We spent almost two months in America before we finally left for Europe. I was excited about being in Europe, because before this tour I had never been before. I was excited about getting to go see everything with Luke for once too, because the boys had time to go out in Europe.

    Luke swung our hands back and forth as we walked down the streets of London behind Ash and Cal. I could hear Michael talking to Andy and his camera as they walked next to Luke and I. Andy pointed the camera at us and I gave him a small smile before looking down at the ground to hide from the camera. Luke squeezed my hand when Andy was done filming us and I looked back at Luke.

    "Aren't you supposed to be here because of Mark," Luke whispered.

"I may have been asked by Mark to come with you guys, but I said yes because I wanted to be with you, not because he asked me to," I smiled.

"Don't lie, you're here for Calum," Luke laughed.

"You are absolutely correct," I giggled and turned around to grab both of Luke's hands while walking backwards. "I'm totally here because Cal's here and not because my boyfriend is here or anything. I'm actually here to hang out with Ashton, not even Calum."

"I knew it," Luke laughed and tugged on my hands so that I was pulled to him. Luke wrapped his arms around me before lifting me over his shoulder and continuing to walk.

"Luke!" I whined.

"Luke, what the hell are you doing to poor Aspen?" I heard Ashton call.

"Carrying her, duh," Luke called back.

"Luke, put her down," Cal joined in.

Luke huffed before setting me back down on my feet and taking my hand in his again. He pulled my hand to his lips and softly kissed my knuckles before going back to swinging our hands.

"You're such an idiot," I told him.

"But you love me, so it's okay," Luke grinned.

"I suppose I do love you."

"Hm, well, I love you more than anyone in the world, so I win."

"It's a competition now?"

"It's always been a competition, love." 

"Can you two stop being so gross, you're going to make me throw up," Calum yelled to us.

"Shut up, Calum," I yelled back and broke free from Luke to jump on Calum's back.

Ashton laughed at us as I clung to Calum's back and Luke whined about me leaving him. Calum spun us around so we were looking at Luke and walking backwards.

"I stole your girlfriend!" Cal taunted and Luke huffed.

"Don't worry, Luke, I'm just hanging out with Cal because he's the reason I agreed to go on tour, remember," I teased.

"Ha ha, very funny, now come back here," Luke whined.

"You're so needy," I laughed as I hopped off of Calum's back and joined Luke once again.

"I love you," Luke whispered as he held my hand.

"I love you most," I whispered back.


    I sat in a chair backstage scrolling through the comments on Luke's most recent instagram post as the boys were at soundcheck. Luke had posted a picture of the two of us in Paris and it was hard to ignore some of the comments about myself. There were some comments that were asking who I was and my name, but there were also some really nasty comments about my appearance and my relationship with Luke. Some people were accusing us of having a fake relationship, which shouldn't offend seeing as it did start off fake, but it wasn't anymore.

    There was a reason why my Instagram account was private, and it was exactly because of the comments I was reading right now. I had finally let Luke follow me, but kept my account private and didn't let him tag me in anything because I did not want to be in the spotlight like that. His fans still didn't even know my name, because I had never been in the spotlight before.

    I had posted a few Instagram stories with Luke while we were on tour, but I wasn't worried because the only people who followed me were from my old high school and college. I didn't let my mom follow me, because no way in hell did she need to know that I was dating a famous singer, she would have an aneurysm.

    I continued my mindless scrolling and reading as I heard the boys finishing up sound check and file into the room I was sitting in. Luke came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me as I stayed in the chair.

    "Here, come sit with me," I said and moved over so that Luke could sit in the chair too.

    "What were you looking at?" Luke asked as he took the spot next to me, my legs laying over his lap.

    "Nothing, I was just reading the comments on your post."

    "Oh, what did they say?"

    "Your fans are kind of mean, I'm not going to lie."

    "Let me see," Luke frowned and held out his hand for my phone. I gave him my phone which was still open to his comment section and his frown deepened as he scrolled through the nasty words I was just reading.

    "Hey, don't listen to anything these people are saying, you're absolutely gorgeous," Luke whispered and kissed the side of my head.

    "Thanks, Luke. Honestly it's not what they're saying that bothers me, it's just the amount of people that are saying these things. I didn't realize they would be so hateful towards me, and all because I'm the one in the relationship with their favorite band member. They don't even know my name, let alone me as a person and they're making such hateful comments about me, and our relationship," I rambled.

    "I get it. I can see why you want to keep your account private."

    "I don't think I could handle watching comments like that filter in on my own posts that probably would have nothing to do with you."

    "Do you want me to delete the post?"

    "No, it's a cute photo, keep it up."

    "Okay, love."

    "I have to ask, because I've been getting asked about you in interviews and I kind of just avoid the topic and steer the conversation away from you, but are you okay with me talking about you in interviews or telling them your name if they ask?"

    "Yeah, but like just my first name, they don't need to be looking for my socials or anything."

    "Got it. No more looking at these comments, though. You're beautiful and kind and amazing and don't need to be listening to these jealous, hateful people."

    "These 'jealous, hateful people' are your fans, you know."

    "Yeah, and they should know better than to be rude to you, so they're jealous and hateful in my mind."

    Luke took my phone from my hands and closed the Instagram app before setting the phone face down and holding me captive in his arms. I leaned into him and we stayed that way until Luke had to get up and get ready for the show.

    Once Luke and the others were off doing god knows what to get ready, I found Crystal and decided to talk to her about Luke's comment section.

    "Hey Crys, can I ask you something?" I asked as I sat down next to Crystal.

    "Yeah, what's up?" She replied and turned to face me.

    "When you and Michael first started dating and, like, posting about dating, did you get a bunch of hate comments?"

    "Yeah, of course I did, I mean I'm dating a guy in a famous band that has a lot of female followers, I was expecting it. It goes away after a while though."

    "I was looking at the comments on Luke's post and people are just so mean. They know nothing about me and think they have the right to comment on my body and my appearance."

    "Unfortunately, that's the internet for you. It gets better though, once they realize you're here to stay. Luke's fans are also probably skeptical of you because of the relationship he was previously in."

    "I get it, I just wish these people realized that I'm a person too, and I can see these things. And that I've never been in the limelight before and don't know how to handle these things."

    "I wish I could make them stop or realize how great you are," Crystal said and paused. "I have an idea, I'll comment on it about you guys being sweet and cute or something, they may be more receptive to you if you have some support from someone else close to them."

    "Thanks, Crystal. I'm glad I have someone who's gone through this before to help me."

    "My best advice would be to just not look at Luke's comments anymore. You have a private account and they don't know your name so it should just stay in his comment sections and if you don't look, you'll never have to see it."
