Chapter 18: Emmalyn

(Kim's POV)

After Aphmau got Aaron up, me, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, followed Other Garroth, Other Aphmau, Katelyn, Alina, and Lilith to Emmalyn's house. Aphmau and Aaron followed us too. I had the real fragment hidden in the medieval fanny pack I found the other day. But Ghost told me that the name Emmalyn... feels familiar to her.

We arrived that the house and Other Aphmau began knocking on the door.

"Emmalyn! Emmalyn, are you in there?" Said Other Aphmau as she knocked on the door.

She stopped knocking. No response.

"Odd. Emmalyn always answers the door quick when you come knocking." Said Other Garroth.

Other Aphmau began knocking again.

"Emmalyn! EMMALYN!" Other Aphmau said.

Aphmau began to have a worried expression.

"What if Evil Zane got here first?" Aphmau asked.

"Stand back! I'm going to break down the door!" Other Garroth said.

"Aaannd the door scheme begins..." I said.

It wasn't long until a blonde haired woman with glasses opened the door. That must be Emmalyn.

"Emmalyn... thats..." Ghost told me as she took over for a brief second.

"Can you guys KEEP IT DOWN?! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A GOOD BOOK!!" Said Emmalyn.

Other Aphmau said that she was worried about her. When Emmalyn saw me and Aphmau, she began to question things. Other Aphmau told Emmalyn about how me and my friends are from another world and Emmalyn began to understand.

We entered Emmalyn's house.

"I hope you don't mind. I gave the girls some cookies." Said Emmalyn.

"We don't mind at all." Said Lucinda.

"Well... yeah. But the reason we're here is because we need to check on the fragment." Said Kawaii~Chan.

"Yes." I said.

I hope the fake fragment wasn't shattered yet. Ghost took over my body because she needed to tell me something.

"Emmalyn.... that's... my name... my name is Emmalyn." Said Ghost.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Ghost is actually another Emmalyn. But.... you know.... a ghost. I understand that Ghost was Emmalyn in her past life, but I'm just gonna call her Ghost because I'm just gonna get things mixed up if I call Ghost Emmalyn.

"Is everything secure?" Katelyn asked.

"As ever. If someone wants this, they'll have to pry it from my COLD. DEAD. BODY." Said Emmalyn.

"Uhhh.... don't say that Emmalyn." Said Aaron.

"Well... you staying alive is most important to all of us." Said Aphmau.

"Oh, wow! Thank you Werewolf Aphmau. Then I'll gladly give up the fragment of it means... you'll be happy..." Said Emmalyn in a sad tone.

Other Garroth spoke up.

"Have you managed to find out any info about this fragment?" Other Garroth asked.

"Unfortunately... no. Kenmur went to the Meteli library to try to find more books on the Shadow Lord and fragments... but... well... you know how people love to burn information..." Emmalyn explained.

Aphmau sighed.

"Great..." She said under her breath.

"Well... where would we even begin to find books about Shad?" Lucinda asked.

Kawaii~Chan looked to Lucinda.

"Probably not in this region." Said Kawaii~Chan.

Aaron sighs.

"I need to know more about him." Said Aaron.

I look to him.

"You very much don't." I said.

I looked to Emmalyn. It's obvious she has the fake fragment. I need to tell them about the real fragment. I spoke up.

"Guys?" I asked.

"Hmm?" Katelyn questioned.

"About the fragment... the one Emmalyn has... it's fake." I said.

"What?" Other Garroth asked.

I pulled out the real one from the fanny pack.

"I used Lucinda's staff to duplicate the fragment. The one Emmalyn has is made of glass. I only cloned the fragment because I didn't want the real one falling into Evil Zane's hands." I said as I confessed.

"Oh! You wanted to outsmart him. Didn't you?" Other Aphmau asked.

"Yep." I said.

"Clever..." Kawaii~Chan added.

I'm surprised Lucinda wasn't mad at me for this.

"Now, to give this to Dot—" I said but I slip.

I slipped and fell on the floor. The real fragment flew out of my hands and hit the floor, shattering to pieces. I get up to see the multiple shards of the fragment in a tiny pile.

"Oh no..." I said worryingly.

A glow of red and black light emerged from the shards of the fragment. It then shifted into a piece of Shad's relic. It was the green center piece.

The piece quickly flied towards the door but instantly stopped. The floating piece turned to Aaron. It teleported to him. Suddenly the piece of the relic glowed in front of him and got absorbed into him.

Aaron's eyes went wide eyed as the piece of the relic went inside his chest.

"W-wha...?" He asked.

"Oh..." Lucinda said.

"My...." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Irene...?" Aphmau asked.

I got concerned.

"The power of the fragment shifted into the final piece of Shad's relic. And instead of going back to Shad, it went to Aaron. I think it might be because Aaron is a descendant of Shad." I explained.

"Uhh.... that... makes sense..." Katelyn said.

"MAKES SENSE?! The power of a madman is inside me! And it's probably mixed with my Ultima power!" Aaron exclaimed.

Aphmau places a hand on his shoulder.

"Aaron calm down." Said Aphmau.

I wasn't long until Alina said something.

"Wow! Pretty fairy!" Said Alina.

We look to the window to see a small pixie flying in front of the window.
