to tell Mark that we were dating for real this time. I really wasn't sure how that would go, especially with the history of how this relationship started in the first place.

"Alright, first things first, the press seems to be all good except for one minor hiccup recently. Luke, what was that all about?" Mark quizzed once we started the meeting.

"I went to her house to drop off some stuff she had left at mine, I didn't realize paparazzi would be following me," Luke explained.

"Okay, well you two need to have another outing soon, then. Preferably today. And, the next topic is the tour. Since the tour is soon, Aspen, we want you to go with them. You'll get paid the same, as if you're still here with us full time, but to make this seem real, you'll need to go with the band. It is still your decision, but I highly urge you to go with them."

"Right, of course. I'll get back to you about that as soon as I can," I told him.

"As much as I hate to spring this on you so suddenly, the decision needs to be made before we leave the meeting today."

I looked at Luke to see what he thought and he shrugged and gave me a small smile as if telling me to agree.

"As long as I get it in writing that you will continue to pay me, I'll do it," I agreed.

"Right, I'll send you an email detailing everything and stating that we are to continue to pay you," Mark told me.

It looked like I was going on tour with 5 Seconds of Summer.


    "I think you'll like touring," Luke stated as we walked around LA trying to find somewhere to eat. "Crystal will be there too, so it shouldn't be bad."

    "Honestly, I'm not worried about it. It'll be fun to see you guys on tour," I told him.

    "We're going to have to start doing album promo soon which means I won't be at home during the day a lot. You can come with us, but honestly I think that would bore you."

    "Yeah, I think I'll be okay at home."

    "How about this one?" Luke asked as we began to pass another restaurant, which happened to be my favorite place to eat.

    "Yes!" I said excitedly and began pulling him towards the entrance.

    Luke chuckled at me, but followed anyway. The restaurant was fairly busy, but I didn't mind waiting for a table and Luke said as long as I was fine with it, he was too.

    The wait ended up being only about fifteen minutes, and by the time we were seated Luke and I were both starving. It didn't take too long for us to be served, though, so once our food was out we were happy.

    "What do you think Mark's reaction would be to us telling him that the relationship is real now?" Luke asked as we started eating.

    "Honestly, I don't think he would care. I mean this being real just makes it easier on his part because he doesn't have to deal with trying to make it look real and also I think that means that we could just do our own thing, you know?" I explained.

    "Sometimes I forget that this is literally your job too."
    "Honestly, everything about everything that has happened over the last few months is just insane. Like sometimes I forget that you're the lead singer of a famous band. I think it's because I haven't seen any of it in person, I've never been around your fans except for that one time."

    "Tour will change that. It's so surreal sometimes."

    "I bet. I mean if it's wild for me, I can't imagine what it's like for you guys."

    "As much as I love it, I would also love it if every single part of my life and relationships weren't plastered all over the internet. Like as glad as I am that this is what brought us together, I really wish that we could have some privacy as well."

    "I get that. I'm just lucky that no one actually knows who I am or anything, because I at least get a little privacy on social media and everything."

    "Yeah, I hate that you're about to get dragged into everything that happens with tour without any previous experience, but I'm also glad that you're going."

    "I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm shocked Mark hasn't made us post anything on social media. I mean he can't really make you, but he hasn't even suggested it."

    "I don't care what he says, I'm not following you on any social media. You don't need that."

    "Is it bad if I say I'm happy about that?"

    Luke laughed at me and shook his head. We continued to talk while we finished our lunch. Once we were finished and Luke paid (against my wishes), we made our way back to Luke's house. We spent the rest of the day curled up together on Luke's couch and watching various movies. It wasn't until around 8:30 when Luke told me he had promised some of his friends that he would hang out with them, and that he had to leave. Once he was gone I called Calum to ask if he could come keep me company.

    Calum arrived at Luke's house about 10 minutes later, and the two of us spent our time playing card games. I started to get tired after a while and laid down on the couch with Calum, the two of us watching TV.

    At some point during the night I had fallen asleep, but I was woken up by the sounds of Calum and Luke talking to each other.

    "Thanks for staying with her, mate," Luke whispered as I opened my eyes slightly.

    "Of course. I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Calum replied.

    "Yep, night Cal."

    "Night Luke," Calum whispered before quietly closing the door.

    I moved a bit to get more comfortable and Luke snapped his head over to me.

    "Did we wake you?" He asked quietly.

    "Yeah," I replied tiredly.

    "Hold on, love," Luke told me as he picked me up bridal style.

    I curled into his warmth as Luke carried me up the stairs and into his room. He placed me down on the bed and then went to go get himself ready for bed. When he returned, he laid down next to me and I cuddled closer to him. Luke wrapped his arms around me, and the two of us drifted off to sleep.
