Chapter 101: Saving The Loved Ones

(Lucinda's POV)

I followed the gang into the Nether fortress. Thank Irene we got Maria back since Ein crafted an Anti-forever potion. If he didn't, then we'd all be screwed.

"What about Melissa, Kawaii~Chan, and Kim?!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"You guys just keep fighting off those Shadow Knights. Me, Zane, and Garroth will take care of those three." I said.

Ein nods to me in support. Aphmau, Ein, Dottie, Daniel, Rylan, Maria, Other Lucinda, Other Aphmau, Other Garroth, and Other Aaron run off in the opposite direction as more Shadow Knights approach from the left.

Kim jumped in front of us in Shadow Knight armor, eyes emerald green, and filled with hatred.

"Guys, let me handle Kim." Garroth said.

Garroth takes a few steps forward and Kim tried to swing her sword at him but he dodged it.

"Kim, you know this isn't right! What would Ghost think of this?! She would be upset!" Garroth said.

"She is in that crystal bubble thingy and I don't care about what she thinks!!!" Kim exclaimed.

"Kim! Please remember!!!" Garroth yelled.

"NEVER!!!!" Kim screamed.

She charges at him, and pins him to the floor, choking him.

"Kim.... please...." Garroth cried.

I saw tears dropping from his face and Kim threw her sword to the other side.

"I.... I...." Garroth shuddered.

Kim readies her fist, about to make a punch.

"I... I love you... Kimmy..." Garroth said.

Just as she was about to punch him, she froze. Her eyes reverted back to their normal dark amber color.

"G... garroth..?" Kim asked.

"KIM!!!" Garroth cried out.

He gets up and hugs her and Kim hugs him back slowly, realizing what she's done.

"I... I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!!! I couldn't break free!" Kim cried.

The two get up.

"It's not your fault Kim. It's Shad's." Garroth said.

Kim looks at her attire.

"Ugh. What am I wearing?" She asked.

I pulled out my staff and casted a spell. The armor on her transformed back into her normal clothes. She was now wearing wearing a white jacket with dark blue pants and white shoes.

We saw Laurence jump down by us and he charged at us.

"DIE!" He yelled.

I froze him in ice with my staff.

"Not today." I sighed.

I noticed a stair way up to the roof to get to the hallway where Ghost is at.

"Come on! KC and Gene aren't too far up ahead!" Kim said.

We followed Kim and she began to question Garroth.

"So you really do love me?" She asked.

"Yes! I've been single for so long it's time I get a girlfriend, right?" Garroth asked.

"Right!" Zane said.

I smiled. When we got up to the third set of stairs, there was a passage way that was about a few feet away from the final third set of stairs.

I saw Melissa jump down in a superhero landing pose. She stood back up in Shadow Knight armor. Eyes emerald green and filled with anger.

"This ones on me." I said.

I put my staff away and I walk closer.

"Lucy..." Zane said with worry.

I ignored his response. I cared more about Melissa right now. Because... I love her.

"Melissa... please... you know this isn't you..." I said.

Her face turns from hate to concern. I stop just about two feet away from her.

"You believe you're whole reason here is to serve Shad but that's not true. You follow your own destiny and you like me." I said.

She leaves me silent and I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Deep down you know this isn't right!" I exclaimed.

"Get off." Melissa said lowly.

She pushes me off of her and I fall to the ground.

"LUCY!!!" Kim exclaimed.

"I'm fine Kim! Just don't intervene!!" I exclaimed.

I looked back and she walked over to Garroth and I looked back at Melissa.

"It's hopeless. Give up already." Melissa said.

"NO!!" I exclaimed.

"What did you say?!" Melissa exclaimed.

"I said NO! I won't stop fighting for you! Everything I do! I do it for your brother! I do it for me! I DO IT FOR YOU!!" I yelled.

Melissa charges at me and she's about to punch me.

"I love you... princess..." I said.

Before she could even punch me, she stopped. Her eyes turned back to their regular gold color. Tears swell up in her eyes.

"Lu... Lucy...." Melissa cried.

She and I embrace into a hug.

"I'm super sorry.... I could escape from it...." Melissa cried.

