Chapter 76: Shad Is Coming!

(Aaron's POV)

I passed out again onto the floor.


I wake up in the dark room again. I wait for Erika to show up. I wonder if she's got more information for me on the Shadow Knights.

Suddenly white light appears in front of me. Erika emerges from it.

"Erika." I said.

"Aaron." Erika said.

"I need to show you what's happening in the Nether right now. It's very important. It's about Shad." Said Erika.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Let me show you." Erika said.

She shows me a live feed of the Nether using a rectangular glow of light. In the Nether fortress, Shad threw Gene across the room and into the wall. Gene fell to the ground all weak. Ein has his back on the left wall watching the madness. Another masked Shadow Knight was with him.

"You wasted time dealing with your brother, when I SPECIFICALLY had you on a mission TO FIND ZANE." Said Shad.

Gene got back up.

"My Lord, forgive me." Gene says.

"In the end, you didn't even kill your brother or bring back the pink cat and the brown haired girl. In the end, you retreated from them." Shad explained.

My eyes widened.

"What??? Shad wanted Kim and Kawaii~Chan prisoner?" I thought.

"I was on the verge of—" Gene said but Shad cuts him off.

"Not only did you give them the impression that Shadow Knights have grown weak, but you FAILED to bring back my fragment." Shad growled.

I then started to feel more concerned for Alina and everyone else.

"Take him to the torture chamber." Shad commanded.

A Shadow Knight drags Gene away. All I could hear of him was screams of agony. Ein scoffs at the outcome.

"That's what you get for not listening to the Shadow Lord." Ein mumbled under his breath.

Shad looked back at Ein. That's when Ein looked away. He pulled something out of his pocket. A forever potion. Ein walked into the hall and stopped just after 10 steps.

"I get that Shad wants to send an army to Phoenix drop to attack and capture Aphmau's friends, Except the boys, and use four of these forever potions on them. But the only ones that haven't had forever potions are Melissa, Kawaii~Chan, Maria, and Kim.... I don't wanna do this but he has to make me do this. But for some reason I feel like there's more to him. Even though... he does look an awful lot like Aaron..." Ein said to himself.

"Huh... I guess he's still got some sympathy in him." I thought.

I turned my attention to Shad. A Shadow Knight walked up to him.

"Should I prepare another Shadow Knight to retrieve Zane?" Asked a Shadow Knight.

Shad looks at him.

"No. I'm fact, I'll take this as an opportunity to visit the Overworld myself." Shad said.

My eyes widened with terror.

"WHAT?!?!" I thought.

Shad walked off. Ein heard what Shad said and he walks up to him.

"Shad, are you sure that's oka—" Ein asks but Shad cuts Ein off.

"SILENCE! I grow weary of the Nether. Let me instill fear into their hearts, even for a moment, it will be all too satisfying." Shad said as he walked off into the Nether portal.

My eyes widened. I hear Ein's thoughts.

"There's something about that man I don't trust." Ein said.

Erika ends the feed. I place both my hands on either side of her shoulders.

"Erika, you gotta show me the footage of the Nether portal in Pikoro!!" I said frantically.

"Alrighty." Erika replied.

She shows me a live feed of Pikoro through a rectangular glow of white light.

I see the Nether portal in Pikoro and Shad emerges from it.

"My relic..." Shad said.

He sees the demolished Pikoro.

"I can sense it's almost complete. Even though I still have the last piece." Said Shad.

He chuckled creepily.

"Irene, up to your old tricks. This will just make the game of finding it more fun. I won't stop until everything you love is destroyed." Shad growled.

He walked off and the live feed ends.

"Oh my frickin Irene.. this isn't good at all!!!" I exclaimed.

"You have to stop him." Erika said.

"Are you kidding me? Only APHMAU can stop him." I said.

"True. But if she were to combine all of the relics, she would have the power to permanently defeat Shad and send all of the relics into the afterlife. But before she would send them away, she would be able to grant one wish." Said Erika.

"Understandable. I'm gonna warn them immediately." I said.

"Good." Said Erika.

~~Dream Ends~~

I wake up to see the gang looking down at me.

"Aaron?" Aphmau asked.

I look at her with worry.

"Aph. Shad is coming." I said.

"What?!" Aphmau exclaimed.

I get up in my feet and everyone looks at me.

"We gotta stay on guard. We can't let him kill you babe." I said.

Aphmau hugs me and tears fall from her face. I looked to Other Aphmau.

"We understand. But right now we gotta get Haley." Other Aphmau said.
