Chapter 77: Meeting Lord Janna

(Aphmau's POV)

After Aaron woke up, we got into Skystead Village. Some people asked why there were two of me and I explained to those people that me and my friends are from an alternate dimension. They managed to understand. After we asked about Lord Janna's whereabouts, Other Aphmau found her at the castle in the village. She busted down the door as we walked in.

"STAP!! WE OBJECT DIS MARRIAGE!!" Melissa said using an Irish accent.

A see Haley and another woman sitting on a throne.

"It's not right." Melissa continued in a regular tone of voice.

The lady in the throne stood up and took a few steps closer.

"Marriage. What are you talking about?" The lady asked.

She had platinum blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and was wearing a dark blue dress with gold tips on it. She was also wearing a gold crown with a diamond in the center.

"Uh... Nevermind that." Said Other Aphmau.

"Aph!" Haley whispered.

The lady wanted to throw us into a cellar but Haley interrupts.

"Lord Janna, wait!" Haley exclaimed.

Janna. That's the woman who wants to have her son marry Haley.

"Haley." Janna said.

Haley then said that we are her helpers. She gives us fake names. I'm pretty sure she's making an excuse not to get us thrown into jail cells. But at least she mentioned our names. But for me, she said that I was Other Aphmau's twin sister named Ava.

Which happened to remind me of my crazy adventures with Ava and the Deimos boys.

Haley then kept explaining the excuse she was making but Other Aphmau got slowly irritated.

"Very well. But, they must stay at your side for the entirety of their visit." Lord Janna said.

"We understand." Said Aaron.

Janna looked at Aaron she walked up to him and examined his wolf ears.

"Hmm... it's seems your wolf assistant is very strong. And those ears..." She said as she touched the left one.

That got me mad. Melissa got a tiny bit irritated and Lucinda got annoyed by it.

"I've never seen a werewolf with ears like these." Said Lord Janna.

Aaron blushes bright red and I remove Janna's hands from Aaron's ear lobes.

"Hey. Keep your hands off my future husband." I said.

"My apologies miss Ava." Said Janna.

Janna says that Haley has to get ready for her date with Janna's son, so we followed Haley. But I really don't trust that Janna lady because I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye.

As we followed Haley, I started to feel uneasy.
