Chapter 12: Brightport

(Dottie's POV)

As the boat came to a stop, we arrived in Brightport. This is where the Nether Portal must be. I turn to the wolf pups and Leona and Liochant.

"Guys, my only request is that you keep the little ones away from the guard academy for now. The Nether Portal is located in it." I explained.

"Understood." Said Liochant.

"Can do." Leona said.

"You can count on us." Said Rylan.

"Sure." Daniel said.

"Okie-Dokie!" Maria said.

Liochant, Lilith, Leona, the wolf pups, and Alina walked up the stairs to Brightport as a guard guided them where to go.

Other Aphmau, Other Garroth, and Katelyn got Evil Zane out of his cage and put him in handcuffs.

Me, Aphmau, Melissa, Lucinda, and Aaron were ready to deport to the academy. We then followed Other Aphmau up the stairway.

As we walked, we got to the guard academy. I looked around to see people training to be guards of the village.

"It amazes me that this academy was built on top of a werewolf tribe's land. I guess even Werewolf Aaron has some demons to think about since he's an Ultima after all..." Said Evil Zane.

Aaron got slightly irritated by those words. Aphmau placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Suddenly we see two kids running towards Other Aphmau. One had blue hair and almost looked like Dante. The other was a Meif'wa with white ears and a white tail. Her hair was blue.

Those two were Dmitri and Nekoette. Other Kawaii~Chan's kids.

The three chatted for a few seconds and they left. Katelyn then told us to follow her.

~~2 Minutes Later...~~

We got ourselves armed with diamond swords. Well, except me and Lucinda. We have our magic staffs.

~~13 Minutes Later...~~

We then got to the place where the Nether portal is. As I looked at it while standing on the stone walkway, I began to wonder how that portal even got here. It was a giant obsidian rock that's been split in half and a purple portal in the middle of the core.

Two people came up to us. One was named Vincent and the other was a witch named Hailey. They said that they will keep watch incase anything happens.

As we walked down to the Nether portal, Other Garroth, Other Aphmau, Evil Zane, and Katelyn went in.

I started to feel.... concerned.

"Lucinda?" I asked as my left ear twitched.

"Yeah?" Lucinda questioned.

"Do you feel like... something's returned? Like an old enemy of ours?" I asked.

"I don't think so Dot." Said Melissa as he wagged her tail softly.

"Besides, we'll be fine." Aphmau said as her ears twitched.

"Yeah. Come on, before Other Aphmau hurts herself." Said Aaron as his tail twitched.

Aphmau, Aaron, and Melissa walked through the Nether portal. Then me and Lucinda did the same. Once we walked through, we found ourselves in a very dark red cavern.
