Chapter 14: Ein's Back?!

(Lucinda's POV)

"What? No hug?" He asked as he held his arms out to her.

It was Ein! And he's back as a Shadow Knight!

"EIN?!" Aphmau said in panic.

"The one and only." Said Ein as he smirked.

"Ooohhh... uhhh... hey... Ein... haven't seen you since... Starlight." Aaron said worryingly.

"You mean since you KILLED me?" Ein asked in an irritated manner.

Other Garroth, Other Aphmau, and Katelyn's eyes widened and they look to Aaron.

"Wh-what you? You KILLED Ein?!" Other Garroth exclaimed.

Aaron smiled nervously as his ears and tail flopped down. Katelyn slaps him across the face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!" Katelyn shrieked.

"Hey, I didn't have control of my Ultima Wolf form the first time around." Said Aaron.

"He's right. I witnessed Aaron's transformation. I mean, his anger was fully in control of him at that moment." Said Dottie.

Katelyn sighed.

"Fair point." She said.

Never mind that. As I looked at Ein, my face went from confusion to pure dread. I start to have horrible flashbacks from the lodge and Starlight.


"Kill him." Said Ein.

Another flashback happened and Aphmau now stood at the cliff and Aaron was close to the edge.

"I will always love you." Said Aaron.

"You never made me happy." Said Aphmau as she was under the forever potion.

One more flashback began as Ein's laughter echoed through my ears grew louder. Aaron fell off the cliff.

Now a flashback with him on the ground bleeding.

Then a flashback with Aaron screaming at the top of his lungs.

The next flashback showed Aaron in bed trying to recover from his injuries.

"I love you Aaron. I'll wait for you." Said Aphmau as hot tears swelled up in her eyes.

The final flashback showed Ein using his emerald magic and he shot Aphmau.

~~Flashback Ends~~

I looked to him with a terrified look.

"HOW ARE YOU BACK?!" I shrieked.

He smirks. He doesn't reply.

"ANSWER ME!!!" I yelled.

He laughs sinisterly.

"How? I will tell yo—" Ein says but Aphmau quickly interrupts.

"Before you say anything else, I have to ask you... do you still have any intentions on forcing me to love you?" She asked.

"WHAT?! NO!" Ein exclaimed in disgust.

"Then... why do you still hate us?" Aphmau asked.

"Let me show you." Ein said.

He snags Dottie's staff and makes a quick spell and green light surrounded us. A green orb floats from the staff and it shows feedback of what happened at the bridge on starlight. Aaron in his Ultima Wolf form killing Ein and then getting captured. But suddenly void burns surround him body and cover his lifeless corpse and they void burns sink into the ground, dragging Ein to Limbo.

The giant scar on his chest gets healed immediately by a mysterious figure that appeared out of nowhere. I couldn't tell what he looked like. It was just a silhouette.

"Wha??" Ein questioned.

"There." Said the silhouette.

Ein looked to the figure.

"Ein. I've nearly given up on you." He said.

"W-who are you?" Ein asked.

"An ally. Or at least I'd like to be. Here, let me show you what Michael never showed you." Said the voice.

The silhouette shows Ein a feed of Michael and Zack talking.

"I've hated my son Ein since birth. I prefer my daughter Aphmau." Said Zack.

Ein's eyes widened.

"WHAT?! APHMAU IS MY SISTER?!?!" Ein screamed.

"Unfortunately, yes." Said the silhouette.

Ein begins to tear up.

"Oh my Irene... I regret so much.... but Aphmau... Dad... he loves her and not ME!!! He hates me! And yet Michael knew, and he lied he to me. He lied, and I died!" Ein said.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Ein. Sometimes the most painful truths are the most difficult to remember. You've always felt outshined by Irene haven't you? And you always will. Unless..." The silhouette explained but Ein wiped his tears away and glared at the silhouette.

"Unless?" Ein asked.

"You can come back as a Shadow Knight. You can have immortality. Besides, I see more of Irene in this version of her." The silhouette said.

Ein looked at the figure in surprise. He then smirked.

"Make me a Shadow Knight." Said Ein.

The orb fades and Ein gives Dottie her staff back.

"Ein... were siblings—" Aphmau explains but Ein cuts her off.

"SIBLINGS?! Our own father chose YOU over ME! My whole life, I've been casted aside, for YOU!" Ein yelled.

He has a new reason to hate us now. Not because Aphmau refused to love him, but because Zack loved Aphmau more than Ein.

"You'll pay for making Dad hate me!!" Ein yelled.

He begins to ready his magic but stops.

"No.. He can't be..." Said Ein.

"Ein?" I questioned.

"Leave!!!" He yelled.

He pushed me, Melissa, Dottie, Aaron, and Aphmau off the bridge and onto the ground. Laurence did the same thing to Other Aphmau and Katelyn.

Other Garroth hid instead. Evil Zane took off.

"Ow. Aph." Said Aaron.

"I'm okay babe." Said Aphmau.

"Let's go. I WON'T give up." Said Dottie.

"Okay." Said Melissa.

"Shouldn't be too bad of a climb." I said.

We climb up the hill that lead to the bridge. Other Aphmau and Katelyn do the same. Why did Ein do that?
