It had been a week since the accident. One long and grueling week. I spent the majority of it arguing with Aspen's parents to let me see her, but they stood their ground and refused to let me see her. They truly believed that I wasn't good enough for her, and wouldn't let any of us except for Calum to see her or get updates. I felt like I was trapped in a nightmare, and was just hoping that she would wake up soon, because once she did, she would be able to make her own decisions and I'd be allowed to see her finally.

    Michael, Ashton, and I spent most of our time sitting in the waiting room and waiting for Calum to come and give us an update on Aspen.

    It was funny to me that I had to wait to get updates on the girl i love from my best friend, and that I couldn't get them myself. It felt like a joke, really.

    "Please, Mrs. Miller, just for five minutes let me see her. Five minutes and I'll leave you guys alone," I begged for what felt like the millionth time that week.

    "Young man, please leave us and our daughter alone. I will not have someone like you dating my daughter. She deserves only the best in her life, and that is not you," Aspens mother shouted at me.

    "Oh yeah, is that why her last boyfriend literally fucking abused her?"

    "Jake would never, he is a fine young man with a very bright future and he is the very best that our daughter deserves."

    I was once again shoved out of the room by Aspen's father and the door slammed in my face. I walked back to the waiting room in defeat and sat down next to Calum. Me and Aclum had a system down where I would go and bug her parents and then thirty minutes later Calum would go ask for an update.

    Thirty minutes later, Cal went back to Aspen's room to see if her parents had any news or if she had woken up. He was the only one of us allowed to see her so he would give us small updates on how she looked and everything. It was fucked up.

    I was stuck in an endless nightmare and each day I felt more and more hopeless.
