
    The sound of Calum's front door opening and closing immediately set me on edge. I wouldn't put it past Calum to call Luke and tell him to come here to try and talk to me in person.

    "Calum?" I called out, but he didn't respond.

    Slightly suspicious, I decided to go downstairs and check for Calum. I left my room and walked down the hall, stopping at the top of the stairs.

    Looking down the stairs, I saw Calum standing there, looking slightly nervous, with Luke next to him.


    "No, Aspen. I'm tired of you sitting in your room miserably and being mad at him over nothing. You two are going to talk about this or I swear to god, I'm kicking you to the curb and you can go live with Ashton," Calum interrupted.

    Calum left the room after his big speech to leave me and Luke to talk, or most likely argue. I looked at Luke and he took a small step towards me. I let out a small sigh but motioned for Luke to come upstairs and follow me. I led him into my room and closed the door for some privacy. Calum's nosey, I don't need him listening in on this. The awkward silence was killing me, and I almost wanted him to just start yelling instead of staring at me like I had broken his heart.

    "Why do you look so upset?" I demanded.

    "You disappeared without a word and then refused to talk to me for three days, Aspen. I'm allowed to be upset," he retorted.


    "And then to find out from Calum that you're mad at me. Speaking of, are you going to tell me why you're mad at me?"

    "I'm pretty sure Cal already did."

    "I want to hear it from you, Aspen."

    "I'm mad, Luke, because I woke up the day after my birthday with no note, or text, or word from you about where you were. I called you two times and got no response, and then found out from paparazzi pictures that you were at your ex-girlfriend's house. I mean the only thing I know about this girl is that I shouldn't talk to her and that you supposedly hate her now, because you won't even tell me who she is and what she did to you, and then you show up at her house the day after you kiss me!" I was practically yelling at that point, and I had angry tears flowing down my face.

    "I don't have to tell you where I am 24/7 Aspen, you aren't my girlfriend."

    I felt a pang in my chest at his words, but he was right.

    "Okay, so then you don't get to be upset about me leaving and going to Calum's house!" I shouted.

"Oh, excuse me for being worried about your safety!" Luke shouted back.

"No, don't pull that card on me!"

"This is so ridiculous! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you where I was going, happy?"

"No Luke, I'm not," I sobbed. I was feeling so many things right now, and Luke's anger wasn't helping at all.

"Then what are you so mad about?" He yelled, exasperation dancing in his tone.

"Why were you at her house?" I asked quietly.


"Why were you at Arzaylea's house?"

"Why do you even care?"

"Because I like you, you idiot," I whispered.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing, forget it."

"No, No no no, say what you just said again," Luke said as he took a few steps closer to me.


"Aspen, say it." I was crying even harder now.

"I like you," I choked out.

Luke pulled me into him, holding me close and telling me to stop crying.

"Aspen," Luke started as he pulled back. "Aspen, look at me."

I did what he asked and looked him right in the eyes.

"I went to her house because she had left some shit at mine and I was returning it, that's all," Luke explained. "I promise you it was nothing more than me throwing her stuff in her face and telling her to stop trying to contact me."

I was speechless and just stared at Luke. I had jumped to conclusions and caused an argument over absolutely nothing.

"Aspen, say something," Luke whispered as he brought his hand to my face to wipe the tears.

"I'm sorry," I whispered back as the tears kept coming.

"It's okay, love, it's okay."

"I should've just waited until you got home, but I overreacted and got angry and jealous and I'm just so, so sorry."

"You were jealous? Of Arzaylea?"

"I thought you had gone to her house because you still had feelings for her or something, Luke."

    Luke sighed before he cupped my face in his hands and brought his face closer to mine.

    "I promise you, the only feelings I have for her are hatred," he whispered before he closed the gap and brought our lips together.

    This kiss was different from the one we shared on my birthday. For one, Luke was fully sober now, and this one was softer, more tender and caring. He was showing me that he only cared about me.

    Luke slowly kissed me and I kissed him back, bringing my hand to his hair and twirling the curls around my fingers.

    Luke pulled back slightly and rested his forehead on mine.

    "Do you believe me yet?" He asked quietly.

    "Hm, I don't know. That one wasn't convincing enough, you might have to try again," I giggled.

    Luke laughed at me, but brought his lips to mine again for a short kiss.

    "How about now?"

    "I guess so," I joked with a smile.

    "So, you like me?"

    "Shut up," I blushed.

    "No no, I'm just glad you like me back," he smiled.

    "You're so cheesy."

    "But it's okay, because you like me."

    Luke pulled back and wiped the remaining tears off of my face before pulling me into another hug.

    "We're okay, right?" He cautiously asked.

    "Yes, Luke. We're okay," I reassured him.

    Luke squeezed my waist before letting me go so that we could go back downstairs. He grabbed my hand as we were heading down the stairs and just held on to me, as if scared to ever let go of me again.

    "So, is everything all worked out now?" Calum asked as we walked into his kitchen.

    "Yep," Luke said and squeezed my hand.

    "See, you should always listen to me."

    I rolled my eyes at Calum, but couldn't help the smile that was taking over my face. Of course Calum had been right, but he didn't need to know that.

    "So I can finally kick you out of my house then?" Calum asked me.

    "Damn, don't sound so sad, Callie," I laughed.

    "I'm just oh so very upset, Aspie," Calum mocked me.

    I rolled my eyes and stood next to Luke as he sat down on the bar stool at the counter. Calum passed us some water and smirked as Luke wrapped his arm around my waist.

    "Should I invite Ashton and Michael over since half of us are already here?" Calum asked.

    "Why not," Luke agreed.

    I nodded at them and rested my head on Luke's shoulder. Even though he was sitting and I was standing, he was still taller than me. Calum left the kitchen to go call Ash and Mike, and Luke turned around so that he was facing me and I was standing between his legs. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me even closer.

    "You look tired," he stated.

    "I am, I haven't been sleeping very well," I told him.

    "I'm sorry, love."

    "Hm, I like that," I hummed.

    "Like what?"


    "God, who's the cheesy one now."

    "Still you, Pretty Boy."

    Luke smiled and shook his head at me as I brought my hand up to play with his hair.

    "What's with you and my hair?" He asked with a laugh.

    "It's just so soft and curly," I stated.


    "That's mean," I pouted.

    "I'm sorry," Luke whispered as he planted a soft kiss on my lips.

    I smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

    "You're forgiven," I informed him.

    Luke smiled in triumph and I leaned forward to lay my head on his shoulder as he continued to hold me. We stayed like that until Ashton came loudly bursting into the kitchen, causing me to flinch and poke my head up.

    "I thought you guys were mad at eachother," Ashton questioned us.

    "Calum did his nosey Cal thing and forced us to talk to each other so now everything's all worked out," I explained.

    "So we don't have to take sides?" Michael asked as he walked into the kitchen.

    "No, but I hope you guys would've taken Lukes side if you did have to."


    "You guys have known him way longer than you've known me. Besides, I was being stupid and dramatic."

    "No you weren't, you just didn't have the full story," Luke reminded me.

    I smiled at him and he gave me a small smile back.

    "Glad to know they're back to being annoying," Ashton smirked.

    "Oh shut up," Luke and I said at the same time.
