A few hours later, Ashton, Calum, and Michael were all passed out in the living room and I was helping Luke up to his room because he was even more drunk than he had been before. I finally got Luke laid down in bed and helped him get tucked in under his covers. After I had that settled, I sat on the edge of his bed next to him, and moved some of his hair off of his forehead,

    "Did you have a good birthday?" He asked, his speech slurred.

    "The best birthday, thank you Pretty Boy," I whispered.


    I smiled at Luke and continued to lightly play with his hair while he laid there and drifted to sleep. After a bit, I thought he had fallen asleep and was ready to leave, but when I tried to stand up, Luke stopped me.

    "Thank you for helping me," he mumbled, barely coherent.

    "I'll always help you, Luke," I smiled.

    "Did you know you have the prettiest smile?" Luke rambled. "Well, you actually have the prettiest face, but I love when you smile at me. I love when you say sweet things like that too, and when you help me with small things. I'm glad I met you."

    "I'm glad I met you, too, Luke."

    "Hey, Aspen?"


    Luke didn't say anything, and instead stared at me for a few seconds.

    "Luke?" I prompted

    "You're the prettiest girl in the entire world," he declared.

    Before I could say anything else to him, he had leaned up slightly, and his lips were on mine. I sat in shock for a second, before I kissed him back. Luke was kissing me, and I was kissing him, and suddenly it felt like all was right in the world. It felt like I had found the missing piece to a puzzle I had been trying to solve for years.

    Luke gently touched the side of my face before pulling away from the kiss and laying back down on his bed.

    "Luke," I started, but stopped when I noticed that Luke had definitely fallen asleep this time. I sighed and once again brushed the curls off of his forehead before leaning down to leave a kiss on it.

    "Goodnight, Luke," I whispered.
