"Oh fuck."

I looked down at the mess of brown beneath my feet. My boss, Mark, gave me one job, coffee. I was qualified for much more but, being the absolute dick he seems to be, and on top of that, this being my first day, I said yes anyway to make a good impression. Clearly that was a mistake seeing the coffee stains on the shirt in front of me.

"Oh fuck is right." The brown stained shirt spoke, well the man in it at least. "I have to get to a meeting and you fucked up my shirt."

"I am so so sorry," I said frantically, handing him the napkins I was holding in my hand. "I have my boyfriend's shirt in my car, I can go grab it for you if you want."

He glared at me as he used my napkins to try and wipe up his shirt, only making it worse.

"My car is right around the corner, I can go grab it really quickly."

"Well hurry up already," he grumbled.

I nodded my head without saying anything and made my way to my car. I glanced behind me quickly, to see that the man was trailing behind me as I made my way to my car. I pulled out my phone and noticed a text from my boss asking me where I was. I wrote a quick reply telling him I ran into some trouble and continued to my car.

After a short walk we finally reached my car and I grabbed the shirt that was in the trunk. The guy yanked the shirt out of my hands and left towards the building without another word.

"What an asshole," I whispered before locking my car and heading back to work.

The realization that I didn't have the coffee I was asked to get hit as I was halfway to the building. I texted my boss telling him it'd be a few more minutes and went back to the coffee shop to get what I came out here for.


"I am so sorry that that took so long sir, I ran into someone and ended up spilling the coffee and-"

"Aspen, sit down please," my boss interrupted, a look of anger and disdain present on his face.

I placed the coffee down in front of him and did as I was asked, nerves building up inside me.

"I really am sorry about the coffee-"

"I don't care about the coffee, Aspen. We have other problems on our hands."

"Excuse me?" I questioned, not following where this was headed.

He turned his laptop around so I could see it, an image already pulled up. My eyebrows furrowed as I leaned forward to get a closer look at the image, confusion written on my face.

"Care to explain?" My boss questioned.

"I ran into that guy when I was about to bring your coffee to you. It spilled on him, it was a total accident." I explained myself, still confused about what was happening.

"Do you know who this is?"

"No," I said slowly.

"This is Luke Hemmings, he's the lead singer of a very popular band. These images are everywhere, Aspen."

"Like I said, it was a total accident-"

"I don't think you realize what this looks like. When his fans or the rest of the media sees these they won't think of the true story, they'll think you're just another girl that Luke has been spotted with. Aspen, I have no choice but to let you go." Mark explained.

"What! That's so not fair, I didn't mean to spill coffee on him, it was an accident!" I exclaimed, anger brewing in my chest.

"I'm sorry, but Luke is trying to escape this image of being a playboy, and this accident isn't helping it. The only other option I can possibly think of is playing into the photos and making it seem like this is a thing, but I don't think you or Luke would like that very much."

"I'll do it." I said quickly, desperately trying to keep my job.


"Please, sir, I need this job. I'll do it, I'll help, but please don't fire me."

"Let me talk to Luke about this and I'll get back to you. For now, go home. I'll call you tomorrow."


To say I was nervous would be an understatement. The future of my job and possibly my entire career was now in the hands of the asshole who I spilled coffee on and I wasn't feeling good about it.

From our short interaction, I could tell he was short tempered and very unforgiving, which was quite unfortunate for me. To make it worse, my boss seemed to think I was single-handedly ruining Luke's image.

My first day at this job and I already seemed to be fucking every possible thing up. How I managed to do this, I had no idea.

I didn't have the heart to go home after the day I had. Coffee at four pm seemed like a bad idea, especially with my track record today, but it was better than drinking in the afternoon.

I sat down at a table in the back corner and started contemplating my existence while sipping on my coffee.

The music playing in my ears drowned out the rest of the world as I scrolled through the paparazzi photos from earlier today. I knew what happened and was there, but even I couldn't deny that some of the photos looked interesting.

I felt like everyone was staring at me as I sat there. I knew I was being dramatic and that no one in the coffee shop cared, but I still decided to go home anyway.

Once I got home I took a long, much needed shower and laid in my bed looking at articles of the pictures from today.

I knew that I was only making myself feel worse, but I already felt like I was at rock bottom considering I basically just lost my job, so why not make it worse.

Honestly, the articles made me laugh, each one more wrong than the last. They all had ridiculous accusations about me and Luke sleeping together and me just being another one of the girls he brings home.

Eventually I drifted off to sleep, my anxiety about the future fading with the rest of the world.


I woke up to a missed call from my boss the next morning and immediately freaked out. I rushed out of bed and called him back, anxiously waiting for him to answer.

"Hello?" He said when he picked up the phone.

"Hey, it's Aspen, sorry I missed your call earlier," I responded.

"Oh, hello Aspen. I was calling to let you know I need you to come in today so that you and I can have a chat really quick. Come in ASAP."

"Ok, yeah no problem, may I ask what it's about?"

"It's about what Luke said."

"Ok, I'll see you soon, bye."

I hung up the phone and started getting dressed for work. The dresscode isn't too strict at my job, but seeing as I've already fucked up my first day, I will be dressing up today.

After I finished getting my hair and makeup done and I'm dressed, I grabbed my keys and headed to work.

The entire ride there I was anxiously drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, because I knew that this meeting was either the beginning or end of my employment at this marketing company.

Once I reached the office, I quickly parked my car and made my way in. I reached the front desk and greeted the receptionist.

I finally reached my bosses office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," he called from behind the door.

I walked in with a polite smile on my face and said a quiet 'hi' to him.

"Aspen, perfect, take a seat," he said to me when he looked up.

I sat in the seat in front of him and looked at him waiting for him to tell me what was happening.

"So, I had a meeting with Mr. Hemmings yesterday after you left, and though he hates the idea, he agrees that this is the best idea for his image. He has agreed that you two should make it seem like you are dating to try and dispel these rumors and get rid of his 'Playboy' image. You got lucky, Ms. Thomas," he explained to me.

"Thank you so much sir," I sighed in relief.

"You'll be meeting with Mr. Hemmings in a few minutes, he's on his way right now. Try not to spill any more coffee on him," he joked.

I let out a nervous laugh as I stayed in my seat to wait for Luke. I knew this was going to be difficult and that neither of us wanted this, but if I wanted to keep my job I had to do it. And it seemed that if Luke wanted to clear his name he also had no choice.
