As soon as we pulled up to the house, I knew it was a bad idea to agree to go to the party. Luke assured me that we could leave as soon as I said I wanted to, but I also knew that these were his friends and that I didn't want to be the reason he didn't get to hang out with them. Luke grabbed my hand once we were out of the car and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

    "Just say the word and we'll leave," Luke reminded me and I nodded.

    I let Luke lead me into the house where he was immediately greeted by a bunch of people in the house. I stood there awkwardly as Luke waved and said hi to all of his friends, his hand still firmly gripping mine.

    It wasn't like I had never been to a party before, I totally had, I just absolutely hated being at them. But I was there for Luke, and if he had said he wanted me there, then I would be there.

    "So it's true then, Luke? You really do have a girlfriend?" One of the guys loudly asked Luke.

    "Yep," Luke said and held up our conjoined hands. "This is Aspen."

    I smiled at them and moved to stand slightly closer to Luke.

    "Hey, isn't she the one from your Instagram story?" another guy asked.

    Luke remained quiet and opted for nodding his head instead.

    "I can't believe Luke Hemmings has an actual girlfriend. Never thought I'd see the day."

    Luke rolled his eyes at his friends, and didn't say anything as he and I left the room to go somewhere a little quieter.

    "How are you feeling?" he asked, bringing his hand up to tuck some hair behind my ear.

    "A little overwhelmed, but I'll be okay," I answered.

    "Are you sure?"


    Luke gave me a small smile before giving me a quick kiss on my lips. I smiled back at him before letting him lead me farther into the house to try and find something to drink.

    I felt like a child as I clung to Luke while he wandered around the house. We had found something to drink and I opted for just a bottle of water, Luke following suit. Now Luke was on a mission to find Cal, Ash, and Mike.

    After looking around for a bit we finally spotted the bleach blonde hair that I had grown to know and love, and I heard Michael laugh loudly.

    "Mike!" Luke called as we approached.

    I let Luke drop my hand as he and Michael greeted each other with a hug. They pulled away and Michael brought me into a hug as well, ruffling my hair slightly. Once Michael let me go, Luke's hand instantly found mine again. It seemed like Luke was scared of letting go of me, as if he would lose me if he did.

    "Do you know where Cal and Ash are?" Luke asked.

    "I think they're with Andy in the other room," Michael answered. "I'm surprised you brought Aspen, there's some interesting people at this one."

    "That's why we've been glued together since we got here," Luke laughed.

    "You guys are always glued together, this is nothing new for us. Although, you might get some comments from the other guys."

    "Sounds like you guys have such amazing friends," I sarcastically pointed out.

    "We don't actually know most of the people here. The majority of them just came because they heard there was a party," Michael informed me.

    "Luke! Come sit over here man!" Someone called from the couch.

    Michael and Luke said goodbye to each other and Luke and I made our way over to the guy who had called out to him.

    As soon as Luke walked up, a bunch of people started cheering for him and shouting his name. He awkwardly waved at everyone before saying hi to the group. The guy who originally called Luke over told him to sit, and so Luke did, pulling me onto his lap.

    I leaned into Luke and he wrapped his arms around me protectively, while resting his chin on my shoulder.

    "So Hemmings, you're actually with this one? Is it just her?" The guy asked.

    "Fuck off," Luke grumbled before getting off the couch and lifting me with him. He stormed out of the room and I followed.

    Luke eventually slowed down and I caught up to him and grabbed his hand.

    "Luke, calm down." I said quietly. I used our joined hands to stop him and pull him into a corner. "Hey, look at me."

    Luke closed his eyes and took a deep breath before fully looking me in my eyes.

    "Don't listen to them, they're just being assholes because they can," I told him as I cupped his face in my hands. "It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about our relationship, only us."

    "I know, it just makes me so mad that they would say that in front of you," Luke mumbled.

    "I can ignore them."

    "I know. I'm sorry."

