The two weeks that followed my breakup were wonderful. I lived with Luke, and we were able to go out without both of us fearing for what was waiting for me. We also were just hanging out for fun too, instead of only making plans for PR dates. I also hung out with Calum, as well as the band as a whole. It felt like I had finally found a place in LA.

    I was once again sitting in Calum's living room talking with Luke, just as I had found myself doing almost every night for the past two weeks. The boys were nearing the release of their album, which meant they had to plan for album promo and other things that came with album release.

    Luke and I were in our usual spot, on the floor in front of Calum's couch, when a notification lit up Luke's phone. I glanced at the phone, but only caught a short glimpse of the message, only able to read a few words, before Luke snatched his phone up and angrily typed out a response. "Hey, it's Arzaylea, we need to talk-" was all I was able to read.

    "Who's Arzaylea?" I asked Luke.

    "Why the fuck are you guys talking about her?" Ashton called out from the other room.

    "No one," Luke told me. "And none of your business, Ash."

    "None of my business my ass, give me your phone," Ashton demanded as he entered the room.

    "Luke, I thought you blocked her?" Calum wondered aloud.

    "I did, but I guess she got a new number."

    "Does everyone but me know who this is?" I questioned.

    "You're better off not knowing her, trust me," Calum answered.


    "She's just, not someone you would ever want to talk to."


    "Cal's right," Luke agreed.

    Once Ashton finished typing on Luke's phone and handed it back, he went back to the kitchen to finish whatever it was he had been doing, and everyone else followed. I, however, wasn't finished with the conversation.

    "So, are you going to tell me who she is, or?" I trailed off.

    "She's just a really bad person that I used to know," Luke sighed.

    I knew that wasn't the full story, but I decided not to press, seeing as how Luke was already irritated, and I would rather not have his irritation directed at me.

    I had thought that Luke and I trusted each other and that we didn't keep secrets, but maybe I was wrong. Or maybe he just wasn't ready to share this one quite yet.