"Shhh... I'm here...." I said.

I continued to hear her cries.

"I love you, Melissa." I said.

"I.... I.... I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!" Melissa cried.

She and I now embrace in a kiss. Once we stopped kissing, we got up on our feet and we heard Gene and Kawaii~Chan's giggles from above. Then Melissa looked at her clothes.

"Ugh! Red and black is NOT my style!" Melissa complained.

I pulled out my staff and casted a spell to turn her Shadow Knight armor back into her normal clothes. She was now wearing a white crop-top with a pink jacket and blue jeans with white shoes. I put my staff away.

"Now THIS is more ME!" Melissa said.

We looked up to see the last three steps of stairs.

"Come on! We've gotta save Kawaii~Chan!" Kim said.

We then walked up the stairs as quickly as we could and once we got to the roof, we were face to face with Gene and Kawaii~Chan. She was in Shadow Knight armor now.

"Lucinda, let me handle her." Zane said.

I nodded and he walks slowly up to her. Gene takes a few steps back so he can watch the scene unfold.

"Kawaii~Chan.... please.... fight it...." Zane said.

Kawaii~Chan didn't listen to him. Her eyes were emerald green. She drew her sword, charged at him, and swung it at Zane but he dodged the attack. She punched him in the stomach and he grunted in pain, making fall a few steps back.

"Zane!" I exclaimed.

"Lucinda, just stay back!" Zane said.

I had to listen to him. I didn't wanna make matters worse.

She ran at him and tried punching him but when he punched her in her shoulder, she got more angry. When she tried to punch him with both of her fists, Zane grabbed her fists with his hands just before she could even it him.

"Kawaii~Chan, please stop this!" Zane begged.

She kicked him in between his legs and kicked him to the ground, making them 6 feet apart from each other. He gets up and Kawaii~Chan walks closer.

"Kawaii~Chan, please, I know you're still in there. Please just fight back." Zane said.

She charges at him and tries to punch him.

"Kawaii~Chan! Please, remember me!" Zane begged.

She punched him in the chest.

"I'm Zane! I'm your boyfriend! Shad is controlling you! You need to break free! Please don't let them win!!" Zane yelled.

Then she kicks him to the floor and starts choking him.

"No..." Kawaii~Chan said.

Zane removes his mask, revealing his small freckles on his face. Tears swell up in his eyes.

"P...please..." Zane choked out.

Kawaii~Chan kept choking him.

"I.... love you.... Nana Ashida..." Zane said.

What? Kawaii~Chan's real name is Nana Ashida?? Hmm... it's a cute name, but I wonder why she never told us her real name. But either way, I'll still call her Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan's face went from anger to shock and she stops choking Zane. Her eyes changed back to their normal orange color. She hyperventilates.

"Z— Zane?!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.

She and Zane get up and embrace into a hug.

"KAWAII~CHAN!!" Zane cried out.

Tears fall from Kawaii~Chan's face.

"I... I'M SORRY!!!!!!!" Kawaii~Chan cried out.

"It's okay.... I'm here..." Zane said.

She and him smile and stopped hugging. I saw Gene get mad.

"Yeah, just for now." Gene said as he drew his sword.

I drew my staff and I readied a spell.

"STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!" I yelled.

A blast of red and orange light bursted our from my staff and it hit Gene, making him fall of the edge, and fall to his demise.

I heard the faint snap of a bone and I looked down to see Genes lifeless body on the ground.

"Well, that takes care of Gene, Laurence, and Zenix." I said.

"Yeah but what about the others??" Melissa asked.

I saw them over on the right fighting Shadow Knights. Kawaii~Chan looked at her clothes.

"Ew! This is not my kind of look!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.

I casted a spell to turn her Shadow Knight armor back into her normal clothes. She was now wearing a pink shirt with black pants and white shoes.

"Thanks Lucy." Said Kawaii~Chan.

"No problem." I replied.

"Come on! We gotta help the others!" Melissa said.

I followed Melissa, Kim, Garroth, Kawaii~Chan, and Zane to where all the Shadow Knights were at fighting everyone else. I hope they're doing better than us right now...