    "It's okay, don't be sorry. Just ignore them, okay?"

    "You're too good to me," Luke whispered and brought his hands up to grab mine, which were still on his face.

    I smiled and leaned into Luke to give him a gentle kiss. Luke used our connected hands to take mine off of his face before bringing me into a hug. He held onto me tightly for a minute before releasing me. Once he let go, he grabbed my hand again, and instead of going back into the same room as before, we started to wander around to look for Calum and Ashton again.

    We finally found them in another room, talking with some people that Luke looked more comfortable around.

    "Luke! Hey!" Calum called when he spotted us.

    Luke and Calum did their bro hug greeting and Calum pulled me into a quick hug as well. I stood next to Luke as he and Calum started talking to each other. I started fidgeting with my hands slightly as I stood there, and Luke took note, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. I smiled up at him and just watched him as he continued to talk to Cal.

    Eventually Calum got called back over by his friends and so he left me and Luke alone.

    "I just have one more person I want to find before I'm done wandering the house, okay?" Luke asked.

    "Yeah, I'm here for you, do what you want," I said with a small smile.

    Luke gave my hand a squeeze before we went off to look for another one of his friends. We entered the kitchen where Luke found his friend grabbing a drink, and we went over there to talk to him.

    Luke introduced me before he and his friend started to catch up. I stood there quietly with my hand in Luke's, and looked around the kitchen to familiarize myself with the area. I felt a hand graze my shoulder and I first looked to Luke, only to find him paying attention to his friend, with his hand by his side. I then looked behind me and found a guy standing there and looking at me with a creepy smirk on his face.

    "Hey there, you look like you could give me a good time," he said.

    "I have a boyfriend," I informed him, while holding up Luke and I's conjoined hands.

    Luke turned around and gave the guy a death glare once he saw who was standing there.

    "Fuck off Ryder," Luke growled.

    The guy, Ryder, held up his hands in surrender while slowly backing up, "Sorry, Luke, didn't know she was yours."

    "Well now you do, so fuck off."

    Luke didn't turn back to his conversation until Ryder had left the room. Once Luke did start talking to his friend again, I wrapped my arms around his waist nervously and just rested my head on him. He wrapped his arms around me too, running his fingers through my hair soothingly as he did.

    I just stood there like that as Luke continued his conversation. Eventually someone else called over Luke's friend, and he walked away.

    "Aspen are you ready to go?" Luke asked quietly, his arms still wrapped around me.

    "What, why? We're here for your friend's party, we don't have to leave," I said.

    "I don't want to stay if you're uncomfortable. Especially after what that asshole said to you," Luke explained.

    I pulled back so that I could look at him before nodding my head to tell him I was ready. Luke let go of me and grabbed my hand, the two of us walking out of the house. Once we got into the car Luke decided we were going to go to a small little diner just outside of the city.

    The drive was quiet, but it was comfortable. Just sitting in Luke's presence, even if we weren't talking, made me feel comfortable and safe. It was so cliche, but it felt nice to be cliche for once and not have to worry about being uncomfortable with my own boyfriend.

    Once we arrived at the diner, Luke and I chose a table at the back and sat down across from each other.

    "You really didn't have to do that, you know," I told him.

    "I know, but I wanted to. I care about you and how you feel, and if you feel uncomfortable somewhere, I'm going to do what I can to get you out of there," Luke explained again.

    "You're the best," I stated with a smile. Luke grabbed my hand from across the table and squeezed it.

    "I feel like we get more cheesy everyday," Luke laughed.

    "We definitely do, but that's okay."

    Luke and I stayed at the diner for a while just talking and hanging out. It was really nice to be able to have some alone time outside of the house, without worrying about paparazzi. It felt like we had no privacy unless we were in Luke's house. Even then, half the time Calum was there too.

    We made it back to Luke's house a little bit before midnight and spent the rest of the night watching movies in bed before we both fell asleep.
