The next morning, a familiar and comforting scent wrapped around me as I woke up to the sun peaking through my blinds. I slowly opened my eyes to see Luke holding me as the two of us laid in Calum's guest bed. I smiled and snuggled into Luke more, his arms tightening around me.

    "Good morning, Aspen," Luke whispered, and I looked at his face.

    "Morning," I whispered back, a smile on my face.

    The morning light flowed in from the outside and cast a glow around Luke, making him look even more angelic and pretty than usual. If someone had told me that Luke was an actual real-life angel, I would've believed them.

    "What are you looking at?" Luke asked as he studied my face.

    "You," I told him and kissed the corner of his lips.

    "God, how are you so fucking beautiful all the time?" Luke asked.

    "Have you ever seen yourself, Luke? I think the angels are jealous," I laughed.

    "I'm serious, Aspen. You're literally the most beautiful person in the entire world."

    I didn't know what to say to Luke as I felt my face blush, and I looked away from him to hide my face.

    Luke caught on to what I was doing and put his hand on my cheek, guiding my face to look back at him.

    "You're gorgeous," Luke whispered and leaned forward to place a kiss on my lips.

    Luke pulled away and we stayed in bed for a little while longer, just talking about anything and everything, before eventually we both had to get up for the day.

    I was glad Luke had stayed with me, because for the first time all month, I finally felt rested and not tired during the day. Having Luke leave that morning was just as hard as leaving his house to move into Calum's.

    Each new day started to feel like an endless nightmare cycle as I did the same things over and over. I was starting to miss the little arguments me and Luke had over stupid things like TV shows or what we wanted to eat. I was hoping that whatever the guys were planning, they would do it soon, because I didn't know how much longer I would be able to take this.
